Play Civilization V.
Hag - Place triangle at loop = free hit. Good luck if you get hooked in basement. Twins - Relies completely on slugging and camping. Trickster - 0 counterplay in nearly all chases. Nurse - Ignores the rules of DBD.
Simple. The game punishes you for being good at it. Nobody likes to sweat in a casual game like DBD and ontop of that BHVR enforced it onto us indefinitely and alot of my friends just stopped playing killer because every single match was unfun for them.
Shreds Solo queue survivor teams. Gets shoved in a box (pun intended) against coordinated SWF.
ormond has a ton of super safe rock/mega jungle gym loops all close to eachother in a big rectangle outside of the main building, and gen pressure sucks as well
Probably mother-daughter ring and the green talisman addon.
How Dare BHVR make changes to Killers, why can't they just stay the same forever? REEEEE
It’s a shame that Red Rank killer gameplay is unfun, maybe if it was more bearable you’d get more Red Rank killers
Play both sides for once. I’m sick of survivors complaining about killers who tunnel when the killer has to or say that the killer is camping when there’s a survivor running around the hook. If you played killer you wouldn’t complain about this as survivors. I also wish killers wouldn’t be ######### for no reason. Now, play…
Hate: Hag Huntress Deathslinger Freddy Don’t enjoy: Ghostface Trapper Spirit Clown Doctor Meh: Legion Wraith Plague Nurse Myers Enjoy: Leatherface Oni Demogorgon Pig Billy
Cursed Legacy. Oni single handedly reinvigorated my interest for this game for atleast another few months.
Exactly! If there were things for outright removing DS it would be unusable, the only thing that should shut off the timer completely is getting into a locker. Everything else should just get slowly chipped down to make it less of a free timer.
Maybe the reason why Decisive Strike is discussed a lot is because it’s potentially the best perk in the game, still. A free 60 second timer to repair a gen to 80% for free, or make dumb plays in the killers face and get rewarded for it. I play both sides equally and I think Decisive Strike is the best perk in the game,…
What are you on about?
Here’s a 100% legitimate fix to DS to not make it an immunity perk. Each time the killer hooks a different survivor, timer is reduced by 15 seconds If a survivor does any action during the decisive timer (healing,cleansing,repairing,mending etc) the timer regresses double the rate. Getting into a locker will immediately…
Ah yes don’t tunnel even though I chased a completely different survivor, downed him, hooked him and then came to pick up the other guy only to get 59 second ds’d. Darn, shouldn’t have tunneled.
Plague. I play solo survivor and everytime I get a plague I deeply sigh and patiently wait for the 2 minute cleanse so I can go afk and make a sandwich or go use the bathroom because it’s already over by then.
Oni and Leatherface. Oni In his power is arguably the 2nd or 3rd strongest killer in the game, he shuts down a lot of loops and strong windows and can chain down and snowball insanely well with Infectious+Monitor. Leatherface is enhanced incredibly well with PWYF+Nemesis combo, and most people never expect it, so you can…
Mains. Survivors who act like they’re gods gift and think everything is sunny and happy, when it’s not. Killers who act like it’s the end of the world every single game when gens go fast. Just move on, it’s normal DBD. Too much complaining from both sides when it would be better if we all just got along and worked together…
Freddy isn’t overpowered, he’s just incredibly boring. Chase survivor, walk to loop, press M2 on both sides and you win the loop. (Unless you’re at a Matt Walker window) Hook someone, see someone working on a gen with BBQ, PGTW the gen, chase the person and rinse and repeat. He needs something in his kit toned down.
Because it’s a killer issue, and it doesn’t affect survivors.
Leatherface. Nemesis+PWYF makes him an actual threat and if played well can do some serious work. He is the best user of Nemesis+PWYF combo. 90% of Leatherface players have given him such a bad reputation with face camping that nobody bothers to see the actual power of the Killer. Also he’s very fun when you’re trying to…
I don’t see how people hate playing killer lately, besides getting shafted by matchmaking and going against those teams. I do play survivor but I find it extremely lackluster and boring these days ever since the ruin nerf. Contrary to popular belief, I actually enjoyed red skill checks, because they actually took skill and…
When I got into DBD, I watched Monto and No0b3 mainly for fun, and when I wanted to start learning I watched TrU3Ta1ent. With the games current state there’s no point in taking it seriously anymore so I just watch swordbro_streams (he facecamps with insidious leatherface) otz, and ScottJund. I can’t stand watching…
4 Killers surviving against 1 Survivor.
The only problems I’m having with are bad map designs, they are the real killer. I also went against a tournament squad today and I wanted to die :’)
Oni. Going against that absolute unit is always fun for me and hearing him stomp towards me is so b@dass. Also hearing him use his kanabo across the map in his blood fury is terrifying. Too bad gens get done too fast to have a proper game against killers
Omg the Devs are buffing weak survivor perks!!1!!1!1!1 Devs Survivor sided1!1!1!1!!!1!1!
Killers really not all that bad. The only problem Killer has at the moment is getting really strong survivor teams which is bound to happen from time to time. If I’m being completely honest to you, most killers I have seen on here are completely overreacting to the Ruin nerfs. Ruin needed change, but I will admit that they…
I mean it’s pretty fun walking to a generator across the map and it gets completed before I can even get to it and later find out that they have prove thyself. But yeah
No. Maps just have no business being 12,000 Square Meters when 70% of the killer cast moves at 4.6 meters per second with no mobility. Generator speeds are fine, but toolboxes definitely shouldn’t be a thing, as well as perks like prove thyself. Survivors should have true secondary objectives as well instead of “lol just…
Remember when everyone was complaining about going against Nurse every single game? How times change.
You mean survivors doing their only objective? I have been playing survivor all day and I personally think that they should rework the emblem system or fix the generator speeds. The game simply doesn’t last long enough to have a “drawn out” game to get unhooks and healing and multiple chases.
Yeah it’s decent until Nancy with Inner strength spawns on it across the map, cleansing it in the first 30 seconds and then you have 2-3 wasted perk slots that were there to make ruin “decent”. When I see people using new ruin it makes me laugh because in my opinion it’s a wasted perk slot, even on high mobility killers.…
We’re still here, we are just phasing around the community ;) If I’m being completely honest, the sound issue has really overstayed it’s welcome but it also has made me better at tracking with grass, blood, corn stalks brushing aside, and figuring out how scratch marks work (when survivors try to muddy their tracks) I…
Nobody likes hag because she’s boring. Her power is literally designed to camp certain areas and hope people step in your traps, and also totem camping hags literally make me fall asleep when I play survivor. You also can’t chase well with the hag, she isn’t designed for chasing, but patrolling an area of the map and if…
jUsT pReSsUrE gEnS LoL jUsT aDapT aNd PlaY bEtTeR yOuR jUsT a bAD KiLlEr /s
Making billy a 110% killer would make him very loopable in chases. He has a chainsaw yes, but as a 110% killer he’s never going to chainsaw you unless you make a mistake, which happens less as you get better. So if billy was turned into a 110% killer, in high ranks against decent survivors it would be an easy win.
He’s overrated, he has map pressure but against survivors with a brain he’s never going to chainsaw anybody and he will just get looped, like an m1 killer. He is just another killer than relies on mistakes.
Just pressure gens LOL
BHVR pulled a Thanos and snapped away half their killer playerbase with these changes. Most of us already left, some of us will finally leave as is the saying, the straw that broke the camels back. Playing in Red Ranks was already rough with ruin, but now without? What hope do low tier killers have? Everyone's saying that…
Agreed. Also your PFP reminds me of the last thing that was genuinely fun in this game, which was Oni. But Ofcourse, killers aren’t allowed to have fun so they immediately nerfed him. Sad
It’s already op enough that killers can walk, like #########. Having perk slots? Jesus
Yeah, it's looking like that for me too. When they nerfed Oni immediately after he was released, it killed the light I had for playing this game inside of me. It took what was left of the fun I had of playing killer and snuffed it out. They obviously don't want killers to have fun in their survivor game, so why the #########…
Exactly. I love how they decide to nerf a hex perk that often gets cleaned 1-2 minutes in red rank games instead of Addressing the 1413443905 crutches that survivors have. Great game.
It is quite boggling how they keep choosing to nerf killers instead of addressing the amount of control survivors have already had over the game, pretty much since it came out. Their prioritization of survivor>killer has really made me play this game less and less, and with this update I’m probably going to move on and I…
Clown gang rise up!
How is it Killer sided? Please explain to me how the game is killer sided in Red Ranks, where more than half of the games is a sweat fest. Just saying it's "Killer sided" doesn't show much, especially with how much INSANE bias the recent developer update has shown towards survivors IE Doctor being "frustrating to go…
Go play a day in Red Ranks and tell me that the game is killer sided again.
Ruin is relevant so you can get your gatekeeper emblem, without it against good survivors you’ll probably have no gatekeeper