Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • 110% killers usually don’t chase survivors the same as others. You can loop 4 or 5 more times around certain places because of this speed. But if you use PWYF and get that extra movement speed your basically have a permanent tier 3 miers whose even more powerful.
  • Another post about iridescent hatchets. How original. Can’t wait for the next rant about NOED, been too long.
  • They tried totems to be like a second objective, but survivors don’t always see that, hence the complaints about NOED. Someone said that finding fuses for the gates would be a good bonus objective.
  • On the asylum there’s a window in the conservatory bit that survivors often loop (has a tiny drop, the bit with the green window frames), as as killer you can actually jump off the balcony and lunge attack through the window from the outside. Demogorgon’s lunge doesn’t remove stacks of save the best for last. A fun trick…
  • As stated in other posts, don’t camp, tunnel or be toxic. Moris and add-ons are fine, you’re not here to spoon feed them victories. The best games come from the ones that are tense and fun. I get the occasional thank you message for not camping or tunnelling. BUT, if survivors are being too altruistic in front of you such…
  • I think the Devs commented once saying they didn’t want futuristic/alien killers since it would look out of place. Deathgarden is a good place to go if you wanna play as a futuristic killer though haha
  • I think, based on the lore, any survivor from the past or present would eventually figure it out. They’d just keep dying in the entity’s realm until they learned themselves or through another survivor on what to do. I would rather keep survivors modern though anyway, would feel a bit silly to see a Knight, Cowboy and IT…
  • People who say she’s easy to play are the ones who run in a straight line from me.
  • Thana and sloppy is a must have in my opinion. Thana slows them down, so they have to heal, but sloppy means they have to spend ages healing themselves, or waste time finding another survivor. Ruin complements this because the survivor then has to waste time healing and letting that sweet 200% regression rate swim. Last, I…
  • If you’re playing for fun; Ghostface is great since it makes the game more about jumpscares if you play it right. I main Oni at the moment and have a lot of fun, usually stomping 4Ks every game at rank 1. He’s enjoyable but takes some getting used to. That being said, it’s become almost mandatory for BBQ & Chili on most…
  • Since Legion got nerfed, survivors moved onto the next thing they could whine about.
  • Don't need it. I play killers and survivors based on how they look, not who they look at.
  • Leave as soon as you can, say GG, move on.
  • Too powerful in my opinion. Survivors will cry if I am that strong.
  • Nice bait attempt, but this fish ain't biting. Wish I could say the same for the other fish.
  • Nurse is fine, but I admit a couple of specific add-ons do make her very difficult to dance with. What I like about her is the fact she promotes stealth, Tru3Ta1ent also has a lot of videos against high-prestige nurses where he makes mince-meat out of them and he's not even a good survivor. What I like about her even more…
  • Trapper. Can't enjoy a good chase without clenching your butt cheeks and praying there isn't a beartrap between you and that vault/pallet.
  • Moris are fine, is it really the end of the world if they stay the same? They already got nerfed once.
  • Freddy's change only changes affects Freddy. Quentin's perk effects survivor as a whole, ain't fair in my opinion.
  • It's gotten to the point where I get a DC more often than I don't. My ping is good, survivors just want easy games as the guy above me said. DC'ing became a little more rare for me at red ranks.
  • It definitely feels like it.
  • What do you mean? Survivors get just as much visual and audio telling as Spirit does. Terror radius, phasing sounds when she is outside of the terror radius, red stain etc. The reward for risk is equal on both sides, if a Spirit uses her power and the survivor manages to avoid getting hit, that's like 30 seconds of a…
  • I haven't used NOED in ages, but it's fair, it's not even a "crutch" perk. It was a "crutch perk" back when exposed status was more rare, but now we have Myers, Ghostface, Leatherface, Hillbilly, Iron Maiden, Rancor, Redhead's Pinky Finger, Devour Hope etc. One-hit downs are not rare anymore, and everything that applies…
  • So why nerf it even more? You just defeated your own argument.
  • Killer main here. Survivors don't deserve longer gen times because that would be so boring for them, that's reasonable. The game really needs a second objective after gens, like placing fuses in the exit gate switch.
  • Spirit is one of the most balanced and fun to play as/against killers the devs have released. She requires a lot of skill to use effectively at red ranks. She has strengths and weaknesses. She promotes mindgames, which you genuinely have to be experienced with the game to understand, mindgames are the most balanced element…
  • Batman: Arkham Origins Multiplayer, the only multiplayer where I KNEW I was one of the best (The competition was about 80% teenagers). Basically, there are 3 teams. Joker's gang, Bane's gang and Batman & Robin. The two gangs have members of 4 and need to kill the opposing gang and eliminate all their lives. Batman & Robin…
  • For me, it feels like the problem with Legion is his ability, more specifically what it does upon hitting a survivor. I have always viewed it as a way to apply pressure to survivors by forcing them to mend, but it just seems like the time to mend without add-ons is too short to make it worth while. I like the idea, my only…
  • Survivors cry for nerfs waaay more than killers cry for buffs. Survivors: Nerf Nurse, Hillybilly OP! NOED OP! Killers after DS nerf: ....Buff Ghostface? A buff doesn't mean it becomes more powerful than the opposition. A nerf (based on devs previous nerfing experiences such as Freddy and Ghostface) quite often means it…
  • So you want a perk that counters slugging AND more? That's like having BBQ reveal survivor AND blocking all generators for 16 seconds. Perks and styles of gameplay work in some ways and negate others, that's how it is and should remain. Nobody wants perks that counter more than one style.
  • Nope, Entity put me there to kill. If I have a cypress mori, I might even drop the survivor close to the hatch to begin crawling, just to mori then before they get to it. Works great with moris that involve dragging the survivor back such as Wraith or Legion.
  • Bring the classic Iron Will, bam! She can't hear your cries of pain. Then you have a good selection of perks that counter her, my personal favourite is: Quick & Quiet, Dance With Me, Lithe. Quick & Quiet so she doesn't know the fast vault you just pulled off. Dance With Me to cover the track marks, the only way she could…
  • Nurse is fine.
  • I know it's been ruled out by Not_Queen, but my most requested killer would be The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers. Yes, yes, I know we refuse to give money to the sex-offender, but there has already been a debate about who actually would profit from including the Creeper, and he might not make a single penny from it. I…
  • Nice idea, it's really solid! I thought of maybe a perk where all totems are 'blocked', much like the generators can be. When the killer hits a survivor, the totems become protected by the entity for five seconds. However it only lasts for 5 seconds but does reset the survivor's progress on the totem, meaning they have to…
  • If you have a perk like insidious, you have to respect camping, there's a few situations where camping is more than fair, it's a legit strategy. The first situation where I think it is fair, is when the generators are powered and the killer has just hooked someone, especially if the killer is having a bad game. The second…
  • Picture this: You start the match, hungry for a win. Your Hex: Ruin, designed to buy you match time, is destroyed about 20 seconds into the game, you've just completely lost one of your perk slots. You find a survivor, immediately, they run to a pallet, the looping begins. This survivor knows how many loops they can do…
  • Might as well remove the killer's ability to close the hatch, because if the doors always spawn too far apart then the killer can't win unless he's lucky enough to spot you AFTER closing the hatch. Way I see it, you've got 3 ways of escaping. Run for the hatch Bait the killer to search for the hatch while you camp a gate…
  • Well said, I think all my killer builds involve Ruin because you have to be crazy not to take it in red ranks. Spirit Fury + Enduring are almost a must have as well since Ruin usually vanishes instantly and survivors have become way more capable of ignoring Ruin anyway. There's simply not enough time in a game to NOT use…
  • Why do people use mettle of man, or borrowed time, or carry insta-heals when they are experienced survivors? Oh that's right, because it works to their advantage. Just like ruin.
  • Ruin, Monitor and Abuse, Enduring, Spirit Fury Ruin - Best perk for killers still, it explains itself. Monitor and Abuse - Lets Legion get close enough to see survivors, often before they hide, also buffs his ability by revealing survivors further away. Enduring + Spirit fury: Classic combo since Legion is now an effective…
  • We need the Creeper from Jeepers Creepers. I don’t care about the director being a sex offender, the idea of the monster is still awesome. He could be so terrifying.
  • Hex totems are getting an update, so there’s a tiny bit of hope. What are the changes? They will now spawn much closer to walls and other objects, thus making them more hidden. The spawns themselves don’t change however they will be much more concealed and survivors are more likely to miss it unless they properly check.…
  • Still a winners attitude in this regard, I am content with that. Also, you could not possibly know that. Since you don't know how they behaved in-game. You didn't agree with the post, so you thought of something negative to say, accurate or not, I will allow it.
  • I've never personally been affected by toxicity, when I speak, I speak on behalf of other killers who would agree with me. As the printscreen shows, I am quite happy to throw dung back at the dung throwers. I've never seen survivor mains cry about toxic survivors, so i'm not sure what you did there other than state the…
  • Have not considered intentions, just know some killer mains out there that would appreciate this haha
  • If you think a game would go from playable to unplayable for this particular reason, that's not common sense and logic, the people who frequently play solo would merge with people who accept that they will still play the game solo. No need to answer about the satisfaction since the game won't get "destroyed", moving on.…
  • It does matter, the forbidden fruit is the sweetest. No pleasure in being toxic if you lost.
  • Fair enough, on the bright side, I managed to wash my hands with this bunch.