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  • If 3 survivors do nothing but let their teammate run killer and rush gens during this time, it is entirely their own fault for not doing bones. As to the Candles in basement I will also remind you KILLERS do not have this information naturally (They need to run a perk to get this info). If something like this were to be…
  • Hes an M1 killer with insane mobility between loops. Yes his power is UNDENIABLY useless inside of a loop. But if the survivor makes it to the next loop without getting injured or downed you are doing something wrong. In most cases if you loop well you can down them after a single loop because they cant run between tiles.…
  • There already is a totem counter, Small game, just because its not meta (and admittedly a weaker perk IMO) doesn't mean you cant use it. It does exactly what your asking for, it helps you find totems. Sadly its really not your fault if you were running the killer, its on your teammates to suck it up and look for totems…
  • Nurse because the mindgames are fun an I really enjoy them both when I pull one over on the nurse and the nurse manages to pull one over on me (former nurse main).
  • I mean you dont need unbreakable to make Dstrike valid. As long as you pay attention to lockers when being hooked and for general map awareness, you can rush to a locker after being unhooked and sit in it forcing the killer to either camp you, or leave you. Not to mention if the killer camps you, you can further mindgame…
  • Y'all need to stop necroing posts just let this one drop its from July of last year.
  • He said specifically after the exit gates are powered, not in general. It should be fine IMO but its a little... complex to write out in a perk description.
  • While I realize this is a bait, Just gonna drop a fun build here: Noed/Bloodwarden/PWYF/BBQ, its especially fun on trapper due to how traps interact with PWYF and the obsession. Or the meme version NOED/Devour/PWYF/BloodWarden. (24% Bonus speed if you hook someone during NOED at 3 stacks of PWYF and 2 stacks of Devour. Got…
  • Gen Pressure! Gen Pressure! Gen Pressure! Seriously though especially when your building up to rank 1 its a good idea to just run 4 gen denial perks and work on your looping/chasing skills. Dont worry about any exposed perks as they wont help you at Rank 1 (unless your talking Noed/Bloodwarden which is cheesy but viable,…
  • Wait What!? Also. I'd have to say Bond. Meet Mirror Myers but passive.
  • As to gen rushing I'd more describe it as a scenario where the killer doesn't apply the proper amount of gen pressure for the set of survivors they are facing. Its generally a good idea to start off the match with maximum gen pressure in mind, while most lower rank survivors make the mistake of immediately getting off…
  • If you tunnel off hook your playing killer wrong. Unless your running an endgame build with Noed/Bloodwarden you should spend your time pressuring gens while someone is on the hook, as this maximizes the number of people off gens at a given time. Tunnelling off hook means if you were actually applying gen pressure you must…
  • Yeah hes virtually unplayable without at least the common trapper sack. He needs +1 Trap baseline. Even if we nerfed his sack addons to give 1 less bonus trap each it would make some other addon combinations more viable, like my personal favorite Honed stone and Considerably Darker traps (Yes i'm a monster) As to the…
  • Actually there's one small mechanical thing that puts a glaring flaw in your plan, and is likely why the key portion of your reworks have not already been implemented. As a function of the game when there are two survivors remaining and 1 is removed from the match the Hatch opens. This means if one of two survivors uses a…
  • Keep in mind After game bonuses dont stack multiplicatively, IE BBQ +BPS + Event Cake is only 300% this would work the same way. For a Killer it would be 100% +75% for three empty perk slots. The bonus shouldnt be affected by addons or offerings. The same applies to survivor items/addons and offerings. It should be…
  • No we are talking about the real 360 macros that mechanically make it impossible to hit due to the momentum system with the camera and tracking. You cant lunge because they can exploit a flaw in the lunge system if they are a certain distance away when they activate the macro, they effectively get Invul frames without…
  • Personally I see no issue with deadhard its exceedingly easy to counter as killer and its rare a survivor can pull it off correctly unless they are deadharding into a pallet (or much more rarely a window, thats hard to pull off!). Like its a mediocre perk all the killer has to do is chase you for an additional 1-2 seconds…
  • Well just throwing this out there cause a lot of people are saying "Nothing can be done." There are a few simple mechanical changes that can be made to actively punish camping within the game rather than a killer's emblem progress outside of the match. For example Entity Progression could be reduced by 33/50% while the…
  • I mean... Actually. You could just make being near a hooked player for X amount of time within X range start draining your Sacrifice BP in addition to your emblem progress (Which no one even notices especially at low ranks where camping is most common). In addition to this while the killer is within 16 meters of the hooked…
  • Okay so first things first. He made some significant killer errors. I feel no need to point out when and what as plenty of other comments already have. I'm sure at lower ranks these mistakes are much less severe and punishing, however when facing a competent team at higher ranks they can punish such mistakes accordingly…
  • Personally I would Replace Boil Over with DS/Soul Guard. If your good at pretending you have DS then Soul Guard but most killers will just pick you up and hook you making all 4 of your perks irrelevant the majority of the time unless your playing with friends or altruistic teammates. Technically Soul Guard has the same…
  • Sprint burst and Determined (or whatever that +20% walk speed Nancy perk is called). Feel free to combo it with DS + Unbreakable and you've got the mechanically best survivor build out there. Personally I prefer Inner strength and DS for the selfheal to keep my Determined always active. As long as you've got an eye for…
  • The hit is fair, its hard to tell because of the particular window, had it been a normal window rather than a drop window it would have been far more obvious that the hit was warranted.
  • Deathslinger has some major issues at high skill levels. Its possible to fire his gun without even triggering the animation if you press both buttons at the same time or have high latency (at least before the new Latency system... we will see) I think if a nerf were to be applied it shouldnt be much aside from limiting his…
  • Well I'll admit I skimmed the majority of the comments on this but I didn't see anyone particularly mention the business aspect of why this works the way it does. Ideally the majority of the community plays survivor, this is required for the game to function without outrageous queue times for everyone involved. For every 1…
  • While I freely admit I skimmed much of the discussion, I'm strongly in agreement that this is NOT a legendary skin. What defines a legendary skin is a unique Voice, animation, (or weapon type as some had suggested above with Oni's Secondary weapon being the same in every skin). To call certain skins legendary and make them…
  • Switch killer/survivor here. Play both in the red ranks. Really as a killer I have one issue with second chance perks. Specifically DS, its a fine perk it prevents tunneling to a degree. What bugs me is when survivors with DS think they are invulnerable and just run into your face to bait you to down them and pick them up.…
  • Sorry, let me clarify. I mean when a pig uses dash attack against a survivor who is exposed via Noed, Devour Hope, or some other exposed perk IT WILL NOT down them from healthy, it will only damage them. Deathslinger who hits someone exposed via Noed, Devour Hope, or another exposed perk during a reel attack DOES down them…
  • I opened a discussion about this earlier. Obviously most of the changes here are bigger balance changes but I would like to say something that 100% should be added. Dash hits should trigger the exposed status (As in instant down survivors who are exposed). It currently DOES NOT instant down survivors who are exposed…
  • Edit: Eh I had a few more suggestions but i didnt like them so i removed them from this post!
  • Not to get nitpicky. *Nitpicking intensifies* But actually you can get up to 32k without killing a single survivor, if you abuse the endgame collapse hooks. Its hard to do that without actively farming however as most people see someone get hooked in the endgame collapse and go "Well you're dead, peace m8" (actually even…
  • I'm Gonna skip most of the discussion to answer the first question here. Because at pretty much purple up every killer knows Dstrike. So if you PRETEND to have dstrike. Killers will slug you and wait (or just leave you in a locker if you can manage that) rather than pick you up. The threat of the perk is more valuable than…
  • While its not unfair I'm in complete agreement with Mister_xD Its just not fun for the hooked person and rather infuriating as there are a specific set of perks one must buy/run to counter this. And if you don't want to buy Dstrike then you have to hope and pray whoever unhooks you has BT. Generally a good tip to avoid…
  • Look regardless of what you think of Noed as is, If it were to change I would love to see any one of these ideas they are well balanced and both less punishing to survivors while more rewarding to the killers. In particular the best idea by far is the first one, although if i may personally tweak it.. Once the last…
  • I would say its definitely not intended, considering you CAN hit people vaulting windows with this ability (in fact vault hits are generally the easiest for low rank Pyramids to pull off). I can't see why they would intentionally treat pallets differently granting invincibility against this ability. Sidenote: Did Pyramid…