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  • It's happened a couple times to me now, last time was just now. I was playing solo queue survivor, normal matchmaking with crossplay on. The loading screen was for loading into the match. Some extra info: Took about 8 minutes before someone dced, I'm assuming it was the killer since I could still see the ping of all the…
  • You could wait until rank reset so the adept is a little bit easier, since you need less emblem points for a double pip.
  • Isn't huntress's lullaby a ring? I remember people using monitor and abuse with her because it would mess with people sometimes.
  • Before hatch always spawned when there was one survivor left it was really easy for the last survivor to hold the game hostage unless you had whispers. I'd rather it stay.
  • The worst part is when scratch marks just dissapear when a survivor goes around a sharp corner. I know at least 1 place in pig's map that consistently has that issue. I've also had issues where scratch marks lag so they don't appear behind a survivor for a couple seconds and make it really confusing when you're going…
  • I had 2 people accuse me of speedhacking as Charlotte when I had no perks or addons equipped because it was my first or second game. They were purple ranks too so I don't know if they just didn't know her power or if I just got bugged. Weird thing is that I've been accused of it before but that was with pre-rework bubba.…
  • I believe killers already have to accelerate if they change directions or anything. Like you ever double back and swing and the lunge seems shorter? Or you miss a hit and immediately try to lunge and it ends up a bit short? Not sure about survivors though. It would be interesting if survivors had to worry about it too,…
  • Depends on if I've got friends online. If there are any, well usually do some swf. If there's more than 4 we'll do kyf instead. Otherwise I'll just play whatever role has the better queue time.
  • I think scariest thing for me that I can remember is this one David that kept running into me when I was playing a short killer. I would get so scared I accidentally hit him. Just getting an entire camera full of davids face when I can't even hear him.
  • They said they're changing it because of how it works now with dedicated servers compared to peer-to-peer connections, so I'm guessing it's not getting nerfed or buffed, they're probably just fixing the "I'm exhausted on the ground" situation. Or I could be entirely wrong and they do something big with it
  • For that interaction it basically changes from "at least 1 survivor left this gen sometime in the last 8 seconds" to "at least 1 survivor left this gen exactly 8 seconds ago". I think it may be a better change because now it's more consistent for figuring out when the survivors left so you can judge how much distance they…
  • The reason it's possible is because the timer starts after the survivor is unhooked, so you could have hooked a dude up to a bit less than 2 minutes ago and they could still have ds the next time you down then. And they'd still have 2 hook stages (counting the third hook) left before they die. 3 minutes if their teammates…
  • It's a bug, sometimes you'll see a killer or survivor in a lobby who has no perks even though they equipped them and used them in the match. I've played killer and had other survivors as well as myself see I have no perks, and I've played with friends as survivor who had perks equipped then it didn't show what perks they…
  • I think this is similar to the bug I just posted too. I didn't get a video or pictures unfortunately.
  • I thought I felt the slow effect longer because I wasn't using reload addons like I usually do, but it did seem kinda weird that it felt like it lasted so long after the bar was full.
  • Ace for survivor, and I play every killer I think, although some more than others. I usually only play at most a couple hours a day now but I always seem to play plague at least once. Puking is just too fun.
  • no u It's the ultimate counter. Depending on level of salt I add a Ha gottem Sometimes instead of those I'll just reply with gegz and immediately leave
  • I had that bug against a nurse, it actually happened to 2 people in the same match. We were both David's too. Our bodies went through the floor and just fell forever and our camera were stuck on the killer as if we were being carried. It was a couple patches ago so not sure if it's the same bug. I didn't dc until egc…
  • Also plague already starts with one pool now so you don't need the Apple.
  • I don't like the nerf because by the time you pick up a survivor, carry them all the way to a hook, and maybe kick a pallet or gen in that time the aura reading is already basically over. By the time you walk over to that gen (because maps are so large it takes like 30 seconds just to cross the map anyways) you won't be…
  • I've had some natches where I've not even made it out of shooting range and someone unhooked so I just did a 180 and shot in the notification bubble. I'm usually hoping I get the unhooker but sometimes they don't even want to body block.
  • If they were playing with other friends and just spectating/waiting, it's possible the penalty was over by the time they checked if they had itm, since the timer starts once you dc, not when the lobby is closed. I know the one time I dced because of a bug I stayed to chat for a few seconds and my penalty was already almost…
  • Maybe they can rework clown like freddy, give him a few addons that change his power to Molotov cocktails instead of fart clouds.
  • I think it would be fair, kind of like how they changed it so killers loadouts couldn't be seen until after the match was over. Like sometimes I wonder why was this person over here doing this thing when they couldn't have known it was important to be here, they didn't even have any info perks.
  • The only ones I hate on both sides are probably the indoor maps, and haddonfield. Lery's and Hawkin's because as survivor I can never find generators, and as killer when I'm like 2 feet behind a survivor they'll turn a corner and their scratch marks will dissapear all of a sudden and now I've lost them because there's so…
  • I think it a bug with all killers who can break pallets with their power, now it prioritizes the pallet over the survivor even though before usually sometimes you would hit the survivor, and sometimes even break the pallet at the same time, which was actually intentional. At least one of the devs said they liked it I think.
  • I don't like using it because half the time the bubble from the generator being completed blocks the survivors auras and the other half there is more than one gen completed at a time, so with both of those issues you get like 2 uses out of it in the entire game instead of 5. Also the fact that it procs after the gen is…
  • Plagues pools do the same thing
  • I used to play both sides equally ish, maybe a bit less killer when killer queue times were terrible, but right now I'm basically only playing killer because survivor queue time has been terrible for the past couple months at purple and red ranks, and games are too short to deal with it. I don't get too much time to play,…
  • What if they added an effect to the current boil over, where the survivor and/or killers aura is shown to all survivors while the survivor with boil over is being carried? It would probably make it better for flashlight and pallet saves. I'm just not sure if the killers aura should be seen too, or if that would be…
  • I've used it against friends who are rank 1 survivors usually while doing kyf sometimes, and it's so fun hearing their confusion. They always take so long to figure out what's going on. And it also works well when they try to sit on a gen while your cloaked. They do like using flashlights though and the stun bug where you…
  • Sometimes I use bamboozle with this to delete windows too. But usually with it I'll use brutal, pop, nurses, and used to use ruin but now I'll probably use devour, whispers, or discordance. Save the best for last sounds good but I don't like using it for killers who don't have an alternate attack because the obsession…
  • In my opinion OoO is more devestating against freddy and shows up enough at red ranks to make me consider always using the blindness add-ons. But borrowed time is pretty powerful in the end game though. Either way it's a choice between one or the other when changing how oblivious works.
  • It would also be a buff to freddy because then you wouldn't need to use blindness add-ons to stop people from seeing you all the time with object of obsession when they're asleep.
  • Can anyone test for me when survivors get notified ruin is active? I'm wondering if it'll be as soon as they start touching a gen or as soon as they let go. If it's the former then rip ruin even more, although you could just tap the gen to get the notification either way.
  • I managed to get this challenge too, but I felt a bit scummy. I was playing instasaw billy, Billy mostly because he's the only killer with mobility that I'm comfortable playing with, for those survivors that decide to be petty and run to the other side of the map so you can't hook them in the basement. I ran the instasaw…
  • I've gotten every non-licensed killer besides oni with shards, and Adam and ace with shards. I've also bought every licensed dlc besides the saw chapter (maybe on my birthday?). I have 750ish hours in the game, I feel like I got a good value out of the game, and I may actually have too many killers to play now, since I…
  • Before devour hope had exposed at all tiers I liked to keep it at tier 1 because I usually used it for daily moris and didn't want survivors to search for it early.
  • I feel like people always forget that legion gives information, which is pretty powerful in its own right. Like if really useful for knowing if you have to defend generators without actually seeing or hearing them. That's what he does better than hillbilly. Unfortunately perks are a thing so Billy can get information…
  • Its weird that this has a cool down because it has limited uses too. You can only use it when you hook people and that can only happen 12 times, and most of the time even if you 4ked you wouldn't have hooked everyone 3 times, like you may never hook one survivor until theyre the last one, so you really only got 9 uses out…
  • Autodidact depends on how the killer plays. If they don't hit anyone but who they are chasing and never leave a chase, and never slug anybody because they immediately pick up whoever they down, you won't get to heal anybody until you unhook them. Then at that point you have no stacks so you have to heal them for longer,…
  • Do styptics still remove 25% of charges now? It doesn't say it in the description. And if that's the case, you can still hit a great skill check if you're lucky to get one, and save the medkit to use it later.
  • I have the same problem with empathy, it gives me so much information on what everyone is doing, and also lets me have fun while doing gens by watching someone do some sick jukes on the killer half way across the map.
  • Maybe somebody with distortion was healing them? That's all I can think of. If we're thinking about cheats as a possibility, is there a hack to block your aura as survivor?
  • Maybe ds should work like an exhaustion perk. Or maybe like adrenaline where it exhausts you after you use it but it works if you're already exhausted.
  • I believe hindered from the huntress and clown addons, and maybe one from hags addon, give a -5% movement speed rebuff.
  • Ace because he always smiles For killer I still haven't decided yet. My favorites are legion and doctor. Legion because it's just fun stabbing a bunch of people, just wish they maybe brought back speed addons or buffed how long you can be in feral frenzy, sometimes survivors are in the 4 corners of the map and you can only…