The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • Before i go on a rant i do have to say "face" camping is often caused by the survivors themselves. The easiest possible games you can have as a killer is vs altruistic lemmings. Like someone will go for a save immediatly, obviously, trade, then the survivor that just got unhooked will "loop" around the tile near the hook,…
  • Noooooo problem, here's how you fix it.... since dev's only seem to know how to "fix" problems via perks and not gameplay changes, give us a Blood Echo style perk that pops all gens for ~10% on hook.... then ~10M bp a piece so we can get it on every killer and done, people will now go for hooks!
  • Wraith isn't.... Demo, i dono, he got really good in 4.7.0, i'd place him above Freddy, like Lifeguard Whistle is basically gen teleport but with a shorter cooldown. Now they re-nerfed some of his buffed addon's and ######### knows anymore but they're veeeeery close.
  • You don't really need balanced landing to run the Myers house forever..... and i think the configuration with the god window on basement is high enough for "great height"
  • Yeeee the one killer i bother with Ruin on is Hag (and i prolly want Rusty Shackles that game to). Totems are just to stupid easy to break and as we've "seen" recently (ba-dum-tish) with Lethal Pursuer Totems Spawns and Survivor spawns tends to overlap..... ALOT. You'll see alot of people prolly in the thread parrot "hurr…
  • Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah had a team of ... people with names written in cyrilic (just in case naming the nationality counts as "naming and shaming" <_<) use this , BNP's, a key and the bug where you can't pick up someone off basement stairs intentionally against me like a week ago. Need i say they all escaped?....
  • I mean i wanna vote "yes" just to reduce some bloodweb bloat but i don't think that's what your looking for... I'm fairly curious what rank you play at and if Insidious is actually a problem at those ranks cos the last insidious "camper" i saw was like a lvl 20-30 PH who prolly thought he had no better options. This is in…
  • Is there a "aw heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell no" option?
  • Ow boy, lot's to unpack... 1) Camping and Tunelling are hardly the same thing if only because the devs have given you many tools to counter it. The only trully dangerous camper i'd say is Bubba and if your 3 live poeple, with 5 gens done vs a Bubba "camping" the only objective he has left, just take your W and leave....…
  • Mark my words, Sloppy / Coulorophia is gona BE meta someday once bhvr finishes "adjusting" all the slowdown perks, it's stupid OP vs survivors that can't loop for 5 minutes on one health state.... @OP yes it's possible depending on the survivors calliber, USUALLY it's easier to win vs very altruistic survivors but if…
  • Eh Noed is different can of worms, baby killers often use it cos it's a universal perk and they have nothing else / it sounds powerful. On the other hand there's stuff you can build that's endgame geared, Remember Me, No Way Out, Blood Warden, Noed. Is that also a reward for playing poorly or a playstyle sacrificing…
  • Honestly i'd prefer they compensated via rift fragments like they did during the aniverssary stream rather than extend it. More cosmetics ASAP please!!!! (really hoping for a twins skin in the next rift , the current offering is kinda, meh)
  • It's a one shot killer.... do you also go for saves vs an active Noed then complain about it? Honestly i kinda wish deep down all killers got noed if the game is in the ECG and within like 10m of a hook for 30+ seconds. The situations where you get a hook on 5 gens and 3 survivors just swarm and body block is.... wrong…
  • I mean the "kill switch" to UB / DS used to be called Momento Mori but aparently killing someone on Deathhook is to "toxic"...
  • Wasn't pausing the hook timer tryed for like a week or two and survivors INSTANTLY abused it by looping around the hook? Bhvr need to get it into their head allready that survivors arn't scared of killers , in fact some only play for the chase.
  • depends how fast it happens. If someone dcs like 10 seconds into the match i'll try and get the survivors out asap, not farming. If someone ragequits cos he got downed on the first chase within like 10 seconds ill either 2 hook everyone and let them go or just 3 hook. If someone ragequits late just play normally.
  • BT UB DS say hello. On a more serios note i play something like 70 - 30 Killer - Survivor split and i've been facecamped and most of the time i'm happy to be tbh. Either i have competent teammates that can save me and even DC the freakin killer sometimes, or i have competent teammates that stay on gens, open the door then…
  • The map itsself is one of the smallest there is it just feels bigger due to the navigation, however it's relatively easy once you get the hang of it. There's regular stairs on oposite sides, i think basement is allways under one of the stairs to. On the other two sides that don't have staircase, there's a ramp behind a…
  • I mean ... teeeeeeeeechnically we didn't pay for the map, it's in the rotation for everybody, tho personally if we ever got any "serios" rank changes like a map BAN or two per side, ow i'd ban RPD every game. Survivor or Killer...
  • Eh.... embarasment? confirmation bias perhaps? Definetly not Frustration, i was happy that Mother's Dweling sized INDOOR map got delayed O_O.
  • Ow you're gona love this licker tongue adds..... 0.15 seconds of hindered , for a grand total of 0.4 seconds... nwm the fact that the Hindered status effect is even applyed is not mention in the Power tooltip, alot of poeple on PTB were looking at licker tongue going "wait , when do i Hinder survivors?" .... And it's the…
  • Were Gona Live Forever + For the People + Soul Guard + Unbreakable (yes picking yourself up counts as well), you'll loose but you'll get the challange done...
  • No no, i understand, what you're saying, Holding W is easier, but based on your examples literally the only single killer that isn't "anti-loop" is MYERS?! Cos he can't stalk you if you keep breaking LoS but he CAN stalk you if you run in the open. Hence you're argument for survivors not doing the hold W thing is for every…
  • Ok lumping in Trapper and Trickster in with Nurse? Also you're complaining TRAPPER is to strong at anti-loop...... TRAPPER?! Confirmed.... suvivors just want M1 no power killers they can loop for 5 minutes *face - palm* And as far as Doctor goes the power has a stupidly long delay before exploding AND slows him down. It's…
  • Honestly i think ONE of many problems is bhvr keeps trying to fix problems with perks and not gameplay changes (leading to more grind but that's another can of Dragon sized Worms...) Like since Nem came out there's this interesting build going around Eruption, Pop, Thrilling, Corrupt. It's ... quite good, i've been playing…
  • I mean..... Nurse and Spirit sure, but most killers arn't "unloopable". VS Nem and PH for example you can just play them like a Huntress mindgaming the power. You can get several EXTRA loops if you read the killer right, it's an extra layer of mindgames really beyond your basic 50-50 the moonwalk (ow wait dead hard, so not…
  • I mean "Hold W meta" has been a thing for a while, and only really Blight Spirit and Nurse can compeete. Hell blight is 90% an M1 looping killer but his map mobility puts him in S. Billy would be A/S if we could still Spam chainsaw, also due to mobility. It's honestly boring and uninteresting and it makes me wish we had a…
  • I mean... it's kinda hard to see how they'd even nerf him. A tiny "buff" to zombies, aka making them smarter would be a start but considering how bouncy Blight is i'm not holding my breath. Also removing the speed boost on infection...
  • I mean mobility is like half the reason they ARE S tier. Like blight can't shut down a loop like Nurse / Spirit can but you're also forced to loop him or get run over.... That's not gonna change tho ... unless bhvr adds a stamina system or something....
  • Depends how many people are using it and if Ruin is in play ofc. Personally i've moved away from Ruin / Undying to Corrupt / Pop on just about every killer since 9 outa 10 games Ruin will pop before the first gen does so it's also very anoying. Problem is if enough people are using it the 28 seconds you loose can pretty…
  • Sooooooooooooooooooooooo 90% of the roster? =)))))
  • Eh, eruption has been pretty hit and miss for me. The "problem" with it is that it's 100% dependant on your skill in chase.... in another game i'd call that good design but you can easily find 2 survivors on a gen at the start with like 2% progress on it, kick the gen to setup eruption, chase one, who procceds to pre-drop…
  • Riiiiiight... most of 20-80 player base is killer mains.... Beyond FAQs and mods (specially with the recent autoban "disscussion") repeatedly stating it's a valid way to play, and not reportable, watch any competitive DBD and you'll be amazed how much of that is "camping" and "tunelling". Like you'll litterally hear the…
  • Sure again, the thing about PH is that vs a good survivor you kinda MUST shoot it throgh walls, as it's fairly easy to dodge within the survivors LOS. The only time your hitting on PH is either in animation lock or through walls. Also i feel his power slows you down more on a miss. Nem on the other hand is ... relatively…
  • i mean i dono if i'd put him A or B tier but bottom 5? neah. For one you're overselling how good holding W is, something that works against... 20ish killer on the roster? Also something about the zombies i've noticed is that YES they land hits fairly rarely, but i've gotten alot of value out of zombies from suvivors just…
  • Ye i know about the sliding, but i'm sliding off stuff i wasn't yday .... as in LITERALLY hitting the broad side of a big red barn head on and sliding along it.
  • He's definetly fun! Good? eeeeeeeeh questionable. He's obvious weakness is the whole 3 hits thing and the zombies are RNG. Kinda reminds me of Pig in that regard. I've had epic moments where a zombie was camping a vault and survivor went from healthy to down in .1 seconds basicaly from tentacle and zombie hitting…
  • You're point is sorta irelevant i think. Chase perks arn't really meta right now, running standart slowdown perks isn't really an impediment in you learning tiles and mindgames and "getting better". Also the way you apply pressure doesn't really change, it's just numerically more efficient with a meta build. You can be…
  • Sluzzy is that you? On a more productive note i'd call him a less sweaty, more fun to play PH.
  • Sooooo an addon that's a waste of BP is a fix?... oki then. Not that current Iri head isn't a waste of BP....
  • As if bhvr would ever do something as silly as make the grind easier....
  • Ow yes the 60 seconds of total invulnerability got "ruined" ... and we're not complaining about BT itsself idealy it shouldn't even be a thing outside brown ranks.... The "problem" with BT is that's its supposed to be an anti tunelling wich at red ranks is allmost never used for that. The only time BT actually procs for me…
  • I meeeeeeean. Having an actual balanced match where people actually try to you know... play instead of going "lol, it's a [Not blight / spirit / nurse], time to go on an adventure!" and having more games be a 2k instead of 0 \ 4k, sounds fun. However, after 5 years , psychologically speaking, once MMR is fully live, ranks…
  • I mean.... beyond the obvious... the obvious one speaking as a killer main i refused to play because toxicity and now playing more survivor games i can see how horrible SHE is... I do enjoy playing vs Blight, Huntress even Nurse, because as a killer main the whole game of "ok i'd do X in this situation, lets see how you…
  • Weeeeeeell , while there's some good advice in this thread and it will certainly work, my advice is... DONT. Loosing the killer in a chase can sorta be detrimental if he wanders off and chases your teammates off of doing gens. At low levels you'll get tunelled or face camped, once you start climbing ranks it's rare for a…
  • No no, most SURVIVORS don't know how to "use" her ambush at loops aka, just.... run away... don't try to outsmart yourself, if Pig is crouching at a loop just... say no. And that's the biggest issue.
  • I mean.... if it wasn't on Pig it'd be a problem but considering it's on a killer generally considered very weak... shrug? It's frustrating, played vs a Pig with Crate and essentially searched 5 boxes and died (searched 4, on the second box i got hit and run at 99% progress....) but again It's pig. We kinda excuse Pig RNG…
  • Pretty much the laziest way they could have reworked it. Useless now, like 80% of the Iri addons.
  • Well if bhvr is scared they'll loose player from the game if they reduced the grind they've not so much made a game as they have a skinner box... People past the ~2k hour mark essentially have infinite stuff and they still play to 3,4,5k+ hours. More so for survivors, since the survivors are just skins essentially. Once…
  • That makes no sens tho...... right now reporting anyone does literally nothing. The only way to get a hacker banned is to submit video footage you as the player recorded, via email for a physical person to , at some point in the nebulous future review. And not you saying after the auto-ban sytem.... we still need video…
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