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  • Tbh then the survivors weren't that good and you got a good map
  • Sorry but there is no fine line between the two things you said. There is a fine line between playing the game in ANYWAY and true griefing. the problem here is survivors think that if they're not having fun then they are being griefed when really the killer is just trying to win. it becomes a farther problem when in order…
  • I don't know how long you've played the game or if you've played at high level. Not high rank. I'm talking about all skillful players. it's true most of the true nurse players have stopped playing but that was long before the nerf and more due to boredom. Consider yourself lucky you haven't played that much. To be scared…
  • Nurse is still the best killer in the game. Even with all the bugs. You just haven't run into a good nurse. I'm not talking about a nurse player that was decent with her before her nerf. I'm talking about the player that could 4k half asleep using only shadowborne against almost any good swf. B/c they exist.
  • Only if the huntress is pretty good. And got a good map. And survivors are bad. Those 3 things are a must for a "free win"
  • Nea is a straight up #########. There is a second door though. And hatch
  • I'll stand up for it. The only nerf it needs is a distance restriction to the one shot. Say the size of her tr. Yes I know the combos you can do with different perks. That would be fun but also not the bs of being right on your ass getting chased and she pulls. Also a good deterrent for taking certain windows at distance…
  • The game has been like this for a long time. Survivors and killers both using whatever they feel is necessary to counter what the other might have. It's the presence of these things that instigate the hatred for the other side. Or more precisely the behavior that comes with using these things in a manner that is supposed…
    in Why? Comment by Hunter__ April 2020
  • The timer needs to be lowered to 25/35/45 seconds and the perk should deactivate if the killer hooks someone else or gets an additional 2 downs. Or eats the ds ofc. I say this to cover unsafe hook saves where your downed instantly. Then your savior is downed and hooked quickly you should still be able to use it. But then…
  • What you did was justified. The survivor tried to bm you to grab your attention. She was entitled to think that once she had your attention that she wouldn't keep it from being an #########. I don't tunnel ppl for forcing a locker grab unless they do explicitly what you describe and for the reason I've stated. Keep at it…
  • Situational. Referring to what killer With the skill of that killer With the skill of what survivors On what map With what map rng With what perks With what addons With what items
  • Yes. Before I would get 1 or maybe 2 lagswitchers in a long gaming session. Now it's almost every game dedicated screws me up in some way. I'll never support people dcing but the penalties shouldn't be in place in the first place b/c there's too many consistent problems where ppl get dc'd by the game being broken and a…
  • I have a rework for you. Take it off hex perk and make it last 2 minute like old school. Combod with new endgame then it could be fun. ;)
  • Haddonfield.ugh
  • Alright. That particular scenario is just a killer being an #########. Yes they expect to have survivors throw themselves at the hook to make an opportunity to get some sort of snowball. Just bang out gens and make sure you get all 5 totems b/c just face the truth. Killer like that, prolly has noed.
  • Killer here. Just to say keep bringing all those items. The more flashlights the better. The more people trying for saves the less on gens. Plus if you think blinding at pallets will help you escape you obviously don't know about scratch marks and ears that ppl have. Please stay and don't create any distance! Toolboxes…
  • The only p3 I care about when I see is Legacy. I immediately throw on double cooldown Billy (cuz i might miss a few) with streamers and as long as the map doesn't cuck me too hard I know we'll have a fun game. or if they fake... They die first and get a reportin'
  • Yes. They made toolboxes useful for sabo only. Or to do 5-10 % of a gen quickly. BNP'S basically do the same work of a basic toolbox in only a little less time. with the nerf they need to bring back insta bnp. Like start chasing a survivor. They stop next to an untouched gen teabag then instant gen pop. People would really…
  • Care not about survivors - rep bs. Play to win or have fun. Nothing else should matter unless you feel like it should. Remember this is a video game after all.
  • It's a strong loop. Survivors got lucky with rng. Deal with it. They need to bring back more double pallets any way.
  • Talking about balance is sort of pointless when your referring to an asymmetrical 1v4 game. What I see from that clip is that for whatever reason killer had a bad first chase. Looks like suffocation pit. Maybe killer incorrectly chased a good survivor at the main building. As huntress they shouldn't have had that much of a…
  • Alright... There are no more second chance perks in the game. They've nerfed them all. Second chance is something that gives you something for free with no counter play possible imo. I feel like I can give several examples of this but it's already a TL;DR for most haters. Please take a moment to think about the perks your…
  • Whenever you want. Its always at your discretion. Unless they have keys B/c keys exist. why not.
  • Hex Totems explode when you finish cleansing them, don't get yourself killed in an explosion.
  • Deuces crying survivor with over 3k hrs.
  • @Runiver Jeff actually got the answer for me yesterday. The TR effect will stack as consecutive 90% are hit.
  • I like it. It should be considered. It's strong but not stupid powerful. Great idea @DirtyNurseMain
  • What he said. But stable ping is better overall. Rather stable and high than erratic and low but the best is a stable low ping.
  • I do agree. I do like the map but with huntress it always feels like I'm in need of a locker more so than other maps.
  • Playing killer high rank is cancer and as you may not want to hear it or keep playing killer you should know that unless you want to take on the hardest thing in this game regularly and subject yourself to the frustrations that come with the imbalance's of the game you shouldn't play killer. Every single killer game i go…
  • Wait, you would have lost if you died? You did over two gens saved how many ppl and you didn't pip. Your problem is your associating winning with surviving. If you did all you said than you surely pipped. Which means you ranked up. You won that game. Even if you had been killed, you would have still pipped. Your under the…
  • Explain how I'm wrong. The killer has advantages b/c of patrolling/searching speed. Obviously he does and he should. But the hatch spawns in an unknown place and the survivor finds it first to be able to leave. That's RNG based. Your wrong. Your argument is because it's unfair that's not right. It's unfair to killers that…
  • It's not a matter of what's deserved or not. Do you deserve to escape b/c of what you did and the skillful way in which you did it. Sure you probably do deserve it. But as long as the hatch is there for you to escape and the ease in which you can b/c of rng then its only balanced for the killer to be able to just as easily…
  • Your kidding me right? For real joking??? It's fair and balanced b/c hatch could have easily spawned right next to you while looking at her. The fair part is in a situation based on rng like hatch spawn it WILL screw over one party, there's no escaping that fact. The killer is supposed to kill you and you are supposed to…
  • Yeah I know. Normally I play high rank and ruin is either gone in 15 seconds or while I'm in chase with the first person. If not then the players will just do the gens a little slower or hit greats and still be about 80 seconds. Ruin is to stop the ones not willing to push through it and they'll find it on their totum…
  • Again, yes the animation would help delay but the fix is to force survivors to deal with Ruin and not just delay. Good idea and it should be implemented as a QOL change but do I need to go on for why the skillcheck needs to occur. Ruin as a perk should only be counterable by destroying the totem or getting great skill…
  • That would do nothing to stop gen tapping. It would just delay it a moment. The only way to counter it would be to have them deal with the effects of Ruin, via a skillcheck. An animation at the start should also be a thing but that's more of a QOL fix that should be done for killers anyway.
  • My argument was about balance. Based on rng if he came across the hatch first he gets to go. If he doesn't and the killer does then based on rng it's that much harder for him/her to survive. The 4th should have a chance but that chance shouldn't be a completely free escape without any work. Balance. If rng can screw over…
  • This was implemented to remove the pickup vacuum. It was intended to dick over killers and they're not changing it now.
  • The messed up hit boxes aside, as long as the survivors have so many chances in the game to get away from a killer, to not get hooked, to have them be up and running and fully healed via a little distraction via flashlight and then a ultra rare add-on syringe which could come mid chase. There are so many other things that…
  • Yes. I as well always wondered why there wasn't and exact timer or proper moment when it activates.
  • Clown is way to weak. His power is a joke. Which is fitting considering he's a clown. People who are intoxicated need to be unable to vault, pallet slam, use items, repair gens, and heal. Then he could be considered same tier as Doctor. As it is he's currently down there with Freddy, Trapper and Wraith. "An m1 killer who's…