When people are leaving the ship it's already too late for that. They must act NOW when they still have a playerbase.
Did you put your GameUserSettings.ini in read only by any chance?
How has this not be addressed by BHVR yet..
I can confirm this Bug. Happend to me 2 times already during public matches. I can also confirm that it seems to happen randomly at different sections of the wall. I tried to recreate it in a custom lobby but out of 20 trys or something it never happend. However when it does happen it is actually game breaking as the…
Honestly? No. Why tho? I remember exactly one time it worked against me and that was when i didn't knew it was a thing. Since then they are basically giving me free hits lol..
wdym? hook RNG on midwich is still super dumb. what does hook spawns have to do with 3 gens?
Dredge's nightfall gives me a headache.
I wouldn't be too sure about that.
That's called input delay and nothing that can be "fixed". You can reduce the input delay by disabling v-sync and unlock your framerate via gameconfig.
Sure. And while we at it, let's remove all perks from the game since everything is getting basekit anyways.
I always thought NOED was healthy for the game. I just love when you gotta be super paranoid when the last gen pops and you try analyze the killers movement speed. "Oh #########! I think the Killer is faster! Or is he..? Yeah im sure.. Maybe..?"
Don't like bright maps.
I think he's weak but his nightfall gives me a headache.
Yeah. I actually start to hate bloodpoints because i know i gotta spend them at some point.
32m tr - 4.4m/s - limited range - bad addons landing skillshots often don't reward you because of the breaking chain mechanic i used to play him alot but not anymore
Survivors tend to throw the match for this kind auf challenges, so i don't mind really.
I just think you should lose stacks with M2 attacks too.
Has anyone figured out what X means?
I honestly don't understand why the forums is not flooded with posts about cheaters. For me the whole situation feels out of control and even worse than we had half a year ago. I can't be the only person that gets cheaters back to back. And no im not talking about "oh i think this nea is a little too fast but i can't…
lol pressue does not exist with these stackable healing speeds
I do believe it's too strong. It should be a high risk high reward perk but i don't really see the risk aspect of it. Sure you do loose the stacks if you don't hit a great skillcheck but until then most of the time the perk already gave you alot of value especially combined with stakeout so it doesn't really matter. And…
here is my counteroffer: we delete nurse and everyone has fun again
I know what you mean. I haven't seen a single perk from the RE or Pinhead chapter in the Shrine yet and at this point it really feels like a paywall. The Shrine concept in general also feels outdated with the huge amount of perks we have in the game. Once a week you have a chance of 2 of 100 killer and 2 of 113 survivor…
Nemesis Nurse Pinhead
literally every nurse i see: double range + stastruck + floods of rage + make your choice bUt sHE iS So hARd to PLaY 🤡🤡🤡
just let go?
Okay i absolutely did not read that line. I had a eye examination today and probably should not read the patch notes and then rant about something that got fixed LOL.
Dead Hard is not consistent enough for me. 50% of the time im getting hit validated by killers with McDonalds WiFi. A 500 milliseconds window in the current state of hit reg is a joke sorry.
It's the solo q mentality that drives me nutz. There is no doubt in that killers got significantly stronger but alot of survivors act like it's impossible to escape. It's not. In my opinion you just get punished much harder for making dumb plays. Stop unhooking in the killers face. Stop running into the killer just because…
Overcharge alone is not causing this. It's Call of Brine in combination with Overcharge. So Call of Brine needs to be kill switched and not Overcharge.. //Edit: Nevermind im stupid. That logic works the other way around. How do we decide wich perk had to be kill switched? lol..
First few days were bad indeed but i slowly getting better soloq games now it feels. Most of the time im loosing because my team (yes including me) is making dumb plays like unhooking in the killers face (seriously people stop doing this lol). I play both sides myself, more killer i would say and i think overall we got…
I just hate the Coldwind rework and Eyrie of Crows for that reason. They hurt my eyes.
Step 1. Put a TTV in your name Step 2. Have 1 viewer (including yourself) Step 3. Complain about stream sniping almost every TTV i see.
lmfao that was painful to watch
Feels like something we should have gotten from the rift anyways? Thats why we had so many empty levels in the rft? Lmfao.. Damn what a downgrade compared to the previous months that actually had somewhat nice outfits.
I swear if they make Haddonfield daytime aswell... Please just stop with the daytime crap.. I beg you. My eyes hurt from looking at the coldwind rework.
Well i have this issue now for little less than a year and yes, it does get worse with every update. Im at the point where i changed and tested every single component in my rig to exclude a hardware issue. The only thing i didn't do is changing my platform (AMD to Intel). And thats not all. I tested different bios…
Yay... Hey wanna watch me making a stupid decision? ..wanna see it again?
Defending a 3-gen only really works if at least one survivor is already dead. But if all survivors are alive, and assume that would be the case if the killer won't leave his 3-gen, then it's gonna be hard to defend it when they're not absolute apes. However there are a few maps for example Azarov's or Suffocation Pit where…
because playing against blights 90% of the time is so much more fun yikes
Uhm i still cann queue up with her?
out of 10 matches i had 6 autohaven mostly against blights. boring af.
Aren't BNP's bugged anyways atm?
Report them on Steam, that usually works pretty good and they ban pretty fast too.
Huntress on 4.6 m/s would be absolutely broken and she is in a perfect spot right bow balance wise. She struggles some times at high structures but thats more of a map design issue. Same goes for Trickster. Deathslinger on the other hand.. I don't know.. i do agree he needs something in compensation but again i think 4.6…
gg easy entitiy displeasy
Really the only thing about DMS i don't like that it can block a gen thats being repaired by two or more survivors if just one of them let go. And i would reduce the timer from 45 to 40 seconds or something, 45 seconds seems a little too long. But other than that i think it's completely fine. I just think survivors will…
When will people understand it's not the hatchet hitboxes causing this hits, it's the server synchronization and delay (ping) to the player. And the screenshot probably looks worse because the bloodsplatter will always stay at the position where you got hit while your character is moving.
Some guy on reddit said you just gotta play a match and you will probably get tons of pips so it will fix itself.