From a purely logical standpoint the only way to balance the game is if 4 survivor's working perfectly together win 100% of the time, any other metric skews too heavily in the killers favor, it's either only SWF wins every game or Killer wins every game against solo & SWF.
I'm referring to the rediculous three gens that are 10-20 feet apart from each-other and impossible to complete.
Three gen should be removed from the game, it's a holdover from the past, doesn't fit the game-play loop anymore and is too easily abused.
We cannot control when and who unhooks us, you can control who you chase. If it takes two hits to down someone go after the unhooker... and if you see someone who was just unhooked and is injured...don't chase them because technically they aren't injured ;).
All the more reason that Distortion needs a major buff.
With the addition of boons cleansing a totem that isn't a hex totem is detrimental to your team in solo queue.
I buy every Chapter even for killers and survivors I don't play.
Permanent Bond/Kindred/Empathy is the only way to bring solo up to swf. Unless you know exactly what your teammates are doing ie being chased by the killer, doing gens, hiding, ect there's no way to match the voice advantage swf brings by being able to simply tell teammates that the killer stopped chasing them and is…
Because most often with Survivor Escape streaks it's just 1 person who has to survive and get hatch while the other SWF sacrifice themselves so they escape.
Telling the devs you'll uninstall is a show of force, they can see your playtime, money spent ect and if you are a valuable asset to their wallet they won't want to see you go and concede to demands if enough "high value" players shelf the game.
If by interaction you mean hold W until I die then no it's more boring than doing gens.
If I'm not having fun anymore I'll just play something else simple as that.
This game is Deathgarden 2 aka Dead by December, I imagine an emergency patch will be deployed in August once BHVR realizes that 50% of their playerbase has dropped the game.
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that she's been grinchified.
What is the point of bloodpoints now that I have every perk on every survivor?
Agreed, I don't see the point to capping our prestige level. BHVR are treating this as if we played a beta to the game and need to be on "even-ground" starting out with our prestige level as if it matters lol
Pepperidge farm remembers when you'd get two outfits for a survivor each DLC. Funny how the timing of that trend ended when the in-game store was added...
It doesn't do enough imo, should be mute while crawling too. But to actually answer your question, it does more than the perk description leads on however that's up to BHVR to address wether the perk values should be changed or the description.
You're forgetting that BHVR are nerfing just about every meta perk, what's the point in p3ing Bubba for bbq when it's going to be a shadow of it's former self by the time the Prestige update comes anyways.
The new "rewards" aren't going to be worth grinding for so don't stress it.
There isn't going to be a grind anymore once the prestige update drops.
No every perk should be overpowered and worth bringing otherwise what is the fun in bringing a perk like Prove Thyself if you only end up finishing a generator a second sooner?
I would rather everything be overpowered than just meh to bring. Giving distortion unlimited tokens would destroy any killer meta around BBQ "shaking things up" as would cranking up other similarly annoying perks on the killer side that require arbitrary activation requirements. Another example would be a perk like blast…
Perk grind reduction and shared perk inventory between all survivors.
David would have been a good straight friend who supports someone like Dwight who literally has trapped in the closet memes.
I'd rather players be allowed to decide each character's background for themselves.
Feral Frenzy Wallhacks needs a counter like Calm Spirit or Iron Will. It's ridiculous that it can see you hiding in a locker.
For $10 each skin should come with an RGB slider that allows us to change the color to whatever we want. Not to mention OP's suggestion which I agree with, there should be a toggle for backpacks or other accessories.
Iron Will needs to apply when a survivor is slugged.
I miss old Thompson house.
I think they should revert the stumble nerf now that Haddonfield is finally getting a rework.
Distortion - It should just be unlimited to counter all the wall-hack perks.
Give someone an inch and they will take a mile on both sides. There was a time when Self-care, Brand New Part, New Moon Bouqette, Instaheals and D-strike were the end all be all of things that need to be nerfed for the game to be fair. But look where we are now, I can guarantee that perks/items will get nerfed so hard that…
I wish BHVR would be more transparent about the reason why it has to leave the game. I can understand if in their contract after Nov 17th they can't update the map to be compatible with new killers/survivor perks so they have to cut it loose but then how are they able to allow Demo/Nancy and Steve in new maps? The whole…
I'm a fan of Dirty Steve.
"Then after 3 hooks, 5 gens finished, they don't think 'oh, the killer had a bad game, let's just leave'. They stand there rubbing it in your face" Regarding this qoute OP, consider this as someone who primarily plays survivor but does understand how annoying it is to play as killer. We do not remember your steam…
Fog offerings are garbage now no point to waste BP or a slot on them.
But on a more serious note I think her eyes are giving her a weird look, they are prettymuch ice blue otherwise I find her likeness to be pretty spot on in comparison to Jill who looks like she has a child's face with a really small jaw and large forehead/eyes. Also Claire has the underbite in RE2 although it seems to be…
She got a dump truck booty I'm not complainin bruh I don't play her to look at her face.
Distortion 👏 needs 👏 unlimited 👏 tokens. 👏 Many killers claim they do not use BBQ for its tracking so it shouldn't matter, the perk is useless as it stands right now. If BHVR wants to push the meta then having a perk that counteracts a perk that is in arguably 99% of killers builds makes sense to me.
My problem is that they are not "upgrades" in the sense that there's nothing inherently wrong with the original models in regards to polycount or texturework. What BHVR is doing is entirely subjective and quite frankly after the animation and hud update I've come to realize that I'm not the kind of customer or player that…
Because the devs are obviously aware and going to fix it and the fact he still got a 4k means it doesn't even matter that 4 people were abusing a bugged perk since it didn't stop him from winning? If the devs thought it was such a big deal they would fix it which if I'm not mistaken should be fixed with tomorrows update so…
Killers get a 4k and still complain the game is broken 🤣
I don't like them
New Meg is ugly, if you don't play as her who cares what she looks like.
The Legendary Outfit system could work, just have a set for "Classic survivor/killer". It's up to BHVR if they want to implement it or not but it wouldn't interfere with anything like trying to have old medkit or generator models in the game would.
Distortion if it had unlimited tokens.
Devs need to nerf killers from hookrushing, downing a survivor should not be a guaranteed hook!
I like it, BHVR needs to shake up the meta, we need perks that actually change the game rather then be completely useless.