Played 8 games against Trickster and died once as a result of hook diving. One round was where killer got 2 kills, but most rounds ended up with all 4 survivors escaping. He is beyond trash, literally 110% m1 killer.
Why are Dead by Daylight mains so toxic?
For solo survivor its good feature.
I'm yet to meet a single console survivor that can run tiles optimally. All they do is fall over before the chase even begins.
Before BHVR changed the SWF matchmaking when survivor ques were good I didnt see this amount of boosted people in red ranks. What I'm currently witnessing is survivors play like its their first time ever playing survivor and have no idea even about the basics.
Depends how much you want to invest in learning the killer. Nurse is best once mastered. Freddy does extremely well considering how easy he is to play and Billy is great killer once you learn how to curve with him.
This is exactly why game needs dc punishment as there are people who think ruining games for other 4 people should be acceptable.
Just a bait guys, carry on.... ...all tho I wouldnt mind if both moris and keys got removed from the game.
Is any kind of Billy op vs good survivors? No Does decent Billy with insta saw or crack addons punish bad survivors heavily? Yes Basekit Billy is most fun and fair interaction between 2 sides there is so if you really want to nerf Billy then nerf insta saw and crack Billy, but keep the basekit as is.
Snares. You can play around fake pallets, but snares will win you the chase no matter how good the survivor is.
You have to remember this game is all about business. And currently there is no competition in asymmetrical genre so they can keep the quality as low as they like. Take internet providers as an example in USA, majority have only access to one provider so quality is as low as they dare to serve. While in EU most countries…
didnt notice thread was a necro, ignore my post
Blood Lodge is best Nurse map in entire game so I feel you absolutely should 4k everytime in that map and in maps like Lerys you should be happy to catch even 1 survivor. In the game I posted Nurse actually "won" the game at one point, but 1 Unbreakabill won the game for us. I didnt even get to use my Unbreakabill as other…
Few days ago I played vs Legacy Nurse with her best addons in Blood Lodge and 3 of us escaped as all survivors were good and knew how to split up. If survivors are bad you will win blind folded as a killer, but if survivors are even decent you will lose no matter what.
Maybe 1/20th of the games feel like they were totally out of my control from the beginning. But I see alot of mediocore killers blame it on genrush when they make multiple mistakes in every chase. Not sure what is considered Bullying?
Only 1 gen before first hook? When I get chased I expect at least 3 gens to pop.
If I had to use one of those two I would go with Discordance, but Whispers is much better tracking perk for Billy if you know how to fully take advantage of it.
I dont care what killers run as if noed gets more than 1 kills thats survivors fault for failing to act. On other hand when I see my team mate(s) running urban evasion / spine chill / self care Im ready to flip a table.
If they are brave enough to boop my snoot they get to live.
I consider 2 health stages as luxury and most of the game I go with just 1 health stage.
You will never learn if you never make mistakes. Here is a pretty solid guide how to get hold of basics.
Seems pretty normal.
If you ever forget a rule from the rulebook just visit any twitch streamer that only plays swf.
OP you are brave to play solo survivor without DS. I would never leave home without DS.
I personally want to leave the hook as chases are the most fun part for me. But when I hook this poor survivor and see 0 BBQ auras and scratch marks from 2 different survivors what am I supposed to do?
Mostly my team mates, rarely killer. I must say that after people started doing the key challenge the life of solo survivor has become much worse.
Nurse. Good Nurses still dominate, but your average Nurses dropped off as they got used to 5 / omega -blink.
New matchmaking will be the biggest band aid the game has ever seen. If there was a actually working system in place it wouldnt be hidden mmr.
I usually look at the whole situation of why I was left to go on 2nd stage. Was the killer patrolling near me and gens were at the other side of the map, if so I dont even mind if my sacrifice lets everyone else escape. But if I go to 2nd stage when killer is literally at the other side of the map pressuring all other 3…
Personally I have learned to play against Spirits and Doctors by playing then myself and learning what good survivors are doing against me. As for Nurse Im potato with her, but generally I try to keep getting distance from her while breaking line of sight.
Havnt seen Oni in 2 months in red ranks. Shows how op he truely is.
Nice stats sir. Now if only r20 team mates would stop running SC that would be great.
Yesterday I had Blendette cleansing 4 times vs Plague in first 3 minutes. Usually I can salvage something even with potato team mate(s) and I never rage quit. But that game was a test of will to not alt + f4
Every other patch bhvr breaks the sounds. Next patch we will see increase of Spirits until the patch after next breaks sounds again.
If there is a chance I can pull the save off I go for it, but I dont expect people to do the same for me as its stupid. Just few games ago pulled Borrowed Time + Deadhard save on endgame collapse and everyone made it out. What made it even better is that the killer camped since the first hook.
I know what you mean. There is a difference between Claudette and Blendette mains.
It's also getting pretty boring to go against r15 killers while being r1.
If sabo change goes live I would expect survivor ques to be +30mins during peak hours and weekend.
If everyone is good then Unbreakable is probably best survivor perk as killer has to slug to apply any kind of pressure.
Freddy and Billy are only killers that I play to begin with and I like to play fair. I only use "un fun" addons vs multiple toolboxes and key(s).
Otz did pretty solid explanation on all killer perks and rated them. Probably only thing I disagree with him is Spirit Fury.
Old Mori let you kill survivors before hooking.
While at it lets bring old Mori and BNP back.
Average game for survivor is even more 1v4 than it is for the killer so yeah I still find most rounds intense, but probably for wrong reason. Wish I could face good Billies all day long.
Nerf both to the ground, both are unhealthy for the game.
None as they are all mediocore at best and doesnt do anything niche like head on for example.
People have beginner friends and I can see why they agree on Ruin nerf, despite the Ruin wasnt a problem for them personally.
It wasnt issue for veterans and I would say that majority of people in these forums are above average in skill, but 99% of the survivors are so boosted that they probably cant even tie their shoe laces and as a result it was a good call for devs to nerf Ruin. Only thing was that they would have actually had to balance the…
We had kindred coming, but devs realized after that they would have to start balancing the game, so they ditched the idea.
They come naturally after living the Ruin era.