Why is everyone too stupid to read? The perk says it activates when downing a Surv with a basic attack. So how it should work with pgtw??? Please guys start using your brains... It says that the gens explode and then start regressing so for now I doubt that it actually works with any existing perk. Because they all require…
@Peanits is a PTB planned for this Chapter or will we just get a release?
Performance gets optimized more and more for consoles. Better matchmaking for all platforms. As soon as the next console gen hits fps isn't an issue anymore. DbD wants to consist for at least five more yers o they need to consider crossplay for the future or the game won't have enough players. Controls are only better for…
If I remember correctly everything that got leaked drops today but we will see
He will be as trash as now, he is the biggest joke in gaming history
Leave the lobby then this feature would kill the matchmaking in the first week after implementation. I know your issue well and it annoys me too but you need to sove it from your side
We will make it for survivors I don't think I have a favorite killer perk though depends on the killer I pick. Most used perk is Barbeque&Chili
SWF isn't that broken. Most swf groups are casuals that play for fun and those who aren't don't even need the communication to dominate as a team.
Would be great to see these as skins but it's very unlikely to happen. Maybe they surprise us though
Just no
and on the other side I desperately try to get out of the red ranks as a killer lol. Pipping on the killer side is good as it is, you would get bullied in red ranks anyway if you can't reach them now
@Shad03 no 115% killer needs his ability to kill at all the abilities of them just add variation to them or not? In which way their ability is comparable to another one? and I said the vault thing should be changed speed or animation I don't mind. It feels sluggish right now for sure, I think the duration is enough to get…
I like the idea but I think the numbers should be a bit lower to not make it to easy to rank up again, more like 25% or 33%
Plague had one but they released it the week before the mid chapter patch or at least I assume that this party pack was supposed the be part of the plague release at some point
@Shad03 I read the whole post, I have a lot of spare time at work lol I just think you all circling around an issue that isn't one. If you see his ability from a different view it works completely as intended. Track and hit, the ability is just not good to down survivors from a design point survivors don't like to get…
@Shad03 wait so you assume I don't play Legion? I play Legion and Spirit mainly and that's why I always have to jump into discussion like this one. You all just say Legion is worse but they aren't at all. I explained why legions power still works fine. I needed so much lesser words to explain why they didn't even changed…
@Shad03 And I say that's bs. Feral Frenzy still does it job fine, injuring survivors and tracking/ hitting multiple targets. Besides that you have a better mindgame potential then before (115% movement speed). Legion didn't get robbed in any way and his ability is still working fine.
Where are you from, if you don't mind to answer that? Wait times are fine for me on PS4 even if I play quite late, my only issue is that I get dodged a lot, but I can't blame the game for that. Also if you play solo survivor try to queue through the swf lobby heard that this helps if you have long waiting times as a solo…
@Gorgonia whats pim, pam, pum in english? Name sounds funny
No other killer can find survivors that easily and injure them. I think Legion is in a better spot then before and my fun with or against him didn't changed much. He injures as god as before and can down survivors as good as before, besides that moves faster. They only removed all the cheesy stuff from him
pp big hard
WWMI is way better you can easily heal multiple survivors after an unhook,this perk never left any of my build for more then a year now :D
Survivors want to get the unhooks no matter if it is smart to leave the area for the killer. In this situation you could have just went for the bq prog but it's totally up to the killer to do so, if the survivors would have played it smart both would be visible for bq so you would have left automatically. An alternative…
I would say he is the cutest camper :D But yeah he is top tier if it comes to camping and also it's the only thing he is good at
EGC is fine as it is, you have still a chance to escape but it's hard if you didn't completed the main objective before. It's similar to getting kills if all survivors are still alive after the gates are open, possible but unlike to happen when you passed a certain rank. They won't change anything about it anytime soon,…
@ShyN3ko there was no Pig nerf last month, you just can't adept to a different way of playing a killer, Pig is as good as before at slowing down the game. Sorry you're not getting tunnel kills at the end anymore otherwise I don't understand why you think she got nerfed. She is still fun and is good at mind gaming thanks to…
@Blueberry On unsafe palettes you can get hits thanks to the ambush even on some safe palettes it works even on high rank against decent survivors, of course not all the time but it can work. Also this isn't what the Pig is made for anyway. No need to discuss that the PIg need some sort of buff
@Maelstrom10 You have the recharge addons to prevent that from happening, so tell me why that shouldn't the the case. Also you can easily avoid the shes from breaking by going down on purpose, How is a huntress supposed to catch you if you only run save loops or things like the shack. the 3% kill her hit potential. Same…
@xywwak evading means being close to the killer without getting seen, if you do that you get iridescent quite fast. If you just hide in lockers and always stay on the other side of the map you get no points in that category and that's how it is intended, you're not showing any skill so why should it reward you with emblem…
Both sides are totally fine, adept trophies are just hard to get if you try it on red ranks. Otherwise you're lacking the skills to play the killer right our faced red rank survs who aren't playing on red ranks.
@ShyN3ko The purpose of sprint burst is to counter sneak attacks like pigs or wraiths so this isn't an argument. Sprint burst also beats spirit if she is coming to while phasing. Pig if all killer abilities would beat the perks the survivors have there would be no use in them so this isn't a thing in DbD
Ahh I see. I don't think so Pig and Legion aren't intended to beat the Spirit in that sort of play style. Pig is about sneaking up and forcing survivors to abandon a loop or get a hit on it. Legion is about putting damage on as many targets as possible his don+'t mean his ability is meant to give you all these hits…
Tge game was never intended to not get survivors on a hook. The only purpose of the wiggle bar is to pretend the killer from hooking everyone in the basement. Stop asking for ways to give survivors the ability to stop the core function of the game. It only forces killer to slug more and try to avoid hooking, nothing anyone…
I'm not sure what your conclusion is. What do you want to see updated and what do want to say with all these fancy numbers?
The idea is good in general but hardly unbalanced these 3% let you extend every loop by one run against a 115 killer and two against a 110 killer. If I have to image that you can get an een higher boost and this can be stacked with Hope it makes it impossible to catch up.
killer is in a better spot then ever before and survivor is still fun, solo queue can be frustrating but in general it's fine at red ranks to play solo
I think you still don't need a crazy amount of skill and you can get easier first hits then witha lot of other mid and low tier killers. Legion is in a good spot right now. Iridescent button makes him quite good if used correctly
@Mochan Games as a service and multiplayer games in general couldn't work without micro transactions anymore. People need to get payed. Even big AAA single play games sometime just need these extra sales to earn enough money. Games got so much more expensive then before and the customers have way higher expectations then…
Also survivors should have build in selfcare, borrowed time, ds and mom. Killers are just way too op
@ShyN3ko Use your traps after the fourth gen and you create a new sort of endgame survs have to wait for the traps to get off of all heads or put pressure on survs with a trap on purpose. The issue is less the change and more the complain of almost everyone without even trying to adept and figuring out new strategies. So…
Would love alternative ways to earn more points but increasing the limits could damage the economy of the game in many ways, so I'm not really a fan of it
I love that this trophie is hard to earn makes it actually rewarding to get it
Just you're traps before the last gen gets done. Pig is still fine
So where can we donate to buy mugs for them?
Would be an okay change just not sure if it really fits brutal strength. Overcharge, Pop goes the Weasel, Huntress Lullaby or Ruin also could get this as a side effect. 50% is fine still would take 160 seconds i believe to regress a 99% gen fully
We need more McLean in general lol
DS should stay like it is, I don+t see the issue with the high punishment for tunneling even if it's accidentally. The enduring change is good imo it's the purpose of the perk anyway since DS got changed, so they have room to make new perks for other kinds of stuns. enduring in fact got buffed and spirit fury+enduring will…
IF is quite good as it is just not useful for every killer. If you would make it like you recommend it would be way to strong on killers like Nurse, Myers and Spirit. N
Just no! SWF could abuse that mechanic and also camping is only an issue in lower ranks for experienced survivors. It's not fun too get camped but also it's not fun to get looped for a long time. Everyone should be allowed like he want as long he is not cheating. We all paid money for the game. as the Doc always says: GIT…
@Patricia The hooks sound kinda cute lol so please fix other sound issues instead. People get used to jelly hooks