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  • As I have moved back to killer and playing Myers for the last two days, I absolutely agree with you about tombstone. I never use it and never will. I know it takes some time to charge to tier 3 with it but taking someone out the game before first hook is not fun for the other side, also not good for bp fir killer either.…
  • I use eruption a lot and in half my games it never triggers. I kick the gens but it seems like some people have learnt when to stop repairing. I would say maybe 5 seconds after the injure if it's a good nurse, blight or any ranged killer. Maybe 10 seconds if it's an M1. I don't complain if it doesn't trigger in a match as…
  • I have been playing Kate today on PS5 and never made a falling sound once, even when vaulting from the top floor of the houses in garden of joy and haddonfield. I got the slowdown when landing, just no sound. I used lithe, quick and quiet, ds and windows. This bug report is about hitting the ground, obviously not vaulting…
  • I only let myself get to around 600k bp to lessen the time spent spending them. That takes long enough, let alone if I had 2 million. I am happy with the changes they made but I agree with those that request an auto complete. Since I don't spend as much bloodpoints per time, the opening of the mystery boxes never really…
  • If I know someone is being chased, maybe the obsession or someone has just been hit, I will heal or be healed under the hook. If I am unsure, I will more likely move to a safer spot unless they have a fast heal perk.
  • The survivors that do that wiggle that messes with the aim which can cause a whiff gets me a lot. A slight wiggle can cause it to swing where I don't want it to, even when aiming towards the survivor. Don't even know how they do it because I can't no matter how much I try lol.
  • I support it but would like it to be included in a pack like the charity case dlc. Maybe for ALS research in this case.
  • Now it is the grade system, which is more a time spent playing reward than skill, it should be removed, apart from reset day of course. They said themselves the grade system is nohing to do with skill now so why should depipping be a thing anymore, especially since swfs are still as strong as ever and mmr itself is still…
  • I always thought smurfing meant creating a new account from scratch to bully low skilled survivors. I guess I could have technically been guilty of this in a way due to playing a lot on PS4/5, then buying it on Xbox just because I love levelling (not quite to the current extent of the game though). Then I bought it on…
  • I agree. Right now he has brought the fear back to the game. I went to lock a locker and he grabbed me from within. It literally scared me.
  • I chose this game because it didn't have native voice chat, I still don't want it to be added.
  • I like the idea but perks like devour hope getting booned would make the games impossible. For lower mmr survivors who are not that good with skill checks yet would also be slaughtered by lullaby. I would prefer it like someone waking you up against Freddy, every time takes longer. Boons should add 5 extra seconds every…
  • I said change it to the chains continuing whilst the box is carried. Therefore hitting the entire team until the box is solved therefore once again being detrimental to the team.
  • Well if they changed it to the chains continuing whilst the box is being carried, 99ing will still be detrimental to the entire team. Maybe if it decayed one charge per second then.
  • I don't mind the chains stopping me from solving it, after all the chain hunt is supposed to slow down survivors ability to do things. I would however like the progress on solving the box not to reset every time a chain hits you. If you got to 50% progress, chain hits and stops you, it should still be at 50% once you start…
  • I would rather them do what some others do. I don't rage quit unless I'm held hostage for a while but that rarely happens to me. Not ban them outright, they paid for the game and as long as their not hacking or cheating, they have free will to leave the match if they wish, even if it is detrimental to the entire team. I…
  • As killer, I don't normally tunnel unless I've been having many bad games in a row and there are 2 gens left. A bad game means no one close to being sacrificed, possibly one hook each at most. I stopped tunnelling earlier than that because as survivor I hate tunnelling. I was tunnelled out with 5 gens remaining yesterday…
  • I've noticed on PC, on which I only have 60 hours, my games are going ok as survivor. I do sometimes get really good killers I deem way above my skill level, but only once or twice per time before it gives me a few manageable matches, not easy but not far too difficult. On PS5 and Series X, about 1.5k hours, I still get…
  • I was thinking to avoid abusing it near the hook, and to promote moving away, you would have to be about 16 metres away before it procs. To avoid abusing it in chase, it ends when the chase starts. Proxy camping would still be a thing but that's why I added the timer for it ending.
  • Just two? I quit for a few months due to getting survivors way higher than my skill level match after match, no matter how many times or how badly I lost. I'm not the best killer, barely good, but these players make me seem like the highest mmr killer possible. Not saying they were all swf but definitely a much higher…
  • I like the idea of the haste and free pop effect however, due to the haste, it should not last as long as pop so you have to quickly go to a gen to use it. To lessen the abuse of the haste effect, it should only kick in once you are so many metres away from the hook and last only for maybe 10 seconds, returning to the…
  • Yeah, all 4. Got most killers up to p3 on PS5, almost half on Series X, none on Switch or PC which I have just started. Got barely any survivors P3 except my mains. I do get burnout now and again but simply take a break for a while. I do have evil dead pre ordered so hopefully I can switch between the two if I enjoy it to…
  • Brag about it all you want, you deserve to. I know I will when I have all characters on all 4 platforms P3-50. You do have future chapters to do though so the grind never ends lol. Well done my friend.
  • I don't want to speak too soon but since I came back and restarted on the PC I have not yet encountered a cheater. They were all over the place when I last played late last year
  • Not a fan of Hawkins but the more maps in rotation the better. I don't like the fact that most new chapters are no longer getting new maps.
  • For survivor it's when I have been running the killer for 2 minutes and still on 5 gens when I get downed. Games normally are bad when this happens and more often than not get 2 hooked. For killer, it's if 3 gens pop in the first 2 minutes without any hooks, or 1 at most. This happens far too often in my games.
  • I'm not looking for a game that will kill dbd, just threaten it enough for the bhvr to actually try harder and listen to the community.
  • No matter whether I played killer or survivor, I have always thought the oblivious effect should not proc spine chill at all. It defeats the object of oblivious, which is my favourite status effect when I play killer.
  • I found out playing for bps instead of wins helps temporarily however, no matter how many times you lose, if you keep getting survivors far better than the killer, this starts to overshadow it. Say you only get maybe 3 or 4 hooks per game and barely getting many bp. Killer games don't work well with people who have…
  • What happens to the people who can't afford to upgrade? Especially now with everything costing a lot more than last year.
  • More objectives for survivors Make killers more threatening. The good ones are or if you get bad survivors on your team who have a phobia of gens, but you should fear being near the killer, not finish a gen in their face. Casual mode Full mmr rework/abandonment New game modes Bot matches to learn new killers without the…
  • I would like Myers to be next however all I would really change about him are these 2 things. He gains stalk faster from further away, slower closer he is to the survivors. I mean how often did he stalk laurie from 2 foot away? For every generator completed, or survivor hooked, whichever works best, the survivors get a…
  • They spoke about changing the common bp add ons as they weren't worth the cost to reward ratio. Another of bhvrs broken promises. I agree, the mist offerings are pointless as are the hook spawns unless four people use them. The shrouds are ridiculous and only benefit swf. Why would you want all 4 to start together? Finally…
  • I can't use flashlights at all, if I find one I give it away. I mostly use medkits or toolboxes.
  • I never used to be toxic at all, no matter what the killer did. If I get repeatedly hit when hooked now though, I will T bag in the exit if I make it that far. I still don't like doing it, makes me feel bad, but if the killer will be toxic to me, I will repay it back.
  • I wouldn't mind the grind if it was lessened, more bp, lesser cost as you said. There needs to be more 1.5 or double bp events for now until they add in some proper permanent fix. Also, every character should start with their base perks at tier 3. These are their perks, why would they be tier 1?
  • It doesn't have to 'take the crown', it just has to threaten to in order to make bhvr worry. If they think they could potentially lose a lot more players due to this, they may have to take action. All it takes is for it to be really good. All but Friday the 13th, to my knowledge, have been PC only. They have kept all their…
  • They have made a lot of promises they have never delivered on to be fair. I'm hoping evil dead is good and takes off to give dbd some proper competition and force the devs to provide us a good service.
  • I have a huge phobia of spiders but that may bring a bit of fear into the game if we actually got a spider monster with ai tarantulas lol.
  • I got sick of getting survivors much better than me, losing game after game as killer and feeling like my sbmm was not lowering. Now I am a survivor main myself. I loved playing killer but the game started giving me more negative feelings than positive. I long for the days I can return to killer but, as of right now, it's…
  • Played last minute hero against a camping huntress whilst injured in Midwich. She went to the nearby locker to reload, it was right next to the hook. I swooped in, got the unhook and somehow both made it out alive. To give the huntress her due, she was camping during egc.
  • I got 4 of them out of roughly 12 matches today, so 1 in 3 games for me.
  • I was going to comment something like this. I can't remember the hellhounds as I thought the second movie was not so good, so not watched it often. Some kind of AI element would be great there though.
  • When I say 50-64k, I mean with bbq. I understand what you're saying but if there was going to be a healing buff perk,would that be better suited to wglf due to it being an unhooking perk which ties in with the healing aspect? I still think the extra bp would tie in better with main objectives and make it as simple as bbq.
  • Since I have just installed it on PC, none of my characters are levelled at all so I have no choice but to use different perks until their levelled lol.
  • So why did I have a Bill who sat on a gen whilst I was hooked and the killer chased, downed and hooked the obsession. Then the killer downed him there and we all died lol.
  • I just started playing on PC yesterday. Even though I no longer have 4K there, I did notice it was smoother. Camera doesn't feel as tight, even with changing the speed, running feels smoother and skill checks also feel smoother. That took a little getting used to for me, blew up a few gens in my first couple of games.…
  • I left around November but I'm back again for now. If the anniversary update doesn't do something about bp gain or mmr balance/removal, I may be gone again.
  • How about making a sandbox style mode. The survivors cannot escape, making killers happy, but the killer will be penalised heavily for downing the unhooked survivor straight away, before downing another possibly, limiting tunnelling, pleasing survivors. The unhooked survivor has no collision for a certain amount of time to…
  • I think it should work like waking up survivors vs Freddy. Everytime you activate the boon it takes longer to do it next time. Possibly getting to the point it takes too long to activate so survivors don't bother if the killer keeps destroying it.