Maybe they are getting tired of working on one Project for more than 6 years and wanna do something new?
POSTAL Yeah, the franchise is now mostly comedy but the first game has elements of psychological horror. Killer: The Postal Dude Map: I am not sure. Could be any part of the City of Paradise or another Asylum.
Favourite: Pig, Trickster, Clown, Nemesis I just like their gameplays Least favourite: Blight. "What am I doing? Why wasn't that a hit?!"
Yes, hyped and an insta buy for me. One reason is because Wesker's look reminds on the Dude from POSTAL.
Probably RPD, I am glad they are splitting the map in two. Back in the day I used to hate Lery's as both roles for some reason but now I actually enjoy it
Twins, Artist, Blight or Leatherface These are the killers I barely ever touched after getting their achivements.
Ahh, thank you very much! That sounds like a funny build, I will definitly try it out soon Cheers!
I know that, I said it myself in the op. I know only offerings (and old BBQ) give bonus points at the end of the match. I want to know how i can max out brutality since I often lack points in that at the end of the match.
Mhm, good Ideas, thank you I think Legion frenzy hits do give points like regular hits
I am aware of those but they are for deviousness I am looking for stuff that helps maxing Brutality.
I take a long break when I get bored of it.
Literaly unplayable
I loved playing as old freddy But I hated it when I could not stop a survivor from opening a gate or healing another of the floor because they were not asleep yet.
BBQ and Chilli At first only for the blood point Bonus but now i actually do need it's aura information to know where to go next. I felt so lost doing adept nemesis
Their Challenges would most likely be on the side of the mission web so that they are optional and not necessary to reach the Epilog But yeah. Maybe that licensed character will be on discount during their tome
I wish there was an outfit that makes him dress like the Brickster from Lego Island with a bat build out of lego bricks
Every original character who is not from a license can wear a crown
Well, the crowns have been quickly fixed thankfully
Sometimes More often than hag and twins
He is super weak but somehow fun. And I really like his personality
Yes. I thought the speed boost was a bug.
I didn't see anything about nemesis giving survivors a speed boost when infecting them. I was hoping they would change that in this patch
Play a killer who you enjoy playing/has a fun power. Don't play a killer just because you were told he/she is stronger than your favourite.
Darn. Thank you for the warning Really makes me how it got bugged. There were no clown changes in the update
I would say you don't really need thrill of the hunt and beast of prey, at least not both. because maxing out chaser isn't hard. Distressing can help maxing devoiusness on killers that don't get many points for using their power but you have to remember it also makes your tr bigger. BBQ is great. I always use it on all of…
Am I the only one who thinks hitting survivors with the tentacle is super easy? Yes, giving survivors a sprint boost on the first hit seems bad but once they are infected you can end chases with it pretty quick. That's what I have observed so far.
Yes, using game mechanics in their intended way is very toxic. /s
If everything was unlocked from the start it would be a bit boring to me The grind gives me a goal to work for and motivates me to play But I agree that currently the bp grind is too much and needs to be reduced
Yes the grind is extreme and smth needs to be done to reduce it. But the game should have some grind at least. Something to work for that motivates you to play.
Ohh, I would love that We need more bp for all our characters
I would watch it
How is a map unbalanced for both sides? It can either favor one side or be balanced. No, really. I would like to know
Trickster Lots of fun even when I lose
Just playing killer is a banable offense.
Wow! I am very impressed I am still struggeling to get all perks on him
"I hope you know what you are doing..."
Over all the models look better But I don't quite like megs new brighter hair colour and New dwight looks... different. As if he got replaced by his stunt double Maybe I only need some time to get used to them
They have the least appealing and boring design and cosmetics No fun to play and annoying to play against in my opinion I don't like anything about them
I bought the game with the Halloween DLC togheter. 0 regrets, Michael is still cool
Glad to see the few Tapps out there are being nice (Tapp main btw)
Oni, Deathslinger, Blight, Twins, Trickster Yui, Zarina, Felix, Elodie and Yun-Jin I haven't paid for a DLC since the Silent Hill one
I see you are using Iron maiden, does it make reloading as Trickster faster now? as far as I know it didn't on the PTB.
To be fair, playing dead by daylight is pretty toxic. You are all very bad people. /s, duh.
If the killer killed the others and found hatch first he won. Simple as that The hatch was your second chance. Game over.
All my favourite killers are considered low Tier Trickster, pig and clown I love all 3 of them because they are my most fun killers
Imagine talking about Pig nerfs and not mentioning her weapon. Pig should not have a weapon, what lady hits people with a hidden blade? It doesn't even fit in the Friday the 13th lore. Replace her weapon with a diaper bag for when she needs to babysit.
Good job!
Looks great! I can't wait to get looped there