GeN rUsH dOeS nOt eXiSt YoU sHoUld hAvE aPpLied MoRe pReSsUre FrEdDy iS oP. hOw dId yOu lose tHaT gAmE? RUin - UnDying aRe aLso oP aNd cArRy bAd kIlErs
There is nothing more broken than DS+UB x4. Slug the survivor? He gets up. Take the stun? He is free to go to the nearest loop. Add x4 BT and DH to the mix and all the team is invincible. At least you can easily counter Ruin + Undying with small game or detective's hunch, but I know you can't play without your second…
I've just checked the game rules and I didn't find any reference on why killers should care about survivors fun or the opposite Also, I didn't find any rule stating that killers must follow the survivors' rulebook or the opposite Just my 2 cents
I don't see why you think you played dirty. You just played efficiently and you should stop following the survivors' rulebook.
It's been 5 days since they were released and survivors are already asking for nerfs to a weak killer Some things never change in this forum :/
Camping is a strategy (the devs themselves said it) and definitely not toxic. If the killer wants to camp and tunnel, they are allowed to do so, since it is not against a rules. But most of the time they risk losing all the gens and finishing the trial with just one kill if survivors are smart. Just as survivors are…
60 sec Pop is BS but DS is not Another proof that devs are out of touch with their community
Yeah it's so overpowered. There isn't a single killer who can do that. *Cough* Billy, Oni, Demo, Bubba *Cough*
I know it's a shame killers run slow down perks, but survivors who use the same crutch perks in every match (DS, DH, SG, UB) is perfectly fine /s
Tldr: Give survivors more second chances
Spirit OP post #47584838 So original
I stopped reading after "I am rank 20 killer" 1) You only play one side so I don't trust your word 2) Every killer is OP against baby survivors (yellow and green ranks) 3) Play against purple or red rank SWF teams and then come back and tell me if spirit is OP 4) Git Gud
My username says it all
I like that you make fun of that Freddy but you didn't show us your build
Just because he is good with spirit, it doesn't mean that he is uncounterable. I can be a godly Billy and destroy a team in a matter of minutes. Does that mean that Billy needs another nerf? NO. For 1 good spirit there are 40 bad ones. If you think spirit doesn't require skill, then you haven't played against a red rank…
Right now, she and Nurse are the only ones who can deal with genrushing teams When they finally nerf SWF we can talk about spirit
And everyone will keep complaining about SWF until BHVR balances them, because now it is a free escape
Firstly, she is a waifu, not a blueberry Secondly, she is balanced and takes skill unlike SWF, more like cheat with friends
Understable, but don't complain about spirit again
Yeah I would rather not talk about it 😂
No, I don't think she would be powerless (she and Nurse can deal with these teams), but she would definitely have a hard time
You didn't apply enough pressure and that team just wanted to have fun, like most SWF /s
Inb4 these responses: "gEn sPEed iS fInE" "yOu ShOuLd hAvE ApPliEd MoRe PrESsuRe" "sPirIt iS uNcOuNtErAbLe aNd yOu sTilL lOsT"
"Dead by SWF"
Killer kills me--> Tryhard, toxic, annoying, boring, no life, gen camper, hook camper, tunneler etc. I think I've included everything
Sometimes it reaches 60 fps, but at least it offers a smooth experience compared to the standard mode. Or I'm just lucky xD
Do you have the "Boost Mode" enabled, because my frames usually sit between 50-60 and I rarely get drops. BUT I often face the "memory leak" issue after 5-6 games, so I have to restart the console in order to get the framerate back to normal
*Laughs in PS4 Pro and XBOX ONE X*
High rank survivors using DS means they have no skill
Who hurt you?
Well said +1
Inb4 "bUt ThEy aRe jUsT fRieNds TrYInG To hAvE fUn" replies
In this video you see a survivor who knows how to play against her, because they spent time learning her counterplay instead of crying for nerfs on the forums Kate, if you see this, you earned my respect. Good job
So now survivors are targeting deathslinger? I thought it was Freddy and spirit
Come on guys. Give us screenshots
Ikr He/she has zero counterplay, gives no chance to react, is boring/annoying/OP/braindead/no skill and can 4k with one hand tied behind his/her back Did I forget anything?
Nope. There still are strech resolution abusers, hackers, that program who tells you the killer before a match, game file modifications and the list goes on.
Why is genrushing allowed?
I've been playing for 2+ years and I've never spent a dime on cosmetics Just ask this to yourself: a) Does this skin improve any aspect of my character? (apart from the appearance) b) Should I buy a 10$/15$ skin or is it better to spend this money on DLCs which give access to extra content (killer+survivor+perks)? Just my…
Hey, have you ever heard of the reverse UNO card? "Most of us who play this game play as killer most of the time. We enjoy this game when it’s fair and we don’t have to play against impossible to beat SWF teams. In my opinion, I think these people who are impossible to beat have become this way because A) First and…
So, you must be the 1% of those players who 4k as perkless clown on Haddonfield against red rank SWF I need an autograph now
Hell no Better hire Tru3 who knows a lot more about balance
Then why didn't they mention it (that he was overperforming) in the PTB patch notes? Also this
Spirit nerf post #5848483993 I'm surprised they haven't already nerfed her with all these whiny posts. But we know they always listen to inexperienced survivors anyway I guess I should be helping them finish their gens from now on or stand in a corner thinking about my life decisions
Open a thread to whine about it being op
Finally someone with common sense +1
This is why I play on console and there is no chance I will enable crodsplay with PC users
I know, but this is one of the reasons why people prefer Spirit, as she is the only one that can deal with those teams And no she is not broken. Just because you can't loop her for 5 gens, it doesn't mean that she has no counterplay
Genrushing swf teams with second chance perks have no counter. Change my mind
Ok let's nerf every viable killer to Legion level instead of buffing the weak ones Enjoy your M1 gen simulator