Killer Idea: The Chef
Name: Robert "Bobby" Port Gender: Male Nationality/Ethnicity: Scottish Realm: Ormond Power: Meat Hooks Weapon: Meat Cleaver Movement Speed: 115% (4.6m/s) Alt. Movement Speed; 110% (4.4m/s) Terror Radius: 32 meters Height: Average Lore: Robert "Bobby" Port was born physically deformed and thus never gained the confidence to…
Chapter Concept: Rose and Daggers
Chapter Concept: Rose and Daggers Killer Idea: The Rose 115% 32 m/s Terror Radius A lonely poltergeist able to manipulate people's emotions and steal their souls. In life she was a happy go lucky young women who found herself falling into the wrong crowd. The Rose wears a long white dress. Her entire body glows a bright…
[The Leech] Vampiriesque Killer Chapter Idea (Detailed, with map and add-ons).
I have always wanted a Vampire-like killer in DBD. Although, I figured that a typical Vampire would not be entirely possible, due to the amount of maps with sunlight in the game. So I made a little twist. Any thoughts, comments and suggestions are appreciated, I did spend quite a bit of time into making this, but I may be…
The Unforgetful winds Chapter
Killer: The tengu- one of the entity's 14 children the most powerful killers Weapon: Fan Power: Winds of change- Press the ability button to go into third person and send winds flying whenever a survivor is it with the winds they will be sent into the air and will continue to be in the air until the killer either decides…
Perk idea
I highly recommend a perk this is my idea: While the killer is in a 15m radius of a hooked player for 10 seconds all survivors alive get 50% bonus speed added to all actions performed. The numbers can be worked out but this would allow for less camping for killers and make it harder for a killer to win that does so
Cenobite The Scorcher (The Trapper, Art Work/Skin Idea)
The earth shook and rumbled, there was an explosion in the mines, Evan felt severe pain from his left side. Burning and melting flesh fumes his nostrils. Rubble, planks of wood, fell from the ceiling. caving in and buried him. Was this it? Is this how he died? His surroundings went silent. it was dark. His right side both…
Chapter Concept: The Grim Mob
New Killer: The Horde Jamison Mitchell was born to be a killer, or at least that's what he thought. He saw those around him as weak, and weaklings were threats to society that needed to be purged. So he embarked on a spree of killings, striking down all he deemed unworthy. The law enforcement could never find him, even…
Lord Xylum's Chapter Compendium
Hello, fellow readers and creators 👋 This is going to be my neatly-constructed compilation of my past and future creations, granting ease-of-access to everyone that would like some good reads. I hope you all find something you like. The posts will descend from earliest to most recent, and I'll even add some notes…
You often add maniacs and survivors from various films, TV series and stories. There's even a Stranger Things update with Nancy and Steve. So, I here decided to offer another TV series as a basis for creativity: "The Mentalist" with two new survivors (well, or skins for existing characters): Patrick Jane in a suit and a…
New Chapter Idea - Dying Light
New Killer: The Night Hunter - 115% - 32m Terror Radius - Tall Killer Powers: Tendrils - The Night Hunter launches his Tendrils in a straight line directly in front of him up to a base 30 meters away. Upon coming in contact with an object, the Tendrils quickly pull the Night Hunter towards the destination. If Night Hunter…
Chapter Whatever: Howls in the Night
Before I get into my idea I just wanted to say, yes, I know the idea of a Werewolf killer has been done a thousand times, and yes, I know that the DBD devs have said they will never do a disguising killer ever. However, this Werewolf killer will not disguise themselves as a survivor! Not original either, but I've seen less…
Fleshed Out Chapter Idea: The Fog (Part 1)
There are few monsters more ravenous than Revenge. Wether it starts with criminal feud or is stoked by tragedy on the innocent, it is all consuming, and swallows even the most virtuous men and women whole. For the residents of 1980's Antonio Bay, California, revenge would bring Hell from the grave... Introducing Dead by…
The Xenomorph: The Alien Chapter
Killer: The Alien Movement: 115% / 120% TR: 28 Meters Height: Tall Primary Powers: Stance Switch: Standing In Standing stance, the Alien has a standard lunge attack and gains access to one ability: ACID FLICK When standing, the Alien can stab itself in the torso with its tail to coat the tail in acid. Using M2, the Alien…
Candyman Killer Concept (A good middle ground)
What do you all think of this?
Hellboy Chapter - Fanmade
My first killer concept, let me know what you think in the comments :)
DBD Chibi's 8 years of Friendship
Some DBD Chibi characters i made for my friends of our survivor mains to celebrate our 8 years of friendship and gaming.
Killer Concept: The Bio-Exorcist
Beetlejuice: The Bio-Exorcist Weapon: “netherworld swipe” Power: Ghost with the most. When your power meter fills, unleash one of three randomized frights. Locker lurkers: If a survivor attempts to hide in a lock within your terror radius, a ghoul will jump out at them instead, causing them to scream. Beetlejuice 3: create…
Midnight Monster
New Dead By Daylight Update Midnight Monster New Killer: The Monstrosity The Monstrosity is a Giant bat like Creature, It has a habit of hanging its prey from walls and ceilings to save them for later consumption, It has claws black as pitch, Fur that has been stained with the crimson showers of its countless victims, Its…
What if the Pyro from TF2 was in Dead by Daylight?
Greetings fellow gamers, I am back with another Team Fortress 2 character concept for Dead by Daylight. Today I will be working with the Pyro. Killer Concept - The Pyro Now the Pyro's name is completely unknown. But thankfully, as a killer we only really need a title. This is probably the easiest Killer concept that can be…
Chapter Concept: Ruminating Regret
Overview: This chapter concept is tied within the Yamaoka Estate, following the story of two characters; a former bank robber who attempted to atone before getting captured by The Entity and a legendary archer who was trained under the hand of someone associated with the Yamaokas. This chapter includes a new Survivor, a…
Chapter ??: Chainsaw Man
NEW MAP: Devil Hunter Headquarters NEW KILLER Name: Makima, “The Devil” Movement Speed: 115%/4.6m/s Weapon: Katana Height: Average Terror Radius: 32 meters The Devil is a varied killer, able to use her position as the Control Devil to wield the powers of various other devils. She can use the abilities of the Angel Devil,…
Chapter ??: Hololive ERROR (Somewhat of a joke)
NEW MAP: Aogami High School NEW KILLER Name: Tokino Sora, “The Error” Movement Speed: 115%/4.6 m/s Weapon: Knife Height: Average Terror Radius: 32 meters Power: Friends Forever The Error wishes to be your friend forever, and anyone who gets in the way will know terror and misfortune. Ability: The Interest The first…
Chapter/Paragraph ???: The Abnormality (Lobotomy Corporation)
For a bit of background info, Lobotomy Corporation is a management simulator inspired by SCP, Cabin in the Woods, and various other horror franchises developed and published by studio Project Moon. You play as the manager of Lobotomy Corporation and work to meet energy quotas by extracting power from monsters called…
What if the Medic from TF2 was in Dead by Daylight?
Hey hey gamers, I've been away from the forums for a hot minute, to the point where my notifications are apparently too old to view. Anyway, I've been playing a bit of TF2 and started wondering how Valve's beloved characters would be implemented if they were to be included in a Dead by Daylight chapter or paragraph. So, I…
A Idea on rework Frank's Mix Tape
*Sorry for my grammar, my native language isn't english. Frank's Mix Tape Each you hit a Survivor in Feral Frenzy, The Deep Wound Timer of The next survivor you hitted will decrase 7 second. (Which means the last survivor you hitted in Feral Frenzy will down immediately)
Moved: Buff/Nerf for Trapper and Idea for adding new Maps
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Moved: The Pig Power Rework
This discussion has been moved.
The Nightmare Power Rework/Revert
So after binging the movies, I wanted to come up with a rework to Freddy that would better fit his source material, but because I never saw old Freddy in game, I didn’t realize this basically just reverts his power to how it was. Anyway, I still wanted to share it but yeah, it’s just “Classic” Freddy with some tweaks…
The Creature (Trap Killer)
Name: Angel Mirkwood Speed: 4.4 m/s | 110% Height: Tall Terror Radius: 24 meters Pressured Barnacle Clusters Press and hold the Power Button for 4 seconds while aiming at any nearby valid surface to implant an INACTIVE Barnacle Cluster. You may only have a maximum of 10 Inactive Barnacle Clusters implanted at any given…
The Mad and The Tormented "The Torture & Deimos" -Chapter Idea- (Very Much a W.I.P.)
Mag Agent Torture by Rhunyc on DeviantArt Original art made by "Rhunyc" on Deviant Art Chapter Title: "THE MAD AND THE TORMENTED" Introducing: "The Torture" Real Name: [UNKNOWN] Back Story: (W.I.P.) Map: (W.I.P.) Outfit: Head: " " - Torso: " " - Weapon: " " - Difficulty: Hard Base Stats: Movement Speed: 110 % | 4.4 m/s…
Killer idea: The Black thumb.
Killer type: Trap Speed: 110% Size: Medium Realm: Red forest Basic action: Press M2 to perform planting action. Takes 2sec. Press 2nd ability button to select a type of seed before planting. There are 3 types of seed for you to choose. Thorn seed: After planted, the seed takes 15sec to grow into a plant. Its hard to be…
Moved: Scourge Hook Ideas:
This discussion has been moved.
New Killer Concept - The Thing
Time in-game when I started the concept: 37 hours Time in-game when I finished the concept: 47 hours Chapter #??: Familiar Faces The Thing: Name: (N/A) Terror Radius: 32 meters Speed: 4.6 m/s (115%) Height: Average (5 foot 10 inches) Difficulty: Intermediate Ambient Sounds: Whining, gurgling, and crying. Weapon: Spike…
IT Chapter Concept
WARNING: VERY LONG THREAD, SKIP TO BOLDED HEADINGS FOR POINTS OF INTEREST --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Killer: The Shapeshifter (Pennywise/IT/The Deadlights) Background/Lore: No one knows how the…
I'm sorry DBD community, for I have sinned. Get ready for... + Free PNG File
Belongs to me. Free of use I'll be uploading these to my profile if u can't find the original post. Edit: Forgot to name it... DripRaiser Edit 2: Updated terms of use
New killer idea: The Arsonist
The Arsonist Power: Pyromania The Arsonist starts the trial with 4 molotovs which he can throw. He can reload them by performing a reload action (like clown). When the molotov comes into contact with the enviroment it spreads flames in a small area. If a survivor comes into contact with the fire, their ignited meter starts…
Survivor Perks-Idea
Information Is Key You can craft a green map after cleansing 1 Hex: Totem. The Map automatically has the Glass Bead equipped. Maps have 30/40/50 % more duration. “You know, Information is the strongest weapon.” You And Me! You know how important trust-worthy friends are. After you and another survivor completed a generator…
Scooby Doo Killer Concept: The Kook
Just made this for fun, as I've always thought a Scooby Doo chapter would be lots of fun! The art I used in the image is “13 Nights 2007 Space Phantom” by deviantArt user Grimbro. Lemme know what you think!
New Killer: The Lurker
The Lurker: Movement speed: 115% Height: Medium Terror Radius: Undetectable Power: Just like scratch Mirror Myers. This killer is undetectable all game. He has a normal lunge but cannot see survivors through walls. The Lurker can also stalk survivors (just like ghostface). For every survivor he has fully stalked, increases…
New Perk: Teleport (Featuring Console Lag)
Press ‘X’ to activate Teleport. Pressing X causes the survivor to travel back in time a few seconds. Teleport causes the exhaustion status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Can’t upload a video on here for some reason. So I’ve had to use pictures. Here, I used Dead Hard. Which resulted in my screen freezing and the pig swung…
Conjuring Chapter idea - The crooked man
Many of people want to see Valak from conjuring 2 in dbd. I think there's better candidate for conjuring killer in dbd, who fits kinda better. I think about: "The crooked man" His weapon would be his sharp umbrella. I think his power could be turning into dog, so he can chasing survivors faster, and after that, turn into…
Hell On Earth - Hellraiser Chapter (Pinhead)
Lets bring Hellraiser into this! -- The Priest A hellish killer, his ability, LEVIATHAN'S BLESSING and LEVIATHAN'S SACRIFICE, forces survivors into dangerous positions and creates empowering hooks. His perks, ALGOPHOBIA, DEAD WEIGHT, and POST-TRAUMA helps him progressively get better at chases and punishes non-altruistic…
The Entity's Bloodcalling Event
This is a Event I made for Dead By Daylight that adds 4 new perks and reworks some others I think needed to be looked at! Let's start with the perks I made these will be Base-Kit perks. Survivors : Helping Hand You try and help others in need. Healing and Unhooking speeds are increased by 8/9/10%. While healing or…
Pennywise Power Concept (Chapter in Progress)
Hey y'all, As I'm working on my next Chapter Concept (spoiler, It is Pennywise :p) I had some difficulty coming up with a somewhat balanced power that would work. I came up with the following below, I'd love some feedback before fleshing out the rest of the concept.…
This is the look-see from krypt tv on youtube, I had the idea for a while that he'd make a perfect addition to dead by daylight killers, he has the looks, the horror, the skill, and the right to be the next killer! Please dev's take the time to review him!
The Banshee: Killer and Perks Concept
4.6 m/s 36m TR Power: Shriek; The Banshee can unleash a blood curdling scream to hinder and deafen any unfortunate survivors near her. Holding the active ability button will charge up Shriek until the meter is full and The Banshee will let out a menacing scream. Releasing the active ability button before the meter fills…
Some of my first dbd renders
So I use blender since 2017 and never made a render about DbD so there you go xd I'm sorry for the watermarksss. I just don't want anyone stealing my art! Hope you understand :)
Coraline Chapter Concept
WARNING: VERY LONG THREAD, SKIP TO THE BOLDED HEADING FOR POINTS OF INTEREST --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Killer: The Beldam (AKA The Other Mother)…
Perk ideas for Survivors: (For players who like to play as survivors)
As you can see, the Killer's perks and abilities are too OP and very difficult to counter. Even when most killer players caught you first when the trial starts, they won't go after anyone else until you are finished for good for 3 minutes when the match starts. Or other killers used Ultra Rare Addons for powers like…
Killer Concept: The Protector (Bioshock Chapter)
Ability: Protector Program Has a lunge that's a combo of demo and hillbilly, you move for as long until you hit a wall like hill billy, but your stuck in a straight line like demo, you have to rev up a shot before you use it, once you hit a survivor you keep moving until you hit an object, temporarily pinning the survivor…