Killer concept: Pinhead
Okay, so...i have been a quiet admirer of the hellraiser franchise and always wondered why can't we torture survivors ingame as pinhead? so here is a little concept i came up with on the fly: Power: "the solved puzzle box(PH)" pinhead has the power to bind survivors. Whenever a survivor succeeds a skill check, pinhead can…
That's right. I've made a post about this before but probably in the wrong area. I think this is smart AF. I think people would totally buy their skins as survivors. It'd make sense for the Entity to put them in this terrible place before they died. There is nothing to say they couldn't be abducted from their death and…
New Killer Concept - The Sculptor
(Time ingame at creation of Concept: 31 hours. Time ingame when concept was finished: 35 hours) Chapter #??: Set in Stone The Sculptor: Name: Medusa Terror Radius: 32 meters Speed: 4.6m/s (115%) Height: Tall Difficulty: Easy Ambient Sounds: Hissing and Snarling Weapon: The Flayer (an ornate kopis with a serpent-headed…
Share Your Cosmetics You Want Made? ( I made TWO for Kate )
I am in the process of finishing this one for Kate. Share yours. :O Mine is " Hallowed / Blighted Honey Harvester " It's meant to be the honey-sap from the pustula petals. The second one on the bottom is new. It's a " Date Night " cosmetic. It's Inspired by Florence + the Machine and Stevie Nicks a bit.
The Calling: A DBD FARCRY5 Chapter concept. (SPOILERS AHEAD, OBVIOUSLY)
SPOILERS FOR FARCRY 5 AND FARCRY NEW DAWN AHEAD, SO DONT READ IF YOU WANNA EXPERIENCE THE GAMES FIRST. NEW CHAPTER: THE CALLING NEW KILLER: JOSEPH SEED, THE FATHER New Survivor: JUnior Deputy "Rook" New Maps: Hope County Jail (Henbane River), Fall's End (Holland Valley), The Damned Dam (Whitetail Mountains New Dawn…
Survivor concept: Angelo
It came out while playing with a friend as survivors and He uses to call himself Angelo dell'Enel. Angelo is the italian translation of Angel while Enel is an electricity provider so basically this is a kind guy who helps with any sort of electrical fixes.
Chapter Concept- Eternal Darkness
This is my first time trying something like this. Let me know what you think, I'd love some feedback to further refine this idea (even if there's no chance of this ever happening). Also, a quick warning; I'm not very good at Dead by Daylight, so I've not gone into the specifics of numbers or percentages for the most part.…
Springtrap Chapter Concept (AI Suits)
Before you read this, disclaimer: I'm not going to respond to FNAF hate. I'm not a diehard fan, but I despise people who are toxic for/against the franchise. This is just a fun idea I came up with and wanted to post on the forums. If you plan to hate, just skip this thread and move on. WARNING: VERY LONG THREAD- SKIP TO…
Dead by Daylight: DOOM Paragraph
Hey! This is my first submission to the dead by daylight forums, I'll probably edit this when I build upon this idea a bit more, but here is my idea for a Doom themed Paragraph! (I also made photo illustrations using Garry's Mod to show what it would be like) New Killer: The Hell Knight Hell Knights are Large towering…
Dead by Daylight - The Candyman Chapter.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New killer: The Candyman. Power: Be my Victim. Attributes: 4.6 m / s 32 m Tall…
New Chapter: Rick and Morty
First, I'd like to start off by saying, I know. I do not think this should be in the game. I know a lot of these may be overpowered. I know that the show isn't even horror related. This is just for fun and shouldn't be taken seriously. Rick Sanchez Perks In A Pickle: After healing another survivor this perk activates. If…
New Chapter: Rick and Morty
First, I'd like to start off by saying, I know. I do not think this should be in the game. I know a lot of these may be overpowered. I know that the show isn't even horror related. This is just for fun and shouldn't be taken seriously. Rick Sanchez Perks In A Pickle: After healing another survivor this perk activates. If…
Killer Concept: The Juggernaut (revised)+ Backstory, Map, and Survivor, TL;DR pending
I've Had this concept for a long time and now have it all down in a way that I hope makes this killer both intimidating and balanced. Did a lot of math on this one (which will show) that may have some inaccuracies, but should still overall give you the idea of what I'm going for. I hope you enjoy! The Juggernaut…
Mans best friend chapter (fanmade)
Introducing a new two new killers the pack. And a brand new survivor Survivor Intro Name: Ellie Ashfield Gender: Female Survivor perks False alarm You are a master at misleading people to unfortunate mishaps. After completing a generator gain a token. For missing a skill check cause the noise notification to go to a…
Chapter Idea: The Spider
Killer: The Spider. (image is just for reference) Name: Ava Age: 29 Gender: female Hair Colour: White Eye colour: Red Power: Web Weapon: Hands. Speed: 115% Terror radius: 32 m. Origin: Australia. Background: Ava became fascinated by spiders at a young age, when she fell down into a dusty old basement at her grandparents'…
Anyone have any survivor or killer concepts?
Here is mine: New Survivor Dorris Halls Doris grew up in a broken home. His mom had left and never came back, and his dad never cared for him. Maybe that was what gave Doris courage and commitment. He Always loved education. He exceeded far above expectations and was the smartest kid in his class. Later, he graduated with…
Killer idea: The Sharp Shooter. Survivor: Brendon Marcial. Chapter: Bullied Into Evil
Let me know what you think! This is what The Sharp Shooter is capable of!!
DBD DLC: Magical Deceptions
Contents: New map: The Montreux Theatre New survivor: Ralph Forrest (Brown medium hair, combed to the side. Classic outfit: T-shirt and blue jeans.) New killer: The trickster (Orange and blue Jester suit, make-up giving him a pale skin and red gloves and shoes. The killer holds a huge grin on his face also.) Ralph…
Killer: The Sharp Shooter. Survivor: Brendon Marcial. Chapter: Bullied Into Evil
Backstory. Janice Blue was 14 year old girl that had a passion for sports. Her favourite sport involved throwing a boomerang and she was fascinated by how the boomerang flew back towards her. She was never seen as a ‘girly girl’ at school and the other pupils bullied her for it. They would always call her names such as…
Tormented Survivors: Survivor versions of Killers
Evan MacMillan Tormented Survivor Dead Weight If you're going down, they'll have to fight you for it! Whenever the killer is carrying you, their movement speed is slowed by 5/10/15 %. Discipline You know where to hit and how to make it hurt. Whenever you stun the killer by any means, the stun duration is increased by…
Idea for future Korean male survivor
I'm dreaming of a male character with ideal beauty and a somewhat bizarre and amusing story. He may be a photographer or an artist who has lost his memory after a coma or a victim of malicious people and he must rely only on himself. Age between 25 - 29. Face: He may have the young and confident look or actually a rather…
CHAPTER XXI: Stella Glow
Stella Glow is a name of a game with great music. Wouldn't fit into DBD at all, but hey, still great music! And that's all the motivation I need. First. Chapter XXI Patch Notes: Vigil - rework You and your allies within 8 metres of range recover from Exhausted, Haemorrhage, Hindered and Blindness Status Effects 35% faster.…
Herman Carter fanart
I seem to have misplaced his shirt. Ah well, happens. Black ink and light gray marker on paper.
New chapter proposed : Bug fixing team
I) KILLER Killer : the Bug fixer. Height : medium Terror radius : 32m Speed : 115% Weapon : a keybord Power : Programation => The power work with a system of token and allow the killer within a certain radius to create some object or interract with some existing object. => You have 4 tokens. => Each tokens take 10s to be…
Dead Space Chapter concept (complete)
Killer: The Ubermorph (v2) A commanding killer, able to alter the minds of it's victims and turn their corpses into allies using it's power, The Marker. It's personal perks, Hex: Hivemind, Confusing Signals, and Expanded Domain allow it to see any who act carelessly, disrupt survivor information, and increase it's control…
The Springtrap: a killer concept
NOTE: a * indicates a change is at the edit notes at the bottom of the page. I do this to make the post feel more authentic and because I want to be honest with my original work. Concepts are a community effort so I can’t claim all these changes as my own! Make sure you read all the way through the changes and additions.…
Dead by Daylight Boardgame on tabletopia!
+++ ANNOUNCEMENT +++ We are proud to officially announce Realms of the Fog has been published on tabletopia! Our discord is open for feedback, content development, and announcements! Play free now and let us know what you think! https://bit.ly/3fMfEwP More information on our twitter: https://twitter.com/RealmsOfTheFog…
New Killer and Survivor
I Have a great idea for a new killer and survivor. The Hash Slinging Slasher and Squidward. Also a few ideas for new maps possibly Rock Bottom, maybe the Cemetery of Bikini Bottom, or a Spooky Krusty Crab. I am working on some drawings for the new characters but would appreciate some ideas. I know its a far fetched idea…
Dead by daylight fan made chapter ??: When they cry ALERT: SPOILER AND ANIME GORE
Hi everyone! I'm kinda new here and in the world of dead by daylight, this is my first attempt to make a fan made chapter and i hope you like it! In This chapter the entity took in it realm a new killer and a new survivor: New realm: Hinamizawa Village "What is being sought is the unwavering image. What is being searched…
Chapter Idea: The Jailer
Killer: The Jailer Name: Aslan. Age: 54. Gender: Male. Hair Colour: Graying hair. Eye colour: Hazel. Power: Imprison. Melee weapon: Sword. Speed: 115% Terror radius: 20 m. Origin: Romania. (Image is just for reference) Background: Aslan was seen as a highly valued warden in Romania’s strictest prison. A prison hidden from…
Cosplayer of the Fog - BearerineTV
Hi guys! I am BearerineTV, a content creator for Dead by Daylight since 2018! I do never seen before cosplays and I'd like you guys to see it as well! I always tag Dead by Daylight on social media but they have never seen my art so I hope they will see it now! Enjoy! PS. Everything you see in the photos is 100% made by me:…
Dead By Daylight: The Ghostface Returns Chapter.
This would be a revisited chapter for Dead by Daylight, which comes with multiple bugfixes. Patch Notes: -Fixed a bug that omitted Carl the Cashier from the game entirely. Carl returns with his three unique perks, as he was clearly meant to upon original release. Worker's Comp As an employee, you are used to being…
Killer concept: The Witch.
I’ve considered a few things that are often requested on this forum on a regular basis when formulating ideas for this killer. This killer is ONLY an M1 killer. A “pure” M1 killer is something I’ve seen frequently requested. So taking inspiration from this, the power is PASSIVE. I.e. you have nothing mapped to the power…
Fanarts of Jeff (Wraith) and David (Huntress)
Jeff and David are absolutely my main men. And I wanted to draw killers original to the game, so no Michael or Freddy here. These are ink works on paper. I'm quite proud of them myself, but I'd like you to tell what you think.
Perk idea: Beacon of hope
Beacon of hope A single totem becomes lit with the camfire flame (white flame) if a survivor finds it and cleanse it, it fills every survivors with hope giving them the haste effect for 120s. If all the totems are hexed the perk activate instantly.
Just some killer perk ideas.
Hex: Blackout: At the start of the trial this perk is not active. After 300/250/200 seconds if there is a dull totem this Hex is applied to it. For the rest of the trial or until this Hex is cleansed all survivors who have been hooked 1 time gain the Oblivious status effect. Backstab: You become Obsessed with a survivor.…
New Offering: Ultra-Rare Offering: Grand Stand
Once per trial, after you have been hooked twice, the next time you are to be put into the Dying State with a Basic Attack, you Interrupt the Killer's attack and give a swift counter-attack, stunning them for 3 seconds. -Personal "The longer I survive, the more you feed. Grant me this comeuppance."
Killer idea (The Gorgon)
Name: ——— Terror radius: 32m Speed: 4.0 Weapon: Claws Power (hideous gaze): When a survivor looks at the Gorgon for too long they slowly start to turn into stone Stage 1: the survivors cannot fast vault Stage 2: the survivors can only slow vault and run 5% slower Stage 3: the survivor is turned to stone for 10s and if they…
Depths Forgotten (New Killer, 2 Survivors, and Map)
I created a big ol chapter idea called "Depths Forgotten" a few months ago and have been adding to it over the year, and I feel pretty confident in the way it's turned out so far. My chapter is a bit strange though, mainly since it has one Killer and two survivors. Some may not think it is too odd since with the Stranger…
Saiko No Sutoka x DBD
I made something in one day... just let it be here
delete it please
delete it please
Vampire aristocrat Count Milone
Translation errors will be (Google translator is very good). Original page: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/270752/novyy-personazh-vampir-aristokrat-graf-milon?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=pmd_9fee90cfb816b61cce7fa086472c395b81b61b61cce7fa086472c395b81b81b61cce7fa0839c395b81b81b8c Passive ability: You can track prey…
Buff your Teammates build
Hi all, I wanted to share a funny build with you, which only purpose is to buff your teammates. It contains all the perks that gives a bonus to your mates when they are close to you: Leader Streetwise Vigil Prove Thyself In addition I bring a rainbow map with the Crystal Bead and Glass Bead. As an offering I bring either…
New survivor I have designed( I have no artwork so if ypu want you can make him)
New survivor: Tyrone Smith Expert at dodging death. Was locked in a cell for 8 years with a deteriorating mind. Perk 1: As Time Ticks By- As you progress further and further into the trial, your mind is overwhelmed with panic, and you start to rush. For every generator complete, the following occurs: -Generator repair…
Jurassic Park Chapter 1
let me know what you think! I also have plans to release a Jurassic Park chapter 2 and possibly a Jurassic World Chapter. Forgot to add the mori for the hunter: The Hunter pounces on the survivor and begins to maul at their neck. It then stands up and stomps its foot on their chest, before slamming its massive dew claw…
The Jurassic Period: Paragraph IV
"Dr." Alan Grant - Included with Paragraph A paleontologist in the search for a good dig. Maybe a precious breed of velociraptor may stumble upon him. Bone or flesh; he knows his dinosaurs. Survivor Instincts Your senses are increased the more you know about the killer. When the killer inflicts you with any status effect…
Dead by Daylight - IT Chapter
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Killer: The Devourer. Name: Pennywise. Statistics. Speed: 4.6 m / s Terror Radius: 24 m Height: Tall…
New Killer
So I’m a huge fan of DBD it’s basically the only game you’ll see me playing, but back to the topic, I had a huge idea to add Medusa to the killers. How fun would it be to turn the survivors into stone for 5 seconds, I’d say very cool. And I already have an idea for her Mori! So obviously i have to tell u, so Medusa picks…