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The place to go for simple questions.
Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.
Ask the Community
The place to go for simple questions.
Discussion List
- Where are the servers will be? I mean i live in middle east are there ane servers near me ?
- Pharmacy "...and the noises they cause along with their hearing distances are reduced by 8 meters." Technician "The noises caused by your Repairs and their hearing distance are reduced by 8 meters." T…
- Not sure if this goes here...this seems more like a question to ask a developer in the game..... But here it is anyway. Like if I played on Xbox and moved to Switch would my progress/DLC cross over? I…
- If i was invisible on steam and playing the game will my friends who is also playing the game will see me in the in-game friends list?
- The price of the game on steam is $8-$10 USD, on both consoles the price is $30 USD, why is that? I know the console version has the hag and the doctor included.. (not sure if current standard version…
- Title
- I know its the ptb right now and when the killer comes out he may get a buff or debuff depending on somethings. On the ptb would you say he is a viable killer at red ranks like spirit and nurse? I wou…
- Brutal strength increased pallet break speed, so would it increase the chainsaw and Charge (With the UR add-on) break speed?
- When is the new patch going to come out i thought it would happen the 4th but it didnt happend. Am i missing somthing or have the delayed it?
- I play killer most of the time and im starting to constantly get survivors with poor connection, i am perfectly fine in any other game like league of legends or overwatch or call of duty bo4, any tips…
- The very first time i went into the ptb it gave me everything i had before, but right as a did it today it didnt upate, is this supposed to happen?
- How fun do you think the demogorgon will be to play? (and if your reading this tomorrow once the PTB is up how fun do you think it is to play?)
- There is a tool by NVIDIA called, "NVIDIA Freestyle" its a software that allows the change of brightness and contrast in games through software tampering provided by NVIDIA. My question is, could you …
- Is PTB for Macs too? I have never tried PTB before but is it also for Mac users too? I have read that it is only for PC players. If it´s not I´m fine with that. I have Playstation too so I play on tha…
- I've been adept achievement hunting and so far i'm only missing mikey, bubba, nurse and the plauge. I wont be getting/trying for the nurse as I get motion sickness TT^TT but with Micheal I think his s…
- Ive been playing her quite a lot and i enjoy playing but im still not sure if the perks im using on her go with her
- What Builds do you use for Legion?
- It says in the park description that it only works on traps set by killers. Does that count as an active totem or dull totems or both?
- it gave me unbreakable on a different character even though ive never used bill. Whats the deal?
- I have played dead by daylight for nearly three years and have played it for 1,9k hours (that isn't much to some). It goes without saying that I love this game and it has never gotten stale for me, ho…
- I tired flashlight blinding the spirit's "Husk" but it didn't seem to work, so I was wondering if you can flashlight blind the spirit's face, even though she is invisible and doesn't technically have …
- If it's late in the game and the killer disconnects and u would have gotten a pip,u don't get it. And if a survivor disconnects before the game even starts u still lose a pip. Can make ranking hard...
- I just don’t know which perks stack the speed of performing certain actions
- So ok you can swing a bunch cool. But the description says that the survivors get a 3 second pause but like when I hit someone I notice no change at all in the wiggle time do I have the wrong idea or …
- I am really bad as Nurse (I only play her since last rank reset and am trying to learn, Rank 16 on ps4) but even if I only get to kick some gens and destroy some paletts (no one injured) I still don't…
- Who thinks that might be fun?
- First off, who is the one who draws the Artwork banners for the cosmetics? Because they're doing an amazing ######### job. Also do you guys draw the artwork banners before or after the skin has alread…
- Do short lunge attacks actually affect the cooldown of successful hits?
- Tomorrow is Tuesday but the trailer came out today so I'm assuming we won't get that lucky and get the PTB tomorrow.
- Do i have to unlock a survivors first perk before i can unlock their other ones? Also will that same perk keep popping back up over and over until i unlock it? Because I trying to get other perks fast…
- I've been wondering, if the lit totem is cleansed but you still have dull totems left in the map Does the BP increase stay active or does it go along with the reduced cleansing speed effect of thrill …
- i always wondered that... does anyone know? PS: with "little" map offerings i mean the common and uncommon ones, like the "Signed Ledger Page" (uncommon MacMillan offering) or the "Shredded Plate" (co…
- So i've been banned for more than an year by EAC I've been trying many ways to get unbanned but everytime I buy the game the account is getting banned. I found out that i had HWID ban I send a few mes…
- i see a player using it, but this jacket isn't in the store, where can i get it?
- If I put blindness add-on and hit OoO survivor. Do they still able to see me? And do I able to see that Sur everytime they roll camera angle toward me? Shape and Ghostface, which Killer do you prefer …
- Hello everyone! Recently, I got back to the game and checked out the game rules. Would you kindly to explain me the following rules: 1)"Targeting specific users repeatedly in order to ruin their game …
- Does Kindred work with the new Freddy? The people who are awake, can they see Freddy or must you be in the Dream World to see his aura with Kindred?
- So in her trailer her hum sounds different from the one in game And back when she first released I'm pretty sure the hum sounded like the one in her trailer. Any reason it was changed or not used? Or …
- I reported 2 People because they dc'd on purpose and this was what I became So how should I report dc's on purpose yet? A lot of people said that Ingame report's only doesn't do anything about it.
- I'm trying to get to get some of the Adept Achievements. I've got Legion and the Nightmare but is there any tips to make it easier like doing certain things.
- Is this ok on Legion? My theory is that you find the Obsession and smack them with FF then when you run towards another Survivor they don't hear you coming, does that work?
- I have heard there is no Cross Platform Compatibility for this, but all the articles I could find were from 2017. I have a Windows 10 laptop with the X Box Console Companion - would I possibly be able…
- Title
- So i just played a game as ghostface. Nothing unusal until i had an opportunity to slugg everyone. And proceded to pick a p3 claud up and then my mouse and keyboard stopped reacting, this went one for…
- So, as i was missing some DLC's, i went to humble bundle, as they have a sale on DBD and the DLC'S. one of the dlc's was the spark of madness chapter. everything went well, but when i was ingame and l…
- So whenever you do a co-op action and someone hits a great skillcheck, the progressions meters jumps forward and then back again. Is this because of latency? Do you lose any of the progress gained?
- Im connected to xbox live but its saying a network connection is required. Is there a bug right now?
- On Xbox I encountered a speed hacker and had video evidence of proven it but when I went to get a support ticket and send a file of the video evidence and I received “the upload toke to long lost conn…
- Im about to have 9000 shards. I think to get a Killer to get some fresh feeling of game play after playing Sur for a long time. Im thinking about between Spirit & Doctor. Spirit seems hard to play tho…