PC - Reporting players but not getting feedback
I have been reporting a lot of instances of people speed hacking and not helping teammates that are very much bannable but I haven't seen the feedback system since the last update. Is it because the report doesn't come through or is the feedback system bugged?
No Killer walking animation
I play on Windows/Steam and when I play some killers like for example The Artist they don’t have a walking animation. I noticed that when I looked down to their feet or their shadow.
Back Water Swamp (Grim pantry version) Gen bug - stuck on gen animation
Platform: PC Description of issue: Trapped in fixing gen animation. The gen held me hostage and I could not move even when I let go of my mouse click to stop fixing the gen. I tried w,s,a,d keys still no movement. I was trapped in the gen animation. I was only released when the killer came and m1'ed me. (The killer was the…
Xbox time out crash
for the pass 3 days when i try to play the game crashes and i get the time out penalty. I wouldn't have been anannoyed but it keeps happening and i got a 24 hour ban its very annoying
Tome 10 - SAW | Blood Runner Challenge
Platform - Xbox Problem - after chainsawing for 20 meters or more and successfully landing a chainsaw hit on a survivor, numerous times, across multiple games, the challenge will not register as completed.
locker 'falls down' bug 2024-03-28, Version 7.6.1
I was playing as Wesker, and went to open a locker, and it just teleported to this position: I could still interact with it, but no noises other than Wesker's response would play.
Botanist Extraordinaire
Is Botanist Extraordinaire (Tome 1, section II) bugged? Myself and a couple other people I’ve seen in the past week have not been able to complete the challenge despite fulfilling the requirements multiple times over.
Multiple interactions loopings bug/glitch
*I am on PC (Steam), and I cannot complete certain interactions. As a killer, interactions like kicking a gen or collecting from a plague fountain will just keep looping the first second of the interaction over and over again. This happens on the survivor side with animations like adding blood to the pools during the…
Nintendo Switch - Sticky Feet on Select Maps
When playing as either Survivor or Killer on certain maps such as Father Campbell's and Iron Works of Misery, your character will feel like they are hindered and slow down dramatically while running away from a Killer or chasing a Survivor as the Killer. It's happening to me always on those two maps as Freddy, Trapper, and…
PC - Wesker Throw Bug
Unsure of how you would replicate the bug Realm: Coldwind - Rancid Abatoir Survivor: Nicholas Cage Perks: Prove Thyself, Bond, Deja Vu, Champion of Light Killer: Wesker (Me) Agitation, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Brutal Streng, Barbeque & Chili Event took place near Main, Ada had just unhooked Nicholas and finished…
Can’t sprint while looking forward
I’m not sure if it’s just me but I play on PS4 and every time i sprint while looking forward im not at a full sprint but when im looking sideways i am at a full sprint but i run into objects and get caught almost every match. Yes my app is up to date and i even restored everything to its original settings not sure why this…
PC Dissolution not working
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match (my bot video was taken in a public match where all survivors left at the start) Step 3: proc dissolution by injuring a survivor Step 4: wait for dissolution to activate Step 5: watch survivors fast vault palllets in your terror radius Step 6: ??? pallet is…
Achievement Taking one for the team bugged.
Pc steam - ever since the recent patch I have gotten 0 progress for the 'Taking One For The Team' Achievement, which requires you to take a hit near a recently unhooked survivor. Im hoping it just a visual glitch. I have restarted my game and tested it multiple times and still no progress update.
Bloody Catch Bug PC
I have done this challenge 4 times now. I get the notification in the game that the challenge is completed and as soon as the match is over and I'm back in the lobby the challenge is showing as needing to be completed. I have restarted Steam, my PC, and the game. The same issue results every time.
Toba Landing Blood event bug
When running around the map in one of my last matches of the day against the Nurse, a Blood Basin on the corner of the main central building close by the wall caused my character to get stuck and could not leave under any circumstance, even when hit by the killer (Thus not having collision), was only able to move out once…
Xbox - Dramaturgy/medkit bug?
Hey, i think i found a bug, im not sure because it's literally first time i see this, but the thing is i used the perk dramaturgy and as a follow up effect i got a medkit, after a while i started healing and the medkit didn't have the "nerf effect" it worked just like the medkits before rework, i healled not even at normal…
The Shape Judith's Tombstone Mori
Platform: PC Steam 03/28/2024 Constant clipping when playing Michael and performing the Judith Mori. Edit: Found something wrong with clown as well.
Please fix Zarina's newer shorts
Love the fit but I can't put anything else with the shorts except for the top that came with it :(
Singularity can't control Biopod
As title,Singularity can place Biopod,but it sometimes can't control any Biopod everytime in the match. This is a random problem,I don't know why it happend.
PC - Singularity Audio Bug makes him near unplayable
Regardless of map, killer or survivor perks, Singularity's biopod audio is bugged and it makes him completely unplayable. It stops you from hearing very well and is extremely distracting and in some cases irritating due to the high pitched jittery audio of a Hacked Biopod playing constantly. Play Singularity. Literally any…
PC - Jill's STARS Uniform arms clip through her shirt
I reported this a while back and it still isn't fixed Her arms clip through her shirt while doing various actions such as healing, cleansing totem, opening exit gate and being on the hook. Left arm when opening exit gate
There seems to be a bug wherein the audio from Singul
Élodie's Blood Moon cosmetic covers up charms
Title. Pay attention to the central charm, the Blood Basin from the event tome. It's barely visible when stationary, getting completely covered up by the outfit. Platform: PC, Steam, Windows 10.
PC - Steam - Unknown Perk Undone causes multiple generator regression events with a single kick
Step 1: Play any Killer, using the Perk Undone. Step 2: Get at least 3 tokens from a missed Skill Check on the perk Undone. Step 3: Kick a partially-repaired generator while Undone is not on cooldown and has at least 3 tokens. The generator will gain an additional regression event, causing it to reach the 8 maximum…
Self-Care unusable after one use in game
i am currently encountering this visual (?) may be mechanical bug as well on Xbox. equip self-care load into game get injured/hooked and use self-care once like normal get injured/hooked again and use self-care again now the bar for healing progression does not move even though i AM healing myself i still get rewarded…
Victor stuck after being unbound.
Not sure which swamp map but I wanted to park Victor a bit away from a hooked survivor and once I got the prompt I unbound him and couldn't move or recall him or.anything. I was planning to guard my one kill in ecg with Charlotte after plopping him down to maybe have an idea of anyone was close by with his Killer Instinct.…
"Fat shaming" spot between 2 Mother's Dwelling tiles
As the killer on the map Mother's Dwelling, I saw a survivor run away between two small trees/bushes that were close together. I tried following the same path and was blocked from moving between them (either direction). The tiles were LD72 and MD71. I'm not sure the orientation of the tiles, so use the clip linked below to…
PC-Basement on Toba Landing is extremely dark
a couple of friends and I realized that the entrance to basement in toba landing is dark and you cant see up or down the stairs leading into the basement. It seems that it happens in both main building and shack.
Generators losing 15% right as they are about to pop.
So I dont know the exact steps but it's just a weird thing that happened to me and others I played with today. First, I played a match against Trickster (with no gen regression) on Toba Landing. Two times during the match, as they got about 95% of the gen progressed, it just suddenly lost 15% (ish). No pain res, no missed…
Skull Merchant's RADAR is bugged
Platform - Steam The Skull Merchant's radar is visually bugged, and shows a survivor's location like this: It should only show the little white square, but now it also shows the huge white rectangle. I can still track a survivor with this, but it is annoying like this. Visual clutter. It occurs in any match I play. NOTE: I…
Since the patch re-enabling the Twins, I’ve been unable to open the game entirely. Every time I open the game (which I do manually from Steam, not a desktop shortcut), everything begins to boot as normal, getting as far as the title screen. But the “Press Space to Continue” screen never loads. My screen stays black, and…
Icon missing from HUD when teammates open exit gate
Hello, I play on PS4 SInce the latest update there isn't an icon displayed on the HUD on the left side of the screen, when a teammate is opening an exit gate. I was using the perks Windows of opportunity, Bond, Distortion and Lithe. Also carrying a yellow or brown medkit with Gauze roll and Surgical Suture. Happened on…
Bloodweb Bugs
As of this update, the entity is forgetting where it was when you leave a bloodweb and starts somewhere else. Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Choose character Step 3 : Go to bloodweb and spend enough points to activate entity. Step 4 : Let entity take a node Step 5 : Leave bloodweb and play a game Step 6 : Come back and…
PC - Gabriel Fire Moon Engineer removed from inventory
I have recently noticed that the 'Fire Moon Engineer' skin that I have previously purchased and played with on numerous occasions is no longer in my purchased skins for Gabriel. As I don't play him often, i'm unsure when this occured though it's likely to have happened during the last update. I had noticed when I went to…
Bloody Catch Bug - Completion Issue
I am doing the Blood Moon event with the challenge "Bloody Catch". you need to hook 3 survivors on Blood Hooks. I have received the in match completion of the challenge but after finishing the match my progress is 0, though i completed it fully. i have tried twice, once and then after i restarted my game and computer.…
Dedicated server is not responding
Just got kicked out of a game with this error, I did not lose internet connection, I play other games and this doesn't happen. Just recently started happening, and I'm up to a six hour ban from it. Please understand, thank you.
Anonymous mode vulnerability
I just had a player call out my exact hours despite the fact I played on anonymous, there seems to be a vulnerability in the anonymous mode system that lets players know exactly who they're facing, and goes as far as to let them view their steam profile. When they said this, I at first figured they were just a cheater, but…
Enduring causes Hag's camera to snap downward after stun
Platform: PC Description of issue: After getting stunned by a pallet while using the perk Enduring, Hag's camera is forced to angle downward Steps to reproduce: Boot up the game Queue up as Hag while the perk Enduring is equipped Get stunned by a pallet After the stun, your camera will be angled downward so the pallet is…
Singularity Audio Bug
Steam There's currently a bug with the Singularity where, if a biopod gets disabled by an EMP, the disabled EMP audio cue will play constantly and globally even outside of the biopod until the biopod gets re-enabled or destroyed by the Singularity. Since it is a constant high pitch noise, it gets extremely tiring to hear…
Slipknot Legion's skin using the wrong Pose/Idle Animation
The new Legion's Slipknot Skin is a Frank Skin, but it uses Joey's poses/Idle Animation whereas it should uses Frank's I would've loved to show an actual pic for thez problem but it says I don't have the permissions
Boarded up Macmillan Shack Windows cannot be shot through
PC Boarded up windows on MacMillan Estate shacks have invisible collision that cannot be shot through with Trickster or Deathslinger. This is a major issue for these killers as being able to do this is a major component of their skill expression and ability to play around one of the strongest loops in the game. Load any…
PC - Stutter/Slow When Trying to Run
PC - Steam, using xbox controller. As survivor (have not noticed on killer, don't play killer that much), when running, many times I stutter or just start walking/going slower instead of sprinting. Isn't linked to map, survivor, controller hardware. I'm not sure what causes the bug, but it does trigger at random points…
my account
hi I just got my account locked for 24 hours because my net went down, it's not fair and I would like to see this problem resolved
Oni is still bugged since the blood moon event (PS5)
While activating your power, you can’t turn, move up and down your camera it’s still locked, there is like a latency. Demon dash attack still has a lag, feels slow and inconsistent. fix it please
Borgo Main Building double pallet
I don't think it is suposed to be like this.
Trapper bear traps visual displacement (I am on PC but it most likely happens elsewhere as well)
I was playing trapper and sometimes, the trap still floats if placed for the first time or replaced (pick it up and placed again). On backwater swamp, my trap clipped through the small boat on Pale Rose (not main building) and still caught survivors and self. It was still interactable as well. This is easily repeatable by…
Blight Lethal Rush The Game
Blight's Lethal Rush/Bump Logic hitbox seems to have been messed with because he can't Lethal Rush to the lower half of the map on The Game without getting bumped on the stairs in the middle of the map, this was never an issue until this patch. I used to play Blight on The Game frequently as it's one of the more enjoyable…
Continuous disconnects
For the past several weeks, I keep getting disconnected from the game (on PC) in the middle of a match. The game gives me some kind of notice that the "dedicated server is not responding" or something like that. The problem is that the game punishes me as if I am intentionally disconnecting mid-game and now I have about a…
Toba Landing cave - Wesker
Wesker is unable to bound into the survivor when they stand towards the back of the cave under main. Unsure if this also affects other killers such as Oni, Blight, etc.
Stuck in Hook
PC When unhooked by a survivor, I got stuck in the hook and couldn't move or drop my item Unsure how to reproduce, most likely just when being unhooked. I was playing on The Game. Happened once ever, so far.