Survivor appears healthy in their pov but actually isn’t
On the survivors Pov is says they are healthy they’re posture is healthy and the icon is healthy as well as not hearing grunts of pain but on killer it shows the opposite so if the killer hits the survivor it’s one hit down in the survivor pov it looks like a healthy survivor just got one shot downed
Triage Achievement
Triage achievement does not progress in Steam. I got 19/30 before the Mid Chapter update. But now it does not progress. I reopened and closed game couple times but still same.
Pinhead’s summons of pain insta freeze’s killer, screen turns pitch black
When using pinhead’s summons of pain, the camera will normally switch, but after it does that, the screen turns pitch black and then i’m frozen for the rest of the game as people do gens, somebody please call the guards please help i know other people experiencing this. https://www.xbox.com/play/media/M29YJYV4
You can hear Clown's bottles map wide.
Since this patch on all platforms I presume, you can hear Clown's bottles map wide, when they hit the ground. I noticed it very clearly, when I was on Sanctum of Wrath, and I could count all the bottles that were being thrown. I don't know if we should keep the bug as a feature for solos or not, but for sure this wasn't…
Green lighting all over the place
This is on PC and it is not really map specific just some maps more than others. Sometimes when I load into the game the map has green colors all over the place sometimes in certain rooms sometimes in certain houses but this last time was basically the entire map. There were green lights all over the map on the trees on…
Power stops working after sacrificing a survivor -PC
Sometimes when I sacrifice a survivor the game begins to lag like hell for about 5 to 10 seconds. Once it stops lagging I am unable to use my killer power. This happened to me as both Blight (on the RPD map) and Demogorgon (on the Halloween map). These were two of the three matches I have played today so far. When playing…
Rancor doesn't work
Rancor doesn't work at the end game . U can't kill the obsession . PS5
Lagging/slowed down/teleported behind
Since the new patch, I have encountered a new bug, same as lagging, in which the survivor freezes and teleports bag a bit behind. Happens in the aftermatch menu as well. Very annoying! Internet speed is not to blame, I am having 500mbs speed with 7 ping.
“Barbecue & Chilli” Post-Game Bonus is not displayed
• Platform : PC(steam) • Description of the issue : See below • Steps to reproduce (if possible) : After updating to the 5.7.0 Mid-Chapter, use "Barbecue & Chilli". • How often does this occur : Constantly When I finished a match using "Barbecue & Chilli", the MATCH BLOODPOINTS EARNED screen showed POST-GAME BONUS, which…
PC - Legion's Fuming Mix Tape Cancels Gen Regression after Frenzy Ends
Step 1: Play Legion with the Fuming Mix Tape (Iridescent Add-On that makes Gens that are not being worked on regress during Feral Frenzy) Step 2: During a match, damage a generator to cause it to begin regressing, do not bring something like Ruin that causes automatic regression Step 3: Enter Feral Frenzy, the generator…
Can't pick up survivor in this spot on Badham
I was playing a game of Pyramid Head on Badham, and I went to pickup a survivor I downed next to the 1st level window at the 2 level house. The window was against a hedge. When I tried to pickup the survivor, the prompt for picking them up did not appear and I couldn't pick them up. They eventually moved away from that…
cannot connect to server for 2 consecutive games
Cannot play two consecutive matches in a row, game will disconnect me from server (unable to connect error). Then if I requeue it will sit there indefinitely until I exit the game and re-enter the queue. Game is loading through the Xbox PC platform.
Rancor not working
Rancor is currently not working - when all gens are popped, the obsession is not exposed and you cannot kill them. They get injured with a basic attack like any other. I have played two games as Twins and had this problem, but have heard that others are having the same issue with other killers as well. I am on PC (Steam).
Screen became all black after use pinehed power, cant move
Like title, unplayable. Also legion addond description are not correct after pub changes in Italian language.
Repressed alliance + blast mine bugged
Repressed alliance and blast mine interaction are bugged 100% of the time. If you have both of them ready and for example want to use blast mine then it triggers both the mine and alliance rather than getting to activate both separately like all the past patches.
The cursor disappears
This problem sometimes occurs after the game, the cursor is not visible again. It's very annoying and I have to reset the game because of it. P.S i Have two screens maybe this is a problem.
Hadonfield lighting bug
Played on hadonfield as plague earlier and suddenly during a chase the lighting switched to a grey foggy lighting (similar to freddy's dream world lighting) note: i played freddy earlier before so that might cause it? platform: pc +logs
Rancor perk is BUGGED, it cant kill
I've done a match with Rancor and Nemesis perks combo, at the end, all gens were completed but I couldn't kill any survivors because Rancor were bugged, no prompt to downed survivors to kill them
Bubba silent chainsaw
Has anyone else noticed that bubbas chainsaw is silent on revving a lot of the time? Can be in mid chase and hes revving it up and its silent until the sweeping starts? Been like this for a while now. Seems to be intermittent.
Map Bug Midwich Elementary School (PC)
I was unable to pick up a down survival at Midwich Elementary School do to the killer unable to fit it the small gap.
PC - Inaccessible totem spawn on Haddonfield
On Haddonfield there is a place a totem can spawn, which is unreacheble no anyone (unless you are a Nurse).
Normal attacks counting as lunges
I specifically try and tap the attack button so I don't lunge and it still counts as a lunge and denies me grabs and instant kills with myer
[PC] No kick prompt for gen at cowloop (Cornfields)
I was playing as The Legion yesterday on one of the Cornfield maps, I remember it being the map variation with the central building which had all of these inner fences for cattle, when I noticed how I couldn't kick a certain gen from any of its available sides. There was no way for me to make it regress since I never had…
Rancor from Spirit is currently glitched
So, I had this game where I was the obssession and I kept seeing the killer's aura every completed gen, so I assumed they had rancor. In the end game, after leaving a downed survivor to come after me, not even noticing before I did not have the exposed status effect from the perk, I simply got injured from the M1 and not…
game audio sounds bad (ps5)
after downloading the mid chapter update, the game audio just sounds really muffled and odd? multiple of my friends have also said that everything sounds weird (it sort of sounds like games sound is playing underwater)
Can't Use Toolbox To Repair Gens On Lampkin Lane
You can only repair gens with a toolbox if you pit them down and pick them up on the newly reworked Lampkin Lane, atleast on PS4.
PS4 - Commodious Toolbox & Brand New Parts not working
Example Step 1 : Equipped Commodious Toolbox (aka green toolbox with 32 charges) with spool add-on and Brand New Parts. Step 2 : Loaded into the new Haddonfield Step 3 : Can't install Brand New Parts or repair using toolbox. Initially thought the issue was only with BNP but later on realised the issue is with the toolbox…
Iron Will mutes healthy breathing.
Platform All platforms Description This is a bug that has existed for literally years. Iron Will silences more sounds than it is supposed to. Iron Will is supposed to mute solely and exclusively "Grunts of Pain" (injured sounds). However, it will also mute others such as the breathing of a healthy survivor. Steps Someone…
Console - Cenobite Chain Glitch
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as cenobite in a public match Step 3 : In-game, use summons of pain Step 4 : Notice the game crashes after closing chain. Leads to a black screen and controls are unresponsive ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played - Cenobite Perks played - NOED, plaything, deadlock, unrelenting…
Teleportation bug?
I have no idea if this can be replicated and I'm still unsure what happened but I was just playing on Haddonfield on PC (if that makes a difference). I completed a gen like 2 minutes prior to the bug. Ran from the killer half the small yellow house to the house on the other side with a balcony (same side of the street,…
Legion Stuck in Frenzy Bug - on PC Steam
I was in a legion game racing for hatch but before coming out of frenzy due to the timer running out, I had a massive lag spike causing me to be frozen for several seconds. After the lag(?) icon disappeared and I was stuck in frenzy and unable to attack or vault windows, I also happened to be going against someone…
PS4 - Bugged Michael Myers
For the 3 games that I have played since the most recent update, ever Michael Myers that I have gone against as survivor has been bugged. Whenever he would hit Tier 3, he would have no terror radius unless in chase with me (no perks or addons to justify this), and then once he would lose tier 3, I’d still have the exposed…
PC - Seeing killer's perks before match end
PC - Seeing killer's perks before match end I just got forcefully DC'd out of a match against Pinhead on Coal Tower. Not sure exactly what happened, my internet just went out for a second. This is what I saw in the end game chat: It says that the killer DC'd and showed me their perks, but I had 2 friends still in this game…
Console trapper cosmetic
Xbox serie s I'm not sure if it a bug but I could have sworn it was exclusive to switch users only.
PC- Survivor Movement/Perspective Bug Against Legion
UPDATE: I was playing as Mikaela once again you guessed it against Legion. I was using her original perks. I can't recall if they hit me while in frenzy or not. Legion downed & hooked me only I didn't stay on hook. My perspective followed the killer & I believe they said they got stuck in frenzy. I was unhooked & while…
bug list
steam self heal perk not working properly for survivors at times, to where it hits max but does not finish the healing and acts as if you are fully healed , sametime as this i tried to open the gate which didnt work it stayed as self heal, not sure how often survivors looking like there riding bikes or stuck in crouch mode…
Killers being stuck (from survivor prospective)
Hello, so as a survivor I have encountered killers not moving and basic attacking only. I have seen this with a Nemesis Freddy and Myers. The Freddy has spawned and despawned when looking at him from a distance. I tried getting them to hit and even down me but nothing changed. Also, this is on console.
Map wide audio cue for when Hag teleports to a trap
There is a bug with the Hag where whenever she teleports to a trap, there is a map wide sound/audio cue of it. Platform is PC.
Inconsistent Vaulting Animation/Audio
When reporting a bug, please include the following info: • Platform - PC • Description of the issue - Since the new patch (5.7.0), the vaulting animation has been inconsistent; occasionally it is much faster and/or stutters. The vaulting sound sometimes does not play. • Steps to reproduce (if possible) - just playing the…
Code for Pride charms doesn't work
The code PRIDE2022 doesn't work when I redeem it. In fact it does nothing. Doesn't even give me an error message. And I do not have the charms as I just checked.
Iron Will Heal
Whenever someone with Iron Will is fully healed they produce one grunt of pain once the heal finishes. It seems to be the case for another survivor healing or healing oneself with a medkit or boon, etc.
Michael Exposed visual glitch
Steam, the Shape, I don't remember the map, it might have been the bird map. I believe he had an addon that prolongued Tier 3 Once Tier 3 ended, the exposed icon was still visible on the survivor side
PC - Exposed Status Icon even after Michael De-tiers.
I was playing a game against Michael Myers today and the Exposed icon continued to show even after he left Tier 3. I can confirm that it was a visual bug, as he hit me while it was displayed and I didn't get insta-downed.
Brand New Part addon still not working... why????
It's amazing how bugs in this game cross dlcs and almost have a birthday. This addon has not been working since the last new year event. New dlc is out and the bug is still not fixed!
Totem spawn in inaccessible room on Haddonfield
New Haddonfield map: I just found a pink map item and with that a totem in an upstairs room with a closed door (not a breakable wall, just a closed door). The room could not be accessed from anywhere else either.
Repressed Alliance and Blast Mine applying at the same time
Previously blast mine would apply first but if there is no other survivor present and both abilities are ready then it will apply both blast mine and repressed alliance at the same time. https://clips.twitch.tv/EnjoyableColdArugulaJKanStyle-c-8gvVEl8y1a1ryq
Switch Midwich- see into lockers
I play on Switch and was on Midwich. I was using Doctor looking for a survivor. When I go to the classroom by the bathroom on 2nd floor I passed by the classroom by th doorway at an angle and was able to see the Feng in a locker for a brief moment. Angle was just to peer in while moving to see if she was in the room I…
Legion Fuming Mix Tape Bug(I hope)
When you get out of Feral Frenzy, all regressing generators stop regressing. This also means if you have Surge/Jolt and down someone on the 5th hit, they lose the initial regression but instantly stop regressing. If it is intended, I really hope the regression rate gets bumped up to 200% because if you have a 3 second…
Adept Yoichi Not Working
I'm using the Xbox One X version of the game. Escaping while using Yoichi's three perks doesn't give me the achievement.
Console UI extremely laggy
I'm using the Xbox One X version of the game. Using the cursor to move between the menu is incredibly laggy, as it doesn't shift the UI until I stop moving the cursor. On top of that, Hovering over cosmetics, items, and offerings takes a bit of time before the menu will pop up and switch to that item.