New features/chase interactions

Mooks Member Posts: 14,890
edited October 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Some of these wil seem unfair and favouring one side heavily. These are not meant to be implemented solitarily into the game without balancing numbers and giving other stuff for the other side. They are just meant to enrich the chases in DbD generally as we currently only have pallets, vaults and Line of Sight blockers that are really making chases dynamic. I am not really counting breakable walls as they are imo a failed mechanic and just interupt the killer gameplay without real interactivity. Idea is to keep up the general gameloop while incorporating new chase mechanics that thematically fit DbD/horror.

You dont have to like these ideas and can be against the implementation (as they will not be implemented anyways) - but try to stay respectful when giving feedback.

Different Pallet types

We all know DbD pallets, can be dropped to create a block for the killer which they can destroy and survs can still vault. In the right moment, you can stun the killer to get some additional time. They are an essential DbD tool and kinda defining for the game.

Now we already have different interactions for these with perks, namely: pick up dropped pallet (Any means necessary), trap pallet for slowing killer (Chemical trap) and various killer perks to auto destroy pallets, shorter stun or break durations, some killers can vault/ignore pallets with powers (Wesker, Legion, Nurse, Chucky)

we also saw another take in ‚My little Oni‘ survivors were not able to vault dropped pallets.

There is also already different types of pallets based on location/surroundings: god pallets, safe pallets, unsafe pallets.

My suggestion: Different types of pallets for variety

We keep our current pallets but some of them will be replaced with new types for variety.

  • Unvaultable pallets: just like in My Little Oni, survivors can’t vault this pallet creating possible dead ends and may be more beneficial for killers - can especially be placed instead of god pallets for the killer to not be forced to destroy them. Can’t be picked up by Any Means Necessary. Could be visually like in the RE trailer where Ada throws a pallet (see

  • Fragile pallets: break upon dropping. Can be used to stun killer but will be destroyed immediately either way - just like the event pallets from anniversary or Spirit Fury

Throwable Objects

Possibly some specific pots/vases (as a hommage to breakable pots in Zelda which became kinda a video game trope). Replacing some pallet spots/occupying empty pallet spots. The pot can be grabbed by the survivor running past it and then be aimed and thrown at the killer to stun them. This stun should be shorter than a pallet stun but may obstruct the vision partly (if aimed at head) so survivor may gain some small distance/lose line of sight but not as much as a pallet

I am thinking about Sam throwing the vase at the psycho in Until Dawn:

Spider Webs

I already made this suggestion before: Spiderwebs

But again, shortly. Some windows/passages may have spiderwebs blocking them. Killers can pass through (and destroy them) without issue. But survivors will scream once passing through and gain the blindness status effect and a spiderweb overlay over their view/hud. Can be repelled just like Artists crows.

Entity’s tentacle

also suggested from me before, here

Again, short description here: during chases based on the duration of the active chase and the luck of the survivor a tentacle may appear on the ground in the way of the survivor. It’s visible and can be circumvented by the survivor if they see it in time. If not they will trip over it (tentacle gets ahold of the foot) and slow the survivor down shortly. Survivors will automatically free themselves quickly and run again.

I think there should be predetermined spots where tentacles can spawn, survivors can avoid them but have to look not only behind them to see the killer but also mind where there are running

Crows attacking survs

Crows, when startled by a survivor that is being chased, have x % chance of attacking the survivor instead of just vanishing. The single crow will act like Artists crows and 'swarm' the survivor and have to be repelled, otherwise will reveal the position of the survivor to the killer by noises.

My other concepts (Feedback and suggestions always welcome):

Killers: The Ice QueenHannibalCharlie(The Darkness)The Blair WitchThe FirebreatherThe Photographer

Survivors: Aria MorrisonLukas SchmidtPaitoon Saeli

Survivor Items: Piece of Chalk, Pocket Knife, Walkie Talkies, Lighter, Water BottleSling ShotSpray Paint CansSalt PouchSmoke BombVoodoo Doll, Smudge Sticks

Game mechanics: Expanded survivor objectives, Exhaustion Rework, Spiderwebs, Cardboard Boxes, Item Rarity Removal, Smaller Chase mechanics, Vending machines

Post edited by Mooks on


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Some of those ideas add more depth while other sound just annoying... Getting punished for longer chases by random events that shoot you in the leg are a bad idea, they would feel terrible to have them happen to the survivor and the killer just gets a free hit because he got lucky...

    Would could be a nice idea in addition is a breakable window... Similar to a breakable wall but some windows could be unstable and basically upon kick change into a hole in the wall. It should not be a thing on all windows, but only a few otherwise the map would end up even drier...

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Getting punished for longer chases by random events that shoot you in the leg are a bad idea

    that’s why they are luck based (which is an underutilized mechanic) and not completely random AND can be completely avoided by watching your steps.
    the duration of a chase can also be broken if the surv knows what they are doing to avoid a long consecutive chase.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    If you have to walk around them, and the killer does not then it is still a hindrance, for no reason... Most good survivors want to have long chases, as that is the most aspect of the game, so why would you want to punish them for it? I don't think that this is a good idea.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    to make chases more dynamic and engaging. And getting back to the spirit of the horror aspect - escape the killer not only play with them. Also there are other things that help the survivor as well eg maybe they trip/have to get around such a tentacle but right after/before that there is a vase they can utilize to hinder the killer to even it out.

    If the chase is too long then matchmaking was faulty anyway and the killer certainly isn’t having fun. It’s not only about the perspective of one side but both. And free hits are already a thing in this game anyways at certain tiles with certain rng placements and lags etc

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I think it messes with balance too much and would probably feel way too frustrating on the receiving end.

    And because the matchmaking is bad, something that will most likely never get fully fixed the best call is to punish the survivor for playing better? I don't think that is a good idea and even on worse survivors it might scarew them over. And given that there is already enough stuff you get stuck on because of bad collision I really don't think we need more stuff to avoid...

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    I never said the intention was to punish the survivors that are better skilled, that’s just twisting words. The idea is to bring new engaging and horror themed mechanics for the base game that make chases more interactive obviously those won’t stay neutral that’s why a single mechanic out of them will seem like it’s just a nerf for one side. But there are several ideas and most are just concepts without any kind of numbers.
    it’s okay if you like current chases (hold w, predrop, free hits at certain tiles/loops) - those wouldn’t really go away either and it’s understandable that some people don’t want new mechanics. That’s okay. You don’t have to agree that this is a good mechanic. It’s just weird to focus so much on the balance side when it was never the focus or intention of my suggestion in the first place..

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You don't need to say that something is the intention when its result is exactly that. I don't think stuff randomly happening makes chases more interactive, as killer it would not feel like I did something for that hit if the survivor gets hindered by that mechanic. I'm sure there are other things to introduce that would reach that goal without giving them game more unnecessary rng elements.

    Well that is a rather onside summary of what a chase in dbd looks like xD

    I'm not exactly focusing on the balance side solely, it is just fairly obvious that the idea only harms one side and does so without player input on the killer side... I'm not really a fan of rng that just helps you out without you doing something for it.

    The problem is though, the way you described it this mechanic can only ever harm the survivor and the killer needs to do nothing to benefit from it, even further there is basically no interaction with that mechanic... If you want the game to be more interactive maybe look for things that allow for more interaction between both sides... Maybe stuff similar to the freeze trap in nostromo, traps the survivors can prepare to hinder the killer for example or the other way around by being able to break certain windows and make loops weaker by doing so... Things you as the player have to chose to do and not something that just happens because you got lucky.