Yeah I cannot play survivor. Played 4 games tonight and not a single hit felt like it should have registered. Too annoying to play
I swear it’s either a troll or a child with no concept of numbers posting these
I’ve seen killers dodge because they didn’t like the skins of the characters. Hilarious to me
You’ve never seen terminator I guess. Cannot be nice to the bots !
Sounds like something a bot would say
I’m purely solo my guy. Imagine thinking other people are bad because they don’t run meta perks. However many excuses you want to make, it’s just on you. DS doesn’t seem like a fun perk. No reason for me to run unfun perks in a game I have fun in.
I’m rank 1 and don’t have DS unlocked. Next argument?
Oh my god why did anyone agree with my comment up above?! It was so mean! I was drunk when I posted it! Console killers aren’t inherently bad!!
Is that English??
Sorry bud. Everyone is right. LF is a literal brain dead killer. If you can’t loop him you gotta get back to the basics. I have never met a good bubba, because well it’s a brain dead killer.
Well, yeah. Killer is easy as it stands. Spirit is pretty damn easy.
Yeah those seem like killer mains LARPing. I can’t imagine anyone cares that DS is getting this slight nerf.
I’m rank 1 survivor and have never unlocked DS. Which half are you putting me in? I am red rank killer and am in the half that doesn’t care about DS. It’s so insanely easy to play around.
Console killers are, somehow, extremely bad. It’s a blanket thing. I’ve faced so many rank 1 console killers that are just.... awful. When they manage to eventually get a hook they stand there and hit the body over and over. It’s funny watching them get their first and last hook of the game every time. You can tell…
Bad players will always resort to bad tactics. It’s just the way it is fam
Ive only ever seen console players DC. I couldn’t imagine doing that. It’s a skill level difference between pc and console so I get that it’s frustrating playing with better players all the time. I just couldn’t imagine being so bad that I would DC. I guess you meant to ask console players?
Oh easy solution. Don’t be the target. Duh!
It’s a joke fam. You’re far too into this idea. Calm. Relax. Breathe. It’s a video game. and being a key every match
I think the tbagging is 100% necessary and I’m upset that I didn’t add it to my strat. Thank you for perfecting an already fun strat.
For this strat you have to. That is why we have different strats.
just bring a key every time you play. When they camp you can do enough gens for the others to hatch escape. It works every time.
not only do you not know what a strawman is, you don’t know what / means. Sad :(
/ means AND OR. Therefore I said imagine defending ruin AND OR undying. Did he not defend ruin? I’m confused. Are we reading the same thing? Id love to know how that is a strawman. Even the definition didn’t help you :(
I play both. Literally nothing annoys me that other people do. If you wanna win you wanna win. I do not care. Face camping bubba? Sure. Stridor Spirit? Have fun. DS+UB ? Have at it. None of that ######### bothers me. it’s a game that literally anyone can get to “high ranks”. None of it matters
Perfect solution. Old and new DS countered. Smarter than 99% of this board
No one cares that it’s been nerfed. By no one I mean the three people I’ve seen complain. Not including the killer mains pretending to be survivors for that salt.
Nothing about your checklist is toxic. Just a different way to play. I don’t even have DS unlocked so this doesn’t affect me. It’s just funny to me that people think play styles they don’t like is toxic.
You know what M1 does to survivors?
I don’t think you know what a strawman is. Big oof.
Average is a funny word isn’t it
Stick to survivor then fam. You’re farrrrrrrr too sensitive for killer.
This is ultimate bait. Almost had me
This is the upteenth post about this. There are more people pretending people care about DS then there are people that actually care about DS. Move on. No one cares
Your average killer main on this forum. These people are too sensitive to play this role. They should find a SWF and stick to that.
This has too much punctuation and logic for this forum. There must be somewhere else this will be actually appreciated and listened to.
I think people really want salt for this, but not enough people care. It’s sad and funny
I see more posts complaining about people crying about the nerf than actual people crying about the nerf.
The irony in this post. Imagine defending ruin/undying. crutch perks are gone. Git good. for the record I’m red ranks both sides and use neither ds or ruin/undying. I don’t need crutches
######### is that thumbnail? Is this 2010?
Pretty sure this is the first good suggestion I’ve read on this forum
Or, hear me out, it’s the simpler solution. All of this complaining is unnecessary. Killer is significantly easier than solo survivor. like I said above, the game is easier for me than other people (it seems). I’m not saying other people haven’t worked hard for their rank, but this complaining is insane. Rank is not hard…
I play Legion. Not exactly a face camping kinda killer. I 4k’d a team at red ranks with a level 1 trapper yesterday for a daily. My man, sometimes people are just better at games. Don’t downplay me because you’ve spent 400 hours depiping. This game doesn’t seem hard, to me. Doesn’t mean it isn’t for others.
You realize everyone playing solo is waiting the same amount of time, right? And red ranks is actually brain dead to get to. It’s not an accomplishment. Red rank players are just as bad as the rest. I mean look at all of this whining and blaming other factors. Solo is more fun for some people. Myself included. Yes I’m red…
I started playing this game after last rank reset. I have both killer and survivor in red ranks. Killer is easier, hands down, than survivor. No idea what people complain about when it comes to killer. Sweaty SWF groups are so rare it’s insane. Usually it’s uncoordinated solos who get absolutely dumpstered on. the real 1v4…
Play killer then. You will be your only teammate.
Yup this is the dumbest thing I have read on this forum. You’ve topped it. Its a team game. You’re supposed to help your teammates. Absolutely nothing about teamwork is bullying you sardine.
Solo is the way for me. It’s a lot more challenging at red ranks
I won’t go full killer because I do enjoy solo survivor. I like the challenge. Killer feels too easy in comparison.
I saw a rank 5 blendie with 3 exhaustion perks. Balance landing, sprint burst and dead hard.