Goes in the dead pile with 80% of the other perks that are literal trash. It’s basically like bringing a map with add ons. Seeing the hatch is the only ok part of the perk. To any body who’s played this game for any lengthy period of time knows how to find gens and can easily find exit gates. Who gives a crap about seeing…
I agree
True true. Just getting into a chase with a survivor is good enough for me to tell what kind of player they are. People emphasize too heavily on what rank others are but it literally means nothing. I’ve gone against god tier players in green and purple ranks and straight up potatoes at red ranks.
Shocking as it may seem I agree with you. I think the issue people have is they don’t know how to play against him. That’s one of the most unique things about DBD in my opinion is that you have to switch up your play style depending on what killer it is and I think a lot of people can’t grasp that. They have one one of…
Couldn’t have said it any better. I let that gen go EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. That building is not worth chasing.
It actually IS fair but what you are seeing on your screen makes it look not fair. There has been multiple answers throughout this thread explaining this already. Whichever the server registers first the pallet or the hit gets priority and that is 1000% fair. I heard they are going to fix seeing the blood and scream so…
Dude solo queue has been hell since I started a year ago. 98% of the time I get teammates that can’t run the killer for #########, don’t do gens and lack any basic understanding of the of the game mechanics. I guess I’m a glutton for punishment because I still play almost every day.
You literally just countered your own argument both instances you gave you would have downed the player if you would have just....... waited it out.
Didn’t you know that pallet looping is toxic? It’s been that way for years now. These killer mains complaining about this ######### is hilarious. The game in its current state has made playing killer the easiest it ever has been. What I think the real problem is is it’s way too easy to rank up in the game. They get into ranks…
My thoughts exactly. I’ve said it so many times before. As long as BL exists there is no argument to be had about DH.
If you truly have been playing this game for close to four years you would know and understand how to counter this BS when it comes about especially what went on in the first match you spoke of. And please tell us all about the previous 20 games in a row where you probably 4k’d every single match. You get your ######### pushed…
This has been my feelings ever since they changed survivor locomotions in that one patch several months ago. I know they changed them back to somewhat normal after an uproar from the community but it never felt the same for me after that. The graphical updates were cool but reworking entire maps kinda pissed me off ngl.…
If a survivor is getting 6+ laps on a loop you are either worshiping the pallet or you are not hugging the loop close enough and allowing them distance. STOP RESPECTING PALLETS!!! Slap on enduring and eat them all for lunch and hug loops as tight as possible. Do this correctly and a survivor MAY get 2 rounds before they…
He shouldn’t have collision when cloaked. This would make for much more interesting gameplay than the boring block window or pallet then lunge and hit rinse and repeat.
As long as bloodlust exists I’m perfectly fine with DH the way it is. The killer can literally just W key to outplay you. If that’s not a crock of **** I don’t know what is. If BL was gone I would have no problem with a nerf to DH.
I’ve been on vacation for the last week and came back last night, fired the game up and definitely noticed things looked and felt smoother. In the update some definite optimization has occurred. Game runs VERY smooth now. There are little affects here and there which I can tell were added or reworked. Looks and feels great!
Shame too cause he’s my favorite killer to vs.
This is true I’ve done it MANY times, and I have to say it’s SOOOO ######### satisfying lol.
I take it as a complement being face camped. It means I must have pissed them off enough to do it. Some 5 gen runs I get mad when they don’t face camp me. “You get your ass back here and face camp me dammit, I earned this!!”
This is by far the best comment. You are 1000% right.
You must’ve waited too long then it’s something around two seconds where you lose collision on a hit and can run through the killer. Or of course could have been a bug. As you know bugs are nothing new to this game.
You’re welcome 😊
Hot take let’s stop complaining about every little thing in the game we don’t like. They destroyed survivor movement in that last patch and you know it. Just admitting to getting easier hits says everything about your post. I got an idea why don’t they just take all survivor perks completely out of the game, next make it…
Is that why Scott went YEARS without getting spun? So yeah I’d say really good killers very very rarely get spun. They know how to counter it. Pretty much anything in this game has a counter people are just too lazy to learn something new. They want it as vanilla as possible......Me SwInG wEaPoN mE sHoUlD gEt HiT.
When I first started playing it took me about 75 hrs or so to get to rank 1 cause I played a lot. Anyway 2 times in a week I got match against Oh Tofu and he literally ######### all over the entire team. I was pissed the game was matching me with someone that had over 7k hrs in the game. What a joke.
Otz made a video on it. Skip to 8:05 for the info you want.
That’s really idiotic on their part. The only time to do that is if your hook timer is nowhere close to second phase.
Yes tell me the counter play to where I ran a deathslinger around for 5 gens, literally start of the match I get chased in the first 10 seconds, run him the entire time without even getting a single hit. 5th gen pops and I get downed from his 4% speed boost one shotted. What’s my counter play to that?
Could you just imagine the uproar in these forums if that happened lol.
Here I am baby I’m backkkk!!!!!!
They complain cause they don’t wanna give up one of there perk slots to run Kindred. It’s literally a counter to BBQ. Or at least tells you if the killer is coming your way after they hook someone. It’s almost like a bbq for survivors. I do nothing but solo queue and I’ll tell you I starting running this perk about 2…
Survivor movement feels SOOOOO much better now!
Wat? I just played several matches and it is MUCH better now.
You must be kinda new to the game or just like to stealth it out and I’m not saying that in a bad way but the new movement compared to the old (pre this patch) was a step back. It felt clunky, no longer smooth transitions especially when doing a 180. Your character would actually stop and do a pivot. The vast majority of…
The movement was horrible. Your character would actually do a pivot when you would turn the opposite direction quickly which stopped you for what felt like a whole second. That is bad. 1 second in a chase can be the difference between you going down or not. I think the newer players might have liked it but the veterans…
I just got the same error and got booted out of a game. This game is a complete joke at the moment. They seriously need to get their ######### together. This is unacceptable.
This just happened to me about five minutes ago and was smacked with a three minute matchmaking ban. Pretty good job so far.
I really wish they would just make a dead by daylight 2 instead of “changing” this one. I agree this last update besides the graphics was complete and utter trash. Game just doesn’t feel the same.
Anything that extends a chase for a survivor killer mains (not all of them) are regarding as “broken” now. It’s ridiculous plain and simple. The argument is they are getting outplayed by a perk and not by the player themselves. Basically any exhaustion perk in their eyes is unfair and unbalanced. Gimme a break.
You’re stooping to their level so yes it is toxic. What they did was toxic and what you did was toxic.
I don’t agree with toxic behavior but by doing this doesn’t this make you just as good or bad n this case as them? You have to rise above the BS my dude. Play normal and say GG. On to the next.
By your logic every exhaustion perk is busted then right? All of them extend chases or have the potential to. I’d love to see stats on the ones crying about DH. My assumption is either they just plain suck or they 4k nearly every game and still ######### about perks to prolong a survivors time in a trail. Just play the game…
Best comment yet by far 👏🏼
They never said the park wasn’t good they are just stating the obvious which is DH is so easy to play around so complaining about it seems like a noob move. I agree it is a very strong perk WHEN it works and if used for distance but the amount of survs I’ve come across that can use it to its full potential yeah not that…
Maybe look into running Deliverance although this wouldn’t be viable if you are found first so I’d say stay tf outta sight and get a save. Then you’re home free.
You should do just fine with hit boxes the size of goddamn semi trucks right now.
I can’t pin it on the game with 100% certainty but I woke up with one of the worst migraines this morning. I tend to get them every so often anyway but after playing several matches last night I started to feel a migraine coming on. The last match I played I was DC’d saying no internet connection code 8000 something. My…
Yeah it doesn’t even feel like dead by daylight to me anymore, it feels like a cheap knock off. The graphical standpoint is gorgeous so I’m loving that. The new animations look pretty cool too but The new survivor movement feels hindered to me almost like it’s slower but I know it’s not. It’s much more stiff then it was…
I literally just commented on Scott’s video yesterday saying and I quote “I will bet my bottom dollar someone will post in the forums iRoN wIlL oP pLeAsE nErF” and whaddaya know here it is LMAO!
Well they have lied to us before many times so yeah take it with a grain of salt.