GRIM REAPER as a Killer
Power (Marked For Death) The reaper can Mark a Surviver by streatching his hand Out and sending a Black wisp similer to Knights but functions similer to pinheads possessed chain. When a Surviver is Marked there Aroura can be read by the Killer within a 34 meter Range. Injuring the Marked Surviver Causes them to be Broken…
Allow twins to “remove” a hook state
Similar to the executioner,How about twins is given the option to directly attack a downed survivor effectively taking a hook state from them, downed survivors afterwards crush victor and regain a health state. (Down -> injured) NOTES -there is a 10-second prep charge time where victor charges to take the hook state,during…
PTB 7.1.0 The "Onryo" projection cooldown un-needed
After playing and watching other players and content creators play the new sadako changes I've come to the conclusion that the cool down on her teleport is too long or honestly un-needed. With her projection alone, the cool down is 70 seconds and if a survivor turns off a TV it's 90. She needs to teleport 10 times if she…
Who would win? The SHAPE or the EXECUTIONER
I just wanted to know since they are the strongest killers and could probably beat the entity
If 'The Walking Dead' came to DBD, who would you main in a heartbeat?
Say if BHVR obtained the TWD license; neither from AMC, nor from Telltale Games, but from Robert Kirkman AND/OR Skybound Entertainment. At this point, all three universes, the Show, the Comics and the Games have collided. (Even though the Games are actually based on the comics, therefore set in the same universe.) Sounds…
Which AoT Bundle should I buy? Help
Since AoT skins will leave the fog, I decided to make a poll that will help me determine which bundle is better. I don't have any bias towards characters on each bundle to make it fair for your guys opinions on what to choose. I only plan to buy both of them but decided to just buy 1 because even if it costs 12 dollars in…
Should the band Ice Nine Kills be apart of Dead by Daylight
Would You Rather: Extra Perk Slot or Extra Add-On Slot
So today I want to discuss a hypothetical that would probably never be added because it would probably be a balancing nightmare, but its still a fun idea to success. Let's say DBD added a feature where you can gain an extra perk or addon slot, but you have to give up one of the option you didnt choose. You could go into a…
What is your favorite killer category to play against?
You can only choose one! Pyramid Head, Deathslinger, Legion, and Doctor were left off.
If more Resident Evil SURVIVORS were added to DBD as a Default/Legendary, which would you choose?
---Survivors--- Ashley Graham: From RESIDENT EVIL 4, preferable the remake, with or without the jacket is fine. She could come in as either a default Survivor, or a Legendary Set for Leon or Ada. Perhaps Leon, just for the 'RE' memes. Barry Burton: From RE1, OG RE3, Revelations AND the RE5 Mercenaries mode. He can be…
Which Dark Fantasy/Thriller Anime License would you wanna see as DBD Cosmetics?
The Attack On Titan skins were a success for regular DBD players, lovers of the show, and anime fans in general. But now it's been a year, and in 9 days (July 13, 2022; correct me if I'm wrong), the AOT skins will leave the game, never to return. Another license lost, but on the bright side, it now opens the door to other…
I updated the perk so who think this should be a perk to help with killers slugging?
Which of these perks would you say is the strongest?
Give Singularity the option to reboot EMP'ed biopod cameras instead of having to replace each one?
Which do you prefer, being slugged or hooked? (With 3 or 4 survivors still alive)
Personally I definitely prefer being slugged as that means I don't use a hook state, this is especially if I'm on death hook, but some would rather just die fast, which isn't my cup of tea but what do you think?
What do y'all think about The Doctor, and do you like using/fighting him?
Insta-Heals vs Insta-Downs
Both of these things are things that can instantly change the tide of a match. Overall, which of these would you say is more impactful and why?
who would you say is the loudest survivor
Rather Have in Future DLCs Reworked Maps or New Maps
Visually, the current maps look good, but over half (IMO) play horribly.
JAWS chapter or an expansion to The Evil Dead chapter?
So, do you think JAWS could work? If so, please share your ideas. Or, would you rather have more Evil Dead? I'm thinking of Poor, Sweet, Henrietta. With the Knowby Cabin as a map.
To BLOCK or Not to BLOCK
Should survivors just start blocking the tunneling, farming, and camping killers? Maybe, just maybe, they'll have more fun with no survivors
To all Pig mains out there, dose 'Boop the Snoot' ever get boring for you? If so, why?
Boon: Circle of Healing
I took a break from playing DBD for a couple months and imagine my surprise when I found out they nurfed Boon Circle of Healing. They took away they chance to heal yourself instead made it into a healing boost. That's ridiculous!!! I think they should return it to its original glory to where you can heal yourself within…
What would you rather face?
With Wesker being off the killswitch, I though it'd be a good time to have this poll, as Wesker is a machine As for the old meta, I mean the old version(s) of DH, DS, etc.
What is game better:
Dead by Daylight or Chess
How do you play and why?
How do you guys play the game, and a short lil description would be cool to have, too
Vote to Bring Back 100% Iron Will Perk
Lately there's been a lot of survivor nerfs again and I believe in fair balanced as both a player of killer + survivor and someone who spends money on this game... I wanted to start a poll to show to the DEVELOPERS AND PRODUCT MANAGERS OF THIS GAME, that the community supports the rework of Iron Will. Iron Will has…
The Singularity - Another Weak killer with an almost pointless power?
How foolish was I to have expectations that we were getting an overdue strong killer and the AI robot would be the one to get killer mains back into playing killer rather than survivor mains playing for their daily/archive.
Would Skull Merchant be better if-
Should Certain killers have specific map RNG or custom gens?
I’m asking since I feel like every killer should have a fair shot and survivors as well so the map doesn't always have to be a factor when you lose or not. Here are a couple of examples let's say you’re Pig on Ormond. Crouching or not people will see you coming a mile away and you have no chance to sneak up on them. A…
Do you have trouble seeing on certain maps because they are too dark, too visually noisy or muddy?
Dark: azarovs, midwich, backwater swamp, garden of joy, some parts of rpd etc. muddy: monocolored like Borgo, hard to distinguish one thing from another noisy: red forest's huge clutter, the new scifi map
How do you feel about the balance of Dead By Daylight?
This vote is anonymous, as to encourage opinions to be shared freely. Please be civil. EDIT: When I talk about favor / bias, this does not mean that the developers have bias. I am talking about the game's balance and how you think matches are likely to play out.
Should "Second Chance Perks" be buffed, nerfed, or removed?
Should the survivors perks that prevent players form entering the dying state after hit in the injured state be buffed, nerfed or removed?
How do you feel about The Singularity's new Voice?
The Singularity's voice got changed for the Live release. Personally, I liked the original better, so I'm going to vote for the PTB version, which is Poll 1. But if you think the Live version is scarier, vote for poll 2.
Do you plan on paying for the upcoming chapter?
Are you thinking about quitting Dead By Daylight? Or did you already quit? If so or not so, why?
Feel free to comment your reasonings below. Whether it's awful changes, awful characters, bugs/hacking, jealousy towards DBD Mobile, the idea of never being able to play as your favorite licensed character (or at least in the way you wish. i.e. Freddy.), toxic behavior, the fact that there's no real change to the game…
Since NICOLAS CAGE of all people is coming to DBD, what other celeb would you like to see?
I'm not sure why Nicolas Cage is coming to DBD, but I'm all for it. We've had a few horror films with Nick Cage that were pretty good. 'Willy's Wonderland', 'Mandy', there was that 'Ghost Rider' movie, and 'Colors Out In Space' which was alright in my opinion, it was unique in itself. Overall, I'm curious what they're…
Does Boil Over need a rework/nerf?
Title. After an experience today with a premade that ran no mither, sabo and boil over in Ormond, using the second floor to abuse BO especially, this question came to my mind.
Which one is the best mangled source?
I am curious about which one should I use if I feel like giving survivors the mangled effect. I think that each source has its own benefits. Sloppy Butcher - Easy to apply. Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain - If survivors do heal, you get a nice 16% slowdown on them. Individual killer add-ons - Saves a perk slot, which are…
Purchasable Killer Terror Radius Music
Would you pay for different TR/Chase music in the store? By this I mean say you’re a Wesker main but you dislike his TR/chase music and you could buy different ones from the store to have active in game instead. An additional layer of customization if you will.
Do You Want Emotes?
The recent AMA on Reddit, and the dev's statement that they don't plan to add Emotes seems to have revived the conversation about emotes a little. As such, I'd like to gauge the community's interest in Emotes for DBD.
Does anyone else feel this way
I'm so sick and tired of the killers doing 360 hits in mid swing, plus the game is so killer sided it's ridiculous. Also killers need to STOP TUNNELING.
PS4 Nightmare Edition with additional content should still be able to merge to PS5 without a voucher
The whole idea that you need a voucher for PS4 Nightmare Edition with additional content to be able to merge to PS5 is wrong. Why would someone buy 2 versions of the game just so they can only use certain characters on one version. The games should just completely merge regardless. I understand you not being able to…
Reworking brand new part
how about we brainstorm new mechanics that push survivors away from rushing generators? A single-use strong add-on should encourage them to help each other out.
Which type of original killer do you prefer?
So I’m wondering what type of original killer do you prefer, either an human like killer such as legion and clown or more monster like killer such as dredge?
Do you like the P100 Prestige Icon?
Hi Guys! How you've been doing? Whats your thoughts on the P100 icons? I know they are pink/red to remeber the Iridescente color, but visually it doest not seem that good. I think the gold/silver ones look so much better. Since it most advanced prestige we can get to our favorite characters, i think it could get some…
Who do you think the next two licensed killers will be?
Note: who do you THINK they will be rather than who you WANT them to be.
How excited are you for the END TRANSMISSION chapter?
I know I'm looking forward to it!
Perk ideas for killers and survivors Part 1