What Non-Licensed, Original Killer would you rather see come into DBD?
Edit: Some of the Polls removed themselves, probably from filling in too much. So it's just these 4 options. We've explored different genres of Killers. Western for Deathslinger, Gangster (I think) for Legion, Medieval Times with Knight, Sci-Fi with Singularity, and... Kpop for Tricker. So the question is, what other…
Would you like it if Old Freddy came back in some shape or form?
Do you think this perk could use a buff? for ex just make it return to you like before
If "The Walking Dead" came to DBD, which would you prefer it to be based on?
#1 The Walking Dead show by AMC. A more mainstream version of the franchise. Although, after seasons 7 and 8, many people stopped watching it after the inhumane death of a beloved character, despite his death also occurring in the comics (Steven Yeun was the goat). Although that was only one of the many reasons the show…
What is a Horror Game from the 2010s Era would you like to see? Part 1
This is from that one era of gaming where some of us kids would stay up late at night and watch youtubers play horror games, and them getting jumpscared, and we'd get scared with them. We'd laugh with them, we'd cry with them; all that galore, you know, that nostalgic stuff, the "Pewdiepie" days. And we'd also be watching…
Would You All Like To See Concept Contest Sketch Outfits I Made For Dbd?
I thought it would be fun ask cause why not? Edited: I edited the question cause I forgot to add contest to it. So anyway I may just choose one sketch and finish that. But anyway regardless I’ll let you all know what I’ll decide on. But you can all vote too if you want. Like I said I just made this poll for fun and…
Anniversary Predictions
Do you think the upcoming Anniversary chapter will be licensed or original? In the replies, say what specifically you think it will be.
What kind of game from the 2010s Era would you like to see? Part 2
Check out Part 1 of the nostalgia train if you haven't been there: What is a Horror Game from the 2010s Era would you like to see? — BHVR Here we go again... I told you I was gonna do this... Prepare yourself... It's arrived... Another Poll for all you nostolgia lovers out there... PART 2! Probably not as good as the last…
do you think the game is Y or X sided
LEFT 4 DEAD Poll Question: If more characters from Left 4 Dead were added, who would you run?
I know there's already cosmetics as them for the original first four Survivors, but c'mon now, it's 2023. We have Legendary sets now. If not, they could add new L4D cosmetics for the newer Survivors who fit them best-ish. #1 Coach (If not, he can be an outfit for Adam Francis.) #2 Ellis #3 Nick (If not, he can be an outfit…
Should Pyramid’s Cage Sacrifice need change
Skull Merchant tier list ranking?
Since she’s been hot topic since release, I’d like to hear from all of you what you think her power level is. personally i’d say B, Maybe A.
What's your general opinion of matches facing "Jumpscare Myers", and why?
Jumpscare Myers is a build that uses the Scratched Mirror, Boyfriend's Memo, and usually the Shattered Glasses offering.
Would you like Survivors and Killer to take turns on picking perks in lobby?
Lots of perks were made to counter other perks. But every single game starts by picking your perks blindly. So you can't mindfully counter the opponent, only hope for a luck. What if Killer and Survivors were taking turns on picking perks? For example all Survivors choose 1 perk, Killer chooses 1. And repeat until all 4…
Would You Prefer: Weaker Windows, or Weaker Pallets?
Time to ask an interesting (and difficult) question for the community to answer. If you were forced to choose (even if you feel as if it were unnecessary): Would you prefer it loops had weaker windows spawning OR weaker pallet spawning? Weaker Window Spawns: The walls along window spawn locations are shorter which ensures…
Which would you rather?
From either or both sides,
Have you hit the 1 hour cap before?
Does Daily Rituals need a rework?
If yes, what would you guys change? Personally I would make it 6 instead of 3.
Remove or revert Dead Hard
Thoughts on legion being able to down during frenzy if exposed is active?
Do you think Legion would be better if his Frenzy was capable of downs if survivors are exposed, making him synergize with expose perks better and making him highly threatening during their activation timers?
Which License do you think could be the 7th Anniversary Chapter for Dead By Daylight?
There were a few hints and teases here and there, that I'm sure a lot of people saw on YouTube, so that's why I made this poll... VS
Killers, would you tunnel the key user if you see one?
I rarely see any key user nowadays but some of its aura reading add-on are quite useful so I was wondering if it's because killers still tunnel out the key user first.
Which part of perks do you miss that you want to be reverted?
Thoughts on Rancor?
I´ve been reading discussions about perks and a lot of people seem to hate Rancor. So I want to know: How do you feel about Rancor, And are you a survivor or killer main.
What chapter could save DBD?
DBD is at an all time low so I’m wondering what could peak people’s interest?
What Platform Is Nurse Easier To Play On?
I personally think she very difficult to master but I play on PlayStation 4 where the game’s optimization is a bit messy to say the least. I mean I yeah it could mean that I do need more practice with her and that’s fine. But I also know everyone learns differently and that’s okay too. Heck I will also say that yes she may…
limit maximum ping to 300ms?
should the maximum average ping a player can have to start a game limited to 300 ms?
Okay, to most of those who are not new players and have played for a while now, like 4 years or so? Would you want the old DBD back or happy to keep the new DBD? Curious on peopls thoughts.
Weakest killer over all?
Just something for fun, although this will probably start a war on the comments (arguing is encouraged but keep it civil) I can't fit more then ten so tell me what you guys think in the comments!! :)
Finally adding a theme for The Pig
I know I am not the only one who would love to hear The Pig(Amanda) having her own theme song. It's frustrating to see that after all these years, Amanda hasn't received her own theme, and mixing dbd, and saw theme together, would create a badass theme. This would bring Amanda character to life on dbd and will most…
What anniversary license killer you want and what license killer do u want after the anniversary?
Who Has The Best Teleport
Teleporting is an ability possessed by multiple killers, but each has unique functionality and has pros and cons. This list will not include the nurse, cause I think calling her ability a teleport is debatable, and she would absolutely be at the top if she was. The Hag: Pros: Quick Setup speed, can be used in chase, can…
Moved: Color
This discussion has been moved.
If you TOTALLY COMPLETE The TOME, shouldn't a Bonus be that it unlocks any remaining Tiers up to 85?
I can't find where to start a discussion so I'll ask it in a poll and hopefully BHVR see this. I finished the entire TOME, both sides. I still have 7 more legs/tiers to 85 and no Bonus Fragments left to earn. I spent hours playing today and knocked out 1 Leg. It seems to be 1 Fragment per game played. So I gotta play 70…
What ZOMBIE GAME would you rather see come to DBD?
#1 The Last of Us #2 Telltale's: The Walking Dead #3 Dead Island #4 Dying Light (I haven't finished either of, but I think 1 is better so far, no hate on 2 though.) #5 Dead Rising #6 DEAD SPACE #7 The Evil Within #8 Call of Duty: Zombies #9 MORE Left 4 Dead content. #10 EVIL DEAD (Technically a video game... sad excuse, I…
Charms on Generators ?
Survivors rarely use Charms and its hard to see them. Why not make it that each Survivor can pick 1 Charm which will hang on each Generator's Antenna instead. The Killer has it on hooks, so it marks their Objectives and it makes sense that Survivors could do the same. Also I feel like this would add more flare to the game.
Who do you think is the weakest killer?
Considering ALL their add ons as well as their power, assuming the killer player uses them all to their full extent, Edit: I forgot to put twins here lol
How Far From Horror Should Licences Go?
DBD's latest Killers have felt way more experimental than the slashers the game was built around. Despite being from a horror game, Wesker, the most recent licenced Killer, feels way more badass than even remotely spooky too. So I was wondering how far away from horror you wouldn't mind DBD going, particularly with…
Who is happy about the DBD Board Game?
On the BHVR DBD home screen they are showing a DBD board game coming out soon. Are you going too be excited about it or you just don't care and will just play DBD online.
Who do you think would win in a fight and should dbd add Kayako??
What zombies DLC would you like to see?
Should they make Trapper's Bloody Coil Add-on base kit
We all know Trapper needs some kind of buff, So how would you feel if bloody coil(injuring a survivor when they disarm a trap) was base kit. I don't think it would be too over powered and he very much needs the buff.
What Late Modern Horror Killer would you rather see come in to DBD?
While not a lot of horror movies today are great, there are quite a few exceptions, so that's why I've made this poll. This is solely based on popularity. These are definitely Cult Classics. So, if you had to pick... (Yes, some of these I never watch, or finished, so if were to find out they're hardly seen doing anything…
who is your favorite killer (to play as or against)
there will be more polls
do you feel bad for billy
(in any sense like backstory or the constant nerfs)
For the most part, each of the killers can be broken down into categories of Normal, Supernormal and Paranormal Normal: A normal person, existing in this plane of reality with no special powers or abilites. Usually their power is a tool or weapon of some sort. Examples include Pig, Legion, Deathslinger, Huntress, Trickster…
What perks do you want back to OG?
In the new upcoming update. What would be great to bring back? How are survivors gonna be able to survive in the next upcoming update? 24 secounds heal. Imagine Legion with thanaphobia and sloppy butcher... the game will be mending and healing. So many perks dosen't work in endgame... The game will never become fair or…
What killer would scare you guys in chases?
Which of these low tier killers has the highest potential to be broken?
While it is understood that in the right hands and with the right build any killer can go from being crappy to being very strong. However I do believe that there are some killers that while with most perk/addon builds would remain generally low tier, under the right circumstances not only become strong, they become so…
Which role do you play as a survivor?