i believe that all but low settings has some form of the above mentioned pixel blurring and the like. So go for low like i did m8 and enjoy your high frame rate and 20/20 vision.
In ultra settings there is most likely motion blur, fxaa, or msaa which all three can blur pixels. Thats why i play on low. my computer can run this game on ultra but its to blurry on ultra.
Discord is technically bannable does it seem like the devs give a damn?
Everyone on the forums is Wetawded (myself included) get use to it.
Oh no a killer who cant be looped and can bypass survivors bullshit. Get over yourself kid.
loop, loop, loop
if it doesnt throw the pallet down and you just stand there and have to wait a few seconds to regain control it is lag. Other than that i havent experienced something like that.
If you are playing survivor no. if you are playing killer you are handicapping yourself as with mouse you can turn faster and more accuratly.
i never said you couldnt. it probably sounded like i was scolding you for playing nurse and I apologise if it did. I just assumed this thread was a "killers arent op they are whinny babies" thread.
First thing. No sadly with alot of games now a days you dont own them. They are "licensed" to you which means they can do whatever they want with it no matter what. You know that EULA you agreed to or couldnt play? yea. Thats what that is.
"i get 4ks every game and use nurse" Yea no ######### you get 4ks. The problem is that other killers can have hard times getting more than 1.
Dont make an open thread if you cant handle other peoples opinions.
lol alright xD
The point of perks is to bend the game to your favor. 4 is enought especially when there are perks that are more powerful than other ones in every way. More perks would mean people would choose the most strong perks as there are more slots so they wouldnt have to actually plan outwhich perks to use. Since well theyd have…
- we dont
Maybe ass was to much of a hyperbole of her power. She isnt "ass" but when compared to freddy i would rather play freddy. His power in my opinion can slow the game down better and helps you track people faster.
yea pig is ass
even if you do that there are still ways of seeing peoples profiles through steam by going through viewing the people you met in the recent games tab. That wouldnt make much of a difference.
You see, I get your point but. "Without killers you have no game" is flawed as no survivors also equals no game. So if we all quit then who really wins this stupid "mains" war.
Then how are we supposed to judge them? The only way to actually describe them is do they get looped good or not. Tell me any other way to compare killers and i use it.
Yay! perk that punish the killer for DOING their objective. How have i seen this coming.
Remember only 10 shards for a perfect game?
What is a killers win if they dont have to finisht the objective to do it? And i have rank 1 on both sides so yea i guess i have no experience in the game.
I got the number wrong okay. Off by one lynch me please. That still defeats the fact that survivors dont need to finish their objective to win.
Or a perk that lets him jerry rig the doors to make them open without haveing any gens needing to be done?
Hatch can still open if everyone is alive with a key (this is why hatch is bullshit because no you dont need to be last. If you have a coordinated team everyone can leave with 2 gens still left.) . Yea NOED imo is a crap perk that shouldnt of been buffed. Before the buff I wouldnt consider it a crutch because you would…
Or just make decisive strike kill the killer. SiMpLe Ez pz leMONe SquEEzY.
You arent rank 1 because well rank 1 goes to rank 10 with 2 pips after reset.
All these posts are the ######### same. looping and DSing survivors should be ge get more easily banned because its unfair if survivors win only one killer and doesn't seem to care if killer have fun and when the survivors get one or two gens done he starts Laughing and yesterday one survivor said he looped because he…
NOED doesnt activate until the doors open. it doesnt counter hacth. Even then it onjly sometimes give you what? 1 kill? Thats if it doesnt get taken down first.
Im hoping thats not the killer but the survivor. It would be that this survivor was actually in the entities realm for so long that he forgot his name and lost his identity. But since he has a knife i guess he is the killer. i would rather have a survivor who has been in the realm for a while but eh guess not.
because BHVR didnt make identity v
If you watched the streams you would know that answer :)
Use a bullshit perk i use a bullshit exploit to counter it. Simple.
below 50% is vague. Survivors ######### on hooks dc when they get mad ect. That percentage means nothing.
Every asymmetric game seems to have the weaker side be stronger than the side that is supposed to be powerful. Unless you make the killer completely braindead godlike like in F13 but even then the survivors can still troll jason. Asymmetrics are always a lost cause for me.
Downed them then moried or just straight up grab? It might be rancor if not then tombstone peice. If both of those are not the case then im guessing you should just put this on the list of bugs in this game.
Seems like it would be fun but the devs seem to be strictly stick to their 1 game mode for years plan so sadly this might not happen.
Use the ingame report or report him on his steam profile.
I lik eteh idea but i dont like punishing people for using strong perks that negate the stupid mechanics of this game.
Extremely survivor sided. Have you ever played killer past rank 15?
you still use brand new part? That thing is useless.
So you basically just said SWF is overpowered by saying the only killer that can deal with them is the "op nurse" yea, alright.
When i play trapper survivors get out instantly When i play survivor takes around 5-6 tries before trapper gets to me.
So he payed play his game? Dont let EA see this they might get some ideas
Looping a killer for 5 gens doesnt take skill. Ive done it many times without putting as much as just holding down shift+w and occasionally pressing space bar. Getting chased isnt the survivors objective, It is to escape which is why rank is based on the 4 fundmaentals of escaping a trial not just being able to run in…
So lets make solo survivors as good as the "op" swf? that wouldnt help anybody just make solos more op. It will make insidious based kits useless. There will be no more insidious leatherfaces and we dont want them going extinct