Do you play games to get your hand held or do you want a challenge, solo survivor is the challenge everyone should welcome. Its awesome.
If its any consolation i used to run Dead Hard every build before its rework and now i dont.
My last 3 games in a row this happened, 2 with Jeff and once with Nea. Dc'd out.
Yeah ive loaded in twice now as a survivor and havent been able to move. Just stuck still until the killer decides to kill me.
Might as well ask, any bp coming for bot matches. Could be normal or could be capped at max 20k or something. Just something so you're earning while practicing.
I say it all the time, solo que is where you'll find the hardcore survivor, the best of the best. The survivor who fears nothing, the survivor who loves a challenge. Absolute legends every single one of you. Swfs is where you'll find the kids, the average gamer who needs help, the type of person who plays campaign modes on…
Pride flags.
You bought the game, play however you like. You want to camp, camp. You want to tunnel, tunnel. You want to slug, slug. Whatever, play how you want to play and dont worry about hurting anyones little feelings.
The exit gates.
People that come in and start these "turn dc penalty off" posts are probably the worst offenders. The time starts mounting up dont it, suck it up or play the game.
As a survivor main im not a fan of boons, never had so much hate from Mikaelas because i cleanse a totem in there face. They point, they tbag ferociously, eventually sending me very rude messages. Just want my 1000bp. Wish survivors could cleanse boons, that'd be fun. Triggered Mikaelas everywhere.
Wouldnt let one map chase you away, if you load into RPD and dont want to play it just go stand in a corner and gens will fly. Game will be over in 5mins.
Yes i still loop, havent felt the need to pre drop and hold w key. Looping/Mind games is fun.
I dont have much to add but why where breakabke walls implemented into the game, if it was to hinder survivors i'd say its failed massively. Hinders killers more going round breaking them.
Im having a great time.
Is this English? Im a survivor main.
All these newbie players coming in trying to change a legendary character and playstyle, facecamping Bubbas been in this game probably longer than you so if you dont like it bolt.
On. I see dogshit survivors on all platforms so it is what it is. Que times are instant also.
I've went from ok teammates to teammates using Urban Evasion.
Camping Bubbas fine but if hes not beating you senseless on the hook im sorry but you've failed as a survivor. Uninstall.
I mean ggs but you got 11k bp, wouldnt get out my bed for that. Whatever floats your boat though.
You see im all for a dc penalty, i think its needed and my only problem with it is the penalty times. Banning people for long periods of time only sends them to play other games, surely you want people playing DBD. A set 10-15min cooling off period would be fair for every dc imo instead of all the different banning times.…
I like going against Myers, Bubba, Billy and Pig but if you pushed me on one i'd say Billy, always seem to have a fun match against him.
Thing is many killers arent smart and grant my wishes.
Trickster and Pinhead, soon as i hear them its "to the basement" to grab there attention so i can get out.
We all know some killers camp, its nothing new. What pisses me off more is the survivors who go to spectate the camping instead of slamming the gens. They sit crouched watching then complain when they eventually die afterwards also. Bet you're one of them, probably run Urban Evasion also. Sort yourself out.
A little bit of Barry Manilow to keep me chilled.
Agreed, in and out in under a min.
Can you tell me what perks they were using for a 3 second match, might give it a try.
Yip thats the one, unfortunately the 2 survivors tried to hold the game hostage but we eventually got them after good teamwork between survivors and killer.
I'd rather get chased than sit on a gen.
Us solo champs love a challenge. Swf is easy mode, solo is where you'll find the legends of the game.
Doesnt look op, strongs ok but not op. Nurse is strong in the right hands but in the wrong hands not so much. Blights strong in the right hands but in the wrong hands not so much. Im sure this new killer will be the same, strong in the right hands weak in others. Leave her to live and lets see. If she needs adjustments…
I one hook him every match (EVERY SINGLE MATCH), why you're asking.........hes just annoying, not strong just annoying. Im moving on to my next match. I'd rather face a god tier nurse main, a mad man maniac Blight main, heck even an old school Spirit main. They're ok, not annoying. New killer looks strong thats fine, its…
Need to put on your big boy pants ma man and stop dcing, only yourself to blame.
Ace is gay even if he hasnt came out yet and Nea is 100% a lesbian. Dwights always coming in and out of the locker (closet), maybe him. Wraith 100% gay.
Looks like she'll be very strong in the right hands but the majority of killers in this game are bots so they'll struggle with her power, especially once survivors master playing against her. Solo survivors will destroy her.
Any Trapper mains got an opinion on the new map? Are there any Trapper mains?
Demo op, nerf. ;) Joking aside thats some doing.
Dreading it, lost confidence in the devs a while ago.
Every killer is weak in the wrong hands.
Helps a little as dc's were rampant recently when it was off but if you want out a match you still can in under a min.
A lot. Even let a Myers tombstone me the other day just because, i was at the exit gate but his wee sad face was just too cute so i went back in and let him do his thing. Its fun.
Gotta love The Bubba, getting facecamped by him is a privilege. Hes a noob stomper, probably why you dont like him. All hail The Bubba.
Plenty killers in my region, my games are instant.
Big chapter this. Will they go with a strong killer whos fun to play and play against or will it be like the last couple (Pinhead @ Trickster) , weak and unfun to play against. Hopefully not another one hook im out killer.
I agree. Can we take some pallets out The Game and put them in Shelter Woods. Thx.
Just have fun, remember..........its only a game.
Ds is training wheels for baby survivors. No good survivor needs ds.
Basically its a time spent playing rank. It tells you wether you have a life or not. Wether you're single or in a relationship. Kinda worthless.