Let me guess you play at super high MMR too right you're a god like killer with nemesis and nobody could ever beat you? You're garbage and you know you are that's why you bring that up because it's always the trash people that bring up how they can do as good as the sweatiest player with wayyy less than them. If you say…
So what there was still attempts to be made it was still a lot of fun. Besides 80% of the time you could use common sense to figure out where she's gonna pop on you when you're injured
Picking up on patterns, attempts to misdirection, trying to mindgame. Kinda like playing chess. I don't just sit at a pallet all match and think oh no which way is she going to come from.
See that just shows your immature weird attitude I guess lol. Just a heads up it is possible for people to y'know actually talk and debate about things instead of crying all the time. I see you're one of those whiners. Lmao
I mean I guess this is the way most smooth brain survivors thought of her. I had lots of fun going against spirit
I mean I kinda didn't I mentioned a way people have universally agreed on of how killers have had to change their gameplay. If that's what you took out of what I said then I'm sorry for you I guess? lmao
Yeah the Deathslinger nerf was absolutely one of the most ridiculous things I've seen. Slinger was another I used to enjoy going against cause his games were unpredictable and sometimes on the difficult side. Rarely see him anymore and when I do it's just not the same that fear isn't there anymore
Reading the forums and seeing all the new Epic players crying about the most useless things like they've been playing since Beta and know everything about the game
Why does a survivor get to decide the way a killer plays? The reason the devs aren't focused on it is because they don't disagree with camping and say it's fine
This person had such a bad game they made an account to come complain about it lmao
Do bones
Yeah, no. I'll just play out my matches and not cry about everything.
Chatterer and Pinhead are two completely separate characters. They're both Cenobites but they aren't the same being whatsoever
Nerf posts by new Epic Game's players who say the most ridiculous things.
This has to be a troll post right?
Yeah no it's a pretty useless Boon idea
I stopped reading at "circle of healing isn't busted"
Yeah no Hag is overrated AF. Talking from a solo queue experience not only do I rarely see hag but when I do she's never a real problem. Sure there are people out there who are really good with hag and going against them can be difficult, but I don't think because a certain streamer or person who plays the game night and…
I totally agree. Why should someone get paid for a product they have created? It's not like they have employees to pay or resources that cost money.
Ranks have nothing to do with MMR. Killer games are usually super easy when first playing killer until your MMR goes up. Once you start to go against people who know what they're doing that's when the game switches from easier killer games to easier survivor games and harder killer games. When you first start playing your…
Who asked?
I'm enjoying Plague atm. Demo is fun too but I'm at level 50 still grinding out perks lol
Eh I'm still having fun playing killer
No you see there's just a plethora of crybabies that the devs unfortunately have to cater to because at the end of the day it's a business and that's what this game is balanced around the constant complaining and crying. Like how people really think BBQ is OP just because they personally don't like it. Or when someone is…
Dude you're a new player who hasn't even seen half of what DbD has to offer. All of your posts are complaints and everything you don't like about the game. If you have this many problems with the game why don't you just stop playing? It's not like you spent money buying the game anyways. Every single one of your posts has…
Here's what I don't get. All these posts about how unfun the game is and how broken it is and how unfair it is and how much you don't like it. Soo why you still playing then?
I got a better idea for a bubba nerf I really think this is a good one. Bubba nerf Idea: Leave him as he is.
Just do bones.
Duplicate post somehow ignore*
Yeah sure sometimes the survivors get crazy tiles back to back 100% and the killer is kinda screwed. However, this clip is a super bad example of that, in fact it's not an example at all. The survivors weren't carried by map design Ace was the first survivor you seen in this match obviously and you over committed to a…
Idk I think the title should be changed to "Talk about a cry baby survivor"
As I solo I believe that Kindred is a must it provides so much information. Windows of Opportunity is another amazing perk to have and helps you a lot when looping or evading the killer. Then maybe throw in some Dead Hard cause DH is a super good perk and for the last perk it's really your choice. You could choose BT,…
Okay but you and nobody else has any right to tell people what they should or shouldn't be doing inside of the game. Some people tbag to get the killers attention and take the chase while their team does gens, some people do it to tilt the killer and throw them off their game and then some people do it at the exit gates…
I love how someone tbagging in DBD is somehow on the level of a real world fear or a real world mental illness which is pretty ignorant and honestly it's sad. If your skin "loses thickness" over something someone did in DBD of all games your skin wasn't very thick to begin with. If you are getting that tilted over…
What exactly do you mean by harassing? Are we talking tbagging and flashlight blinds and stuff like that? If so that's kind of something you just gotta get over and it's on you if you let that affect your gameplay because ultimately that's the point of doing it. If you're talking about people sending messages and saying…
I mean it's not necessarily skill but yeah to reach red ranks you have to play a good amount and if you play a good amount you'll definitely have a better understanding of the game. In terms of looking at it like that yeah I guess you could say they're most likely more skilled than someone in bronze or ash sometimes even…
I miss going against old Spirit. I liked always having to be on my toes and having to make the right reads and mind games.
What you really need to do is look up some videos or ask for some advice on how to deal with flashlights. You're a new player and you need to learn how to play the game not come to the forums and keep suggesting these ridiculous changes to flashlights.
Why shouldn't a killer take advantage of a bad play? Is it because you're a survivor and therefore you should have an easy game and the killer should appease your fun and the way you want to play, and if they don't you cry like a little baby and act toxic towards the killer? Poor little baby didn't have a good dame and now…
My best advice for DBD is patience. There's a lot to learn but luckily there are many guides and tutorials for this. There's a huge grind to leveling up that's going to take a long time and even money in many cases to get the perks that you want.
My friend I would like to welcome you to DBD. As killer you're going to get flamed no matter what you do. Have a good game and win? Prepare to be insulted and flamed and get accused of camping, tunneling etc etc. Had a bad game and lost? Be prepared to be called a baby killer and flamed for not winning. So basically no…
One thing I would suggest is deleting DBD and then downloading it again.
Sorry for the late response I was looking into it a little bit and it seems to have something to do with the latest patch and it's more than just consoles it's PC's as well. But yeah, it's not something that's your fault or something that you can control. Your system shutting off is just a safeguard against damage from…
I don't see what the mods posting and the "game health" has to do with it. The OP's idea is probably one of the dumbest suggestions I've ever seen that literally nobody would agree to participating in. When someone makes a stupid suggestion like this they should be told that it's a stupid suggestion.
Why do people post such absurd suggestions that they have no clue how it would even work and sit there like yeahh I just figured out the fix all for this game... like come on
The real question is why are you as a killer spending that much time on one loop? If I'm looping a killer into oblivion as you put it on a single loop and not getting pushed off or being caught up to with bloodlust, no I don't feel proud I feel like I just went against a complete braindead killer who doesn't know how to…
Not to be rude but based upon your post you have a long long way to go in terms of learning how the game works. The fact that you think light-borne is a perk that is ever needed or even commonly used is completely wrong. Or saying flashlights should have battery life... well they do.
I absolutely love kindred and I will never ever take it off. If I don't use it I just feel naked.
If your console was really hot and shutting down it's probably a safeguard to prevent permanent damage like how if your GPU gets too hot it'll shut down your computer. Make sure you clean out all the air vents and your system is in a place where it has room to breath.
Didn't the devs say they're going to be doing some sort of early game collapse? Or did that just get abandoned?