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  • Do you read your own sentence at all? You said it again, you wanna control a reaction. Action or reaction doesn't matter. It is still manipulation because you wanna control someone. Attempting... to... control... What is an attempt to control? You wanna control something. You wanna control a certain situation. You can not…
  • That's good you apologize but you don't get to control how people react. That is absolutely true but do you know what? I do not even want to control how anyone acts because that's manipulation.
  • I just can say you never can be sure 100% what does trigger something in people and what not. It is impossible as long as you do not know people that good that you can understand why things trigger so much. Not in a video game nor in real life. When people seem to think they do know what does trigger something in other…
  • Congratulations!
  • Absolutely understandable. I would like to use it sometimes too, but it makes me feel like I'm drunk, at least a little. Pretty weird perk.😅
  • Not even sure they are scared. I think some people do that as compensation for something, what ever it is. At least when they act like that even when there is no game based reason not doing it.
  • No. I believe that people can only learn when they recognize their own mistakes. To me, it only makes sense if there's something useful about it. People don't really learn when they're rewarded for their mistakes. The probability is very high that if I meet this person again and the same situation occurs again, this person…
  • To me it's not even a question of deserved or not. The game is lost anyway. Hatch or not doesn't matter because defeat is defeat. What I don't really understand is why people give so much importance to this hatch mechanic and also why people love to judge others whether they deserve something or not. I had a match as I…
  • To be fair, that's pretty much this killer's only true strength, that he's pretty good at tunneling.
  • To be fair, you can't expect much if you don't know the people you're playing with, but this 99% thing is a mystery I'll never solve.
  • What I think is that every action causes a reaction. When this changes go live, they will have an eye how it runs until next PTB. They collect data, read feedback and will adjust stuff because of it. Some things will receive buffs some others nerfs. So pretty much like always.
  • It's absolutely outdated anyway, they should remove it entirely. Would really love to know what is the thought behind that depips are still a thing at all.
  • Do I get this right: Killers should be animated not to run regression perks and as trade they become more or less a fullstack thana for free but on the other hand survivors get repair boosts when they do not run gen pressure perks? That makes no sense.
  • Like i said in a topic of mine: Some people do 99% gates because they seem to be sure that's always the right decision. Mostly it is not, especially in solo queue when nobody is there to open it. Played around 10 games today. Two people of them died against their own 99% gate and one time I died because I was not able to…
  • Peanits explained it here:
  • They are capable of doing this, but the problem is that it can be exploited if it were possible because a game can be intentionally crashed. The same goes for the internet connection.
  • When that is not camping then i have no idea what's camping. That's maybe not a "direct" facecamp, but that's definitely camping. Is that understandable to camp? Absolutely. Much more pressure a killer can not get when the half survivor team is unable to fix gens.
  • Thank you.
  • That's why aggro changes on "The Game" are mostly more effective than keeping up a chase, at least when it's the first chase. This map has much pallets, but the downside is that there are less windows which you can "recycle" as loop possibility. Personally it does not really feel to me that there are too many god pallets,…
  • I run a lot hexes sometimes because cleansing hexes can cost massive time in a lot of cases for survivors especially when they get interrupted multiple times. That's sometimes much better than any regression perk.
  • My biggest hype is about the damn search bar, can't wait for it. 😁
  • Absolutely doesn't matter to me. I have nothing against it, but it's nothing where I would say that's a thing I would love to have.
  • In average the experience in my games is the same like always. Sometimes I have good days but sometimes not. But in general I do not really play solo queue because I expect that a lot of matches are winnable. When I would think that way I would organize myself a SWF. I play it more because I love the decision making…
  • Do not think so complicated guys, you just need to blind when someone gets carried. That works also while hook animation. Just blind the killer while a survivor is about getting hooked. At least that's the way I did it and it was done pretty quick. I have pretty respect about people trying this constantly for 3 hours I…
  • That's true, that's also pretty possible.
  • Personally I do not have very much trouble with nurses overall. That always depends on the map + RNG. I think a change what would be more healthy is, that the map RNG is being more intelligent and let spawn some more line of sight breakers. Sometimes you have almost a half map side where litteraly almost nothing spawns to…
  • Because of missing experience or they are simply massive tilt.
  • Only what comes in mind is red forest. There's a way too much line of sight breakers and too much stuff too close together imo. The other maps are pretty okay, some things are better, some are worse, but healthy changes overall, at least how it feels to me.
  • I would call this a fun build.
  • I can wholeheartedly agree.
  • The greatest honor people can achieve is when they are remembered positively by others. The charm which got implemented is a great way supporting this. The fact that BHVR made this possible supports massively and personally I love this move and have pretty respect about those people who made this possible even i have no…
  • I did not use it mostly anyway, I used other exhaustion perks and had great value. Dead hard i mostly only equipped when i got one sweathead after another (nurse, blight...). That's where i would say i miss it sometimes.
  • Only thing what comes in mind is cleansing dull totems for Inner Healing. Maybe they should make it basekit😂.
  • Well, when traps are well placed, they are well placed. The thing what makes a trapper weak is when you have people who make it their mission to disarm those traps non stop. When @mca240 had games where people were not really coordinated (not full SWF) that is pretty much possible that rounds can escalate quite quickly…
  • This just goes to show that prestige levels mean absolutely nothing. I have exactly this experience any here and there with people who are p100. You never know if these people are spending the most BP in one or several characters. *Maybe they spent all their points in one character. I have over 6,000 hours and don't even…
  • Tunnel and camps are in general not an universal 100% guaranteed win strategies. I know nobody said it, but a lot people are the opinion, at least that seems to me. A tunnel makes only sense when you can be sure that you are able to complete the tunnel in a certain time, otherwise you have no gens left. In public matches…
  • That's called feedback reaction. They have a certain idea, they try something out, they look how it works, they receive feedback, they do changes again. After this, they look how this new changes work out, get feedback again and the whole thing repeats. Imagine everything what have been said in past would be implemented. A…
  • Every killer in this game has situations, where the power is most effective. A trickster open field is such a situation, but that's the same with bubba/ billy/ huntress and so on. What you described is a situation where you get catched* offguard, but that is a situation what people can prevent in a lot of scenarios so they…
  • I do not really understand why people really think WoO is OP. A perk is not overpowered because it has a high pick rate. That only shows that the perk is liked very much and helpful. WoO is definitely not OP nor it has to do with skill to use it. This perk is in a lot of games more a harm bringer than a good useful utility…
  • In my opinion that would kill flashlights entirely and lead into just more toolboxes because people have another reason to stick on gens instead of being altruistic.
  • Is not even needed in most cases, I play a lot solo queue and I am able to keep a Hag pretty busy just by triggering traps under purpose. You do not even need to be a good looper, you just need to trigger the trap on max distance and run away after triggered, Mostly she ports but you have enough distance already to reach a…
  • My common experience is 2 gens. I mostly defend a 3 or 4 gen because I personally find that better as to tunnel someone straight out and it mostly gives more value in my games when i am able to pressure right. Nevertheless i am not a hardcore 3 gen defender itself and go for a chase nevertheless, but when that takes to…
  • The RNG overall makes a big difference and what both sides do with it comes on top.
  • Yes, that what i mean with "gamble". They gamble on it that survivors go for altruism. But when you have a group of 4 survivors which playing SWF and all of them are good, they mostly laugh about it because they exactly know what they are doing in most cases and are already prepared for it.
  • That's true and i see it more or less the same. But gaining MMR or not. Facecamping overall is not a way what gives proper pressure in most cases. Most seem to do it because they hope of survivor mistakes and that is a general core problem of this mindset on top because that is nothing more as a gamble. There are some…
  • When the skill difference itself is so high that you are not able to do anything you will lose anyway, but nevertheless you can try things out instead of fully refusing to play because who gives up directly will never improve. What helps myself a lot is when I spread pressure. I do multiple aggro changes, force pallets…
  • It is hard for me to agree on something positive about garden of joy but the way how the map is visually designed looks pretty cool.
  • But what strategy isn't riskier in soloq? When exit gates are open. Although sometimes you may not get saved everyone because the gates are opened too early, the critical damage that can be caused by opened exit gates is not that high compared to closed ones. Most people can crawl out and also the killer has two gates…
    in 99% gates Comment by Veroles June 2023
  • That's correct. The big issue i see is, that a huge majority use it as holy universal recipe for every possible situation and extend the opening until they are literally forced to. After reading through the comments what everybody wrote, i see a little sense here and there and yes, sometimes it can give a little time to…
    in 99% gates Comment by Veroles June 2023
  • That is how I do it sometimes, too. That depends on the situation. I mostly run "Bond" and I am able to track the other survivors so I can easily support with a hittank, after I opened the gate and I do know where they are at. If I go for a rescue or not depends really if I have the feeling that makes sense and the…
    in 99% gates Comment by Veroles June 2023