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  • Can you imagine if devs actually had the forethought to add a fourth-level idle survivor notification, where if there is absolutely no gen progress for 3 minutes the Entity just reveals all survivors auras until someone goes down, and this whole silly discussion was avoided in the first place....that's the world I want to…
  • Every case is different. You can't compare getting tunneled by the Nurse with KLB+HP, the Spirit with MDR etc. to getting tunneled by the Pig. One is like a ride on Tokyo bullet train, while the other is a drive through the NYC Midtown tunnel during rush hour. In the case of the former, it's almost guaranteed you will…
  • Your so-called "easy counter" translates into the 3 other survivors surrendering 10-15 game seconds, i.e. 30-45 effective generator-repair seconds - on every down. I would highly recommend thinking before speaking next time.
  • I once fell for a "farming" Bubba....and just Bubba, but Bubba before his 4.1.0 rework. Even made a thread with a poll about it on the forum. Personally, I thought it was a really clever play on his part, especially when up against the ropes, ( and back then - before 4.1.0 - that poor, poor child wasn't just against the…
  • Pro-Nurse people: She's perfectly fine. It's your own fault! Anti-Nurse people: She literally either needs to go or be reworked from the ground up. Me, an almost 4K hour solo-survivor: Perhaps we could just change her attack from basic to special to prevent things like Starstruck/NOED? [gets stabbed by both sides]
  • Nurse has the lowest kill rate but is without a doubt the strongest killer for one simple reason: her mechanics fall outside of the normal range of what one could call the standard arsenal of all DBD killers. If someone were to give you a bow and a bunch of arrows chances are you would be terrible with it at first, but…
  • Freddy used to be such a great killer.... ...but then he crossed paths with a BVHR dev and the last thing our poor Freddy heard was "You're in my nightmare now!"
  • Had the same issue recently, restarting the steam client without trying to start the actual DBD game fixed it.
  • OhTofu's recent video explains quite well how busted her range addon is: Take a look at what happens at 10:39 if you still have your doubts about the whole range/speed issue.
  • Blight is fine. Nurse on the other hand has already crossed the OP line. I would not have called her OP a year ago; the best killer avaiable? Absolutely. Overpowered? Not quite yet. That changed when the fire nations attacked.... I think it was about 6 months or so that Otz made a point of saying that many already…
  • After 3k solo survivors, Pinhead is the first killer that makes solo play an absolute nightmare. It is not his power alone that causes it but the complete lack of communication that currently exists between solo survivors. You can have 3 survivors near a box, and there is no way to guess or even indicate to each other who…
  • I am honestly very confused by people who still insist that grades have nothing to do with skill or even old ranks. The old emblem system is still in place as far as grades go, and you CAN still de-pip. You just cannot revert to a lower grade once you reach a new grade level. People who reach Grade 1 still have to get 12…
  • This is coming from a 3k hour solo survivor main so take it with a grain of salt I guess.... In my opinion the most recent incarnation of the Wraith feels much closer to the old, old Wraith than its previous zoom-zoom model, and that is NOT a good thing. The zoom-zoom model needed tweaks - it suffered from the worst…
  • All 5 gens completed...3 survivors're on the see the aura of one survivor working on the gate....while the other is on his way to make a valiant rescue. Before your feet get a chance to touch the ground again, the survivor on the switch takes a hit...goes down...and 5 seconds later they meet their end…
  • While I have had this happen with an Emergency(green) Medkit, it has only happened once. However, I cannot say for certain if I truly got more than one chance to test this before this morning. In practically all instances of using a green medkit, i happen to have one from the start and by the virtue of it I am also able to…
  • If the next map - whenever that one comes out - is anything like RPD then I will certainly consider quitting. In terms of enjoyment, playing on RPD is only slightly behind injecting lysol into my veins.
  • People suggesting that Engineer's Fang should be base kit need to get their head examined. This add-on will be practically game-breaking once the PTB and the Blood Favor changes go live. The new Blood Favor is going to be: based on damage state change centered on the survivor Pinhead already has an incredible ability - one…
  • I cannot wait for this map to either die a painful death that it rightfully deserves, or get a much needed rework.
  • I only play survivor, but the only build I feel remotly salty about is Pinhead with Engineer's Fang. These days I would much rather play against Spirit with Mother Daughter ring. I cannot even begin to imagine what devs were thinking when designing that add-on, but it had to be something along the lines of "huntress'…
  • Yes, it is! They should add a finger-over-mouth "shhh" emote, so you could do that in front of the killer....preferably behind a pallet. Actually, generally speaking that emote could be pretty useful.
  • Red ranks are not ranks, they are a mindset. Expect the same thing you might except on your next trip to the bathroom after gorging on Taco Bell for 2 days straight. As Terry Tate the office linebacker put it: "Get ready for the pain train, boy....pain train is coming....woo, woo!!"
  • Ive been getting Hawkins like there is no tomorrow. Worst stretch was 7 times in10 matches 2 days ago.
  • Something is definitely off with spawns....2 days ago I spawned inside of Leatherface's radius on Coldwind.
  • Strange thread.... If the absolute worst case scenario of a SWF+Toolboxes+BP+PT+4pGen can still lead to a 4K then complaining about current gen speeds is just silly. If you wanted an easier time you could have brought addons, no one stopped you. This type of an SWF situation is also not representative of every match in…
  • I don't know what game this individual is playing, but it certainly is not Dead by Daylight. Their first point is completely false - blinding the husk will not force the Spirit out of phase. All it will do is destroy the Husk and its TR. The second point, namely using pallets to cancel her phase, is a bit cryptic. However,…
  • Spirit is not the problem. Sprit's addons are the problem. I am not even talking about the "Mother-daughter Ring", "Prayer Beads" or "Yakuyoke Amulet". Even her green addons are , namely "Dirty Uwabaki" and "Katsumori Talisman", can boost her power to an insane level. With those two, she can travel at 8.0 m/s for…
  • I find it quite ironic that OP is complaining about the very effect that allowed him time to get to 9 hooks, and there still being 1 gen left to do, with Myers. OP completely ignores how much gen repair progress they prevented when not actively stalking any survivors. On this particular map , spine chill is especially…
  • Tunneling is countered by being good at the chase as survivor. No. Being good at chase revolves around knowing the mechanics and taking advantage of each other's relative positioning. You don't win chases by waiting for the killer to be right on top of you and then actively trying to outrun them. You win chases by making…
  • to hell, Mr Bond.....I expect you to go to hell.
  • Same issue.
  • Your comment is completely irrelevant with regards to this, or frankly any other situation because players who pick stridor Spirit have to do so before they have any idea who they will be up against or whether these survivors will try to "make it unfun for the killer". If you are going to play Stridor Spirit, just own the…
  • Yeah, no survivor is going to use this perk because no one likes to bring perks that may not get used in a match. Very rarely is ruin/dh so impossible to find that you wish you had brought small game. Small game is also better than this perk because it notifies you everytime you are close to a totem and you can just…
  • "hello everyone, i am a new player i got dbd about 3 weeks ago"..........Noooo, get out while you still can. The entity is playing a mindtrick on you, and eventually you will become like us, mindlessly traveling from match to match looking for that one final Quantum Leap through the exit gate that will bring you back home…
  • I read that as "The Crows should have their own cosmetic slot"....and was totally on board There is no better bug inside of DBD than when the killer (only seen it happen to Trapper) spawns with a crow over his head, that somehow also becomes part of their killer aura and gets displayed in red as part of their aura when you…
  • Every experienced survivor with over 1k hours has gone through that teenage stage where they thought self-care was the best thing imaginable since sliced bread, and for a certain period/rank-range it likely was, but the closer you get to the top of the rank system, the less forgiving your matches become. You simply cannot…
  • Solo-survivor. I stay away from killers, because everyone knows they have cooties. Are you a good sport? Yes, or at least try to be. I will never leave a survivor to die on the hook as long as the gates are closed and Kindred is telling me its not a camping Bubba. After over 2k hours , I know that each exit gate is just an…
  • But we are rewarded, and the name of the prize is PTSD.
  • I encountered numerous rank and emblem errors the last 3-4 days before reset. I'd have matches where +1 pip, would procude a -1 result. Where depiping , would show my actually rank as being a full level higher in the lobby. I even got a ghost -3 depip after turning off and then later turning the game back on the last day…
    in Rank Reset Comment by madradfox May 2021
  • Yes, let's remove ranks and 4 red-ranked SWF survivors to have an equal chance to be matched with those casual rank 19 killer with 11 hours in DBD, and with a rank 1 killer with 2k hours. It will be a party alright, the rank 19 killer will just pull a Cartman saying "@#$& you guys, I'm going home", and rightfully so…
  • When you trip one of the Hag's traps and she uses her power, does the currently controlled phantasm feel sadness and fear knowing it is about to disintegrate? Actually, does the Hag herself ever actually know whether she will get to do the actual prestige or just end up the one getting blown up? ....I think devs just call…
  • Speed will slow down when she vomit First of all, it only slows down to 110%, which is the base movement speed of many killers. However, what you seem to be ignoring is that bringing the "Worship Tablet" not only speeds up activation at pools, but also gives her a speed boost to 117% while vomitting with Corrupted Purge.…
  • RE: "Does Plauge need a nerf?" Dear Drixpy_Jayyy Today's holiday - per US holiday calendar - is in fact Mother's Day. You seem to have confused it with April Fools' , which you will quickly find if you select April 1st in your calendar app. Please note that per company policy, being an actual fool on a daily basis, does…
  • I just hope we finally get a new map, and one that is better designed than Silent Hill.
  • 1(a) The aforementioned restriction and the enforcement thereof shall not apply in reference to Jane Romero , a.k.a "The Thiccster".
  • That threads like these can ever lead to anything constructive...
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