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  • I definitely agree with all of these, including being impressed by them. I enjoy having them and I'm thankful for it, they just need some tweaks to the AI is all. Naturally I don't expect them to ever be like actual people, but you simply don't benefit from using them currently as you don't actually get to practice certain…
  • I don't think as a whole DBD is wildly crazy unbalanced. I think there are certain aspects of the game are unbalanced and when you put these together it can seem like it's very unbalanced. Obviously maps and map RNG can be unbalanced at face value. Especially when you take into certain killers. Certain maps are heavily…
  • I never really liked the idea of having two different bottles, it just makes no sense. Like the speed up is nice but why give a downside for an already weak killer? Lol They should have just made it to where if the clown walks through his own tonic cloud then he gets invigorated and gets that small speed boost. He'd still…
  • I love them lol definitely the best addition of the year
  • Right after doctor rework and the reworked tiles/maps, prior to them implementing breakable walls. They fixed most loops and then quickly destroyed them again. Breakable walls was never a great idea, and their implementation of it was even worse.
  • I've been opposed to pips ever since grades were introduced. However, I don't see how this is an exploit that killers are using. An exploit would be abusing unintentional game design for a benefit. Camping and slugging, while might not be fun, has been confirmed to be a strategy of the game and is a part of game design. It…
  • Demogorgon. Has map traversal, has Chase potential, and can go well in both 1v1 and 1v4 situations. He really comes down to skill on both sides. If he's good he can stomp even good swf teams. If he's bad he'll get stomped. He's a good middle of the pack killer
  • Tunneling and camping will never be fully removed from the game just due to the games design. All they can do is try and lessen it/make it more lucrative to not do it, but it'll still be there in one form or another
  • Fix trap spawn RNG, make traps start opened instead of closed. Then he can still pick up and move traps as he wants, but still have some pressure early on if someone randomly steps in a trap.
  • I'm guessing you've never played as her. Most of the time you waste more time trying to infect them fully than if you were just to go for the m1 anyways. The only time you can infect someone fully very quickly is if you are right on top of them and they're running in a straight line. At that point it's a matter of player…
  • I've been saying ever since grades were introduced that they need to remove the entire pip system. It should just be a single progress bar. As you play and earn points, all points get added up and it goes into this one bar. Once the bar fills you move on to the next grade. That single bar can be managed a lot easier than…
    in Pipping Comment by Advorsus October 2022
  • I actually don't mind this bit of RNG. Yeah in match in the heat of the moment it sucks and can be frustrating especially when it happens multiple times in a row. But I like the idea of having to be smarter with committing for a gen or just hopping off. There's a lot of RNG in this game that I don't agree with, but this…
  • I don't really see a need to do anything further than the warning they already have. So many games, most in fact have only a warning with no special modes. If you decide to play any of those games after the warning then that's your own choice. But asking them to drop everything to make a special modes for each and every…
  • His power should remain mostly the same, but there are some tweaks I'd make. Stalking mechanic: -There shouldn't be a limit to how much you can stalk someone. -You stalk the same amount regardless of distance. -Progression now reverts back to tier 1 after tier 3 goes away. Tier 1: -Base movement speed up to the normal…
  • I agree, I don't think it should be base kit. However I do think he needs something when vaulting the pallet. Like making it to where if the survivor is within his collision once he vaults, he follows up with a basic attack. Right now survivors can just wait at the pallet to vault back right after he vaults, making his…
  • I feel that hag's main issue, is really similar to Michael's issue. Their power was created for an earlier version of this game where there was a lot less game knowledge. There were less people who had been playing the game long enough to know all loops and tiles and how to run everything, and how to counter her power. Now…
  • I like dredge. The ambient sounds and screams give him a real horror feel
  • Uhhh... How are you even going to bring it up but not even mention the laughing jester, who was the best character from the show lol
  • It all depends on the situation. Do I have anything in my build that ensures we both get out? Did they get downed because they were goofing off trying to be toxic? Overall the general answer is no. The chance of even one person escaping at that point is gonna be small. Let alone both people. Why feed the killer more…
  • I've done that, however it still doesn't change a lot of interactions.
  • There's also other differences too. You can't moonwalk as survivor because of the controller to camera interaction, 360ing is a lot more difficult. As killer you can't flick the same way the PC does, hiding your red stain is slightly trickier for mind games. Any precision killer is a lot harder due to lack of the same…
  • Yeah they are bound to each other and there's no way to switch it. Even if you change the button layout, it switches it for all interactions. So like healing, vaulting, working on a gen, throwing a pallet, and even solving pinhead's box are all tied to the same button with no way to separate those actions. Which is sad…
  • Once you prestige a character you unlock their 3 perks on every character at tier 1. You can then find tier 2 and tier 3 within their bloodwebs like normal. Or you can prestige 3 a character to have their perks at tier 3 on all characters.
  • It's fixed like rubber banding and space Billy is fixed 😂😂
  • I like pairing monstrous shrine with devour hope on killers who can't move away as fast. So it might look like: Monstrous shrine, devour hope, undying, and jolt. Or I might switch out undying for another scourge hook like PR or floods of rage
  • Doctor originally. Loved his laugh, lore, and power. It also didn't hurt that he's one of the best farming characters. However I recently switched to dredge. Love his power and design. He feels like an actual horror character. He also has one of the best skins in his doll skin
  • I don't think it's really that bad at all. Especially with healing being as fast and strong as it is already, being healed by a large chunk instantly isn't horrible. Having it give just 35% instantly, or God forbid fully healing you instantly, would simply be too strong and would make it a must have in every build in every…
  • Put simply, people don't have a problem with the perk for it's intended use, to stop camping. Most people want that. The issue comes in with how it's actually used. As I started when the perk was first announced, it's easily abused and people are starting to see this. I knew it was going to have these issues because…
  • Indeed it's only something the devs can answer, and have answered. I'll put the answers below. 1. Kill rates were lower than intended, so they provided killers with base mechanic buffs. 2. Survivors received basekit BT and haste on unhook to assist in combating camping/tunneling. This is an ongoing thing that they are…
  • I've come to the realization that with this game, and every single match I play in this game, I have to manage my expectations. When I would go into a match expecting teammates to be on the same level skill wise, or expect decent map spawns, or for everyone to play fairly, or for anything to be balanced, I'd be frustrated…
  • Tony hawks pro skater 1 & 2. You can grind into a manual, then into a wall plant, pivot into another manual, into another grind. Rinse and repeat for Max grindage
  • I just don't understand people spending money on any dating sim, especially this one. If you really want to throw away money and get nothing out of it, I know of tons of hot singles in your area that would like to have a word 😂
  • That this game could be so much more than it is, with a way higher consistent player count, a better look, more fluid animations, and a better balance. However they're too lazy or unwilling to make the substantial changes needed to the core gameplay in order to achieve that outcome.
  • If you're blinded, meaning you can't see the direction they went, no scratch marks because of the perk, and then no footprints or sound because they're crouching in a corner that's not a skill issue. There's no way to track a healthy survivor at that point. The only way to find them would be to literally go looking for…
  • In the current state of DBD and it's maps, I'd say no. For it's intention, hiding scratch marks after getting a save sounds good. But it'd be used 99% of the time at each and every single pallet and would just break chase instantly on every chase. Gameplay would be getting chased, dropping a pallet, wait for them to break…
  • This game needs other main objectives outside of just doing generators. It's what it's always needed, and many have stated that over the years. That is one thing I feel that games like The Evil Dead have done right in recent years. There's very little down time when playing as either side. You're always doing something,…
  • I honestly feel pretty much the same way. The game if played normally doesn't feel that much different. But so many survivors give up after the first down or hook since the patch, it seems like killers are doing better than they actually are. The other thing I noticed is survivors saying it's not fun anymore. But I've…
  • You should! Mine was just summarized 😂
  • @GoodBoyKaru false. Bears beats Battlestar Galactica
  • I think there's some good ideas but also a lot of bad ideas. You don't need 3-5 perks to become basekit. I would like to see the icons of what my teammates are doing to go live, that's probably the main change that's really necessary, and is really all that's necessary. Yeah matchmaking could always use improvements. But…
  • You've seen space Billy, get ready for space survivors 😂
  • And all of that made sense way back when survivors moved slower and didn't have a bunch of different techs in their arsenal. Nowadays it just causes more misses that would've hit and is one of the things that extends chases past what it should be. If you want to help killers reduce chase times, maybe remove that first,…
  • As a killer main I hate that this was brought back. We pretty much went from a meta of Corrupt, PR, DMS, and BBQ, to a completely open meta. And now back to a meta of Corrupt, PR, DMS, and either bbq or floods of rage, maybe lethal. It's just dumb that we went completely backwards after a single patch
  • What people don't seem to understand is, even if they wanted to bring back the bonus BP on those perks, it's not just the flip of a switch or a simple line of codes. This was something I learned from one of the developers of Riot when they did an interview about one of the champion reworks and whether or not we'd ever see…