New Mechanic: Sacrificial Runes
I'll start off by dropping the SORRY FOR BAD ENGRISH so bear with me. Sacrificial Runes – A new Killer’s mechanic suggestion 1.Introduction This essay was written assuming that the reader is well familiarized with the nuances revolving Dead by Daylight on it’s current form. The idea behind the sacrificial runes is to…
Mash up #4 Huntress artwork?
The Japanese person that drew out that Huntress art in the latest mashup is amazing. That picture is EVERYTHING I love about art. I would love to chat with them on here about it. Very very well done.
Metal cover of DBD theme
Hey so I do the recording for my own original metal band, and decided to record my own metal version of the theme from our favorite game. There's some acoustic guitar for the survivor part and what I like to call "The March of the Huntress" at the end for all you Huntress mains out there. Hope you enjoy it!…
Killer: [The Locksmith]
Feel free to skip lore. Been working on killer concepts for over 8 months. Here's one of my ideas. The Locksmith “ I’m starting to question the power of the entity. I walked up to a chest and found it locked somehow. I tried everything to open it. Then I saw ‘her’. A long-haired woman staring at me waiting for my next…
Rebalance ideas
The Spider (Complete Killer Concept)
This is a Killer concept I fleshed out a bit. I worked pretty hard on this so give it a shot. Includes a full bio, abilities and perks. Bio All children are told to stay away from spiders, but as a child, Aria Struss had an experience that she would never forget. One day she was told to retrieve a box of mementos from the…
New interesting object for survivors - Portable gramophone
Portable gramophone A long-forgotten luxury item for all lovers of good music. Used for quiet pastime, dancing, as well as attracting attention, all who are not indifferent to music. Records from the diary: "Trying to find any loophole in order to escape from this damned place, I was constantly trapped. Delivered to…
Two Endgame Perk Ideas
I came up with and created two ideas for endgame perks, however they are intended to synergise with each other. They are as follows; Get Out You don't toy with your prey. Once the exit gates are powered, they are automatically opened, but not revealed to the Survivors. The Hatch will not open for the duration of the trial,…
Killer Concept: Hideo, The Undead Samurai
Its the year 1040, the pieceful city Kyoto is under attack and citizens are on the run while guards try to protect them with their lives. Everywhere around the city there are bodies on the floor but the guards cant find any of the culprits responcible. One after another falls down to the ground untill the guards finally…
Chapter Idea: Flames and Fear
Killer: The Pyromaniac Shirley Greenwood grew up an orphan in the 1950's. She was just days old when she was given to the orphanage, no one thought to see the mysterious woman's face as she left the baby in a nearby trashcan, hoping to never take care for such a responsibility. The town Shirley lived in was a quiet town in…
THE TEACHER - Fan-made Spotlight :)
Hey guys, I made a fan-made spotlight for The Teacher with perks and add-ons. :) You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYup4lEjIZY Let me know what you think. :)
The end match vote against killers.
I have a question for you guys. I'm playing killer on ps4 and get bunch of nasty messages from losing survivors. As this morning just doing 4 match i got 2 salty messages. First time because the survivor got caught 30 messages after the beginning and i was patrolling around the hook knowing some of his friends wanted to…
Huntress and Franklins
Does Franklin's demise effect huntresses hatchets?
New Killer idea - The Thing
(moved from the killers form) This idea is based on the horror movie 'The Thing" 1982 by ' John Carpenter' It would have the killer change shape as one of the survivor that is in the trail. me:"how horrific it would be for your sheer delight of your friend coming to help you fix a generator..only to find out he isn't…
A Collaboration Comic?
I Have A Crazy Idea. Let's work Together to Create A Collabritive Comic. Thoughts?
Pure Blood Chapter Idea
Name:Marta Bio:Each of us believes in something, whether it's the deities or religions that have been with us since the beginning of existence. However, Faith can sometimes blind us as in the case of Marta. Marta was a close friend of Knoth, the main founder of the temple gate, he poisoned her mind that she must kill, kill…
Killer ideas ( second try )
Hi there i've already tried to post this but never seen it in my discussions. Why? A mystery. First of all i apologize about my english. I'm still learning and i know it's far to be perfect... So as i said this is my killers ideas. Im trying to give them some balance for survivors do not cry about OP killers. The Hook.…
New Killer idea: The cupid
Lore: Not much is known about "The cupid" as many call him was an angel that has been around for millennia watching people fall in love, while he himself could not fall in love. filled with anger he fell from grace, now a "fallen angel" he targeted those in love. Those he targets are forced to endure the pain he suffered…
One Pig to Another
Being Jigsaw's Pigheads is like Batman recruiting Robins Not my art, just wanted to share though. Art By: dead_by_megson
Huntress Picture
Just messing around and I made this.
Killer Suggestion: The Tyrant (corrupted Dwight)
Concept: It's been suggested (although un-confirmed) that IF a survivor loses all hope they may become one of The Entity's servants. So what if Mr. Fairfield succumbed to such a fate... Would "a leader" become "a tyrant? Appearance: The Tyrant would look like a buffed-up Dwight in regal looking attire. Robes, jewelry, etc.…
NEW KILLER : The Reptile
Lore: Naja was a boy born in south africa fittingly named naja pallida, the scientific name of the spitting cobra. This name was given to him after he was born with a severe form of Ichthyosis a skin disease that makes the skin dry and scaly. Naja was always bullied in school for his looks leaving him with no friends. when…
New killer: The ent
Dendron green was a young boy that lived in georgia. He had an odd obsession for trees, and always admire their size and beauty, and dreamed of becoming a dendrologist. He would spend his time out in the woods gathering tree bark and admiring nature. During one of his gathering routines he stumbled along a pit in the…
killer idea : the apparition
Killer name : the apparition appearance : based on the ju-on movies power : projection. The power would project a survivor towards. If the survivor hits a wall while projected, he/she is stunned long enough for the killer to hit him/her. It'd be a high risk / high reward play. (and a scream from the killer while it uses…
The Broken
Hell was not what we believed it was, the fire and brimstone his holiness the pope spoke of was no where to be found, not but a blinding fog amongst a endless woods i find my self in. Alone eternally i roam this hellish scape with not memory's of the place i once called home to accompany me, they bring me comfort when…
Killer Concept - The Devil
The Devil The Devil himself enters the fog with red skin and a vicious Trident. Basic Info: Name: Lucifer Gender: Male Ethnicity: !!?#%^%^ Power: Circle of Fire Weapon: Trident Speed: 115% | 4.6m/s Weapon: Trident - The well known, vicious Trident is coming to the fog to end lives. Power: Circle of Fire - The Devil starts…
New Killer Idea: The Seamstress
Sophie was a soft spoken seamstress who spent most of her time in her bosses shop, altering clothing and creating her own clothing ideas on the side. She hoped to one day open her own shop and make a name for herself. Her boss Linda Carter was the best in her field, and made dresses and suits, jeans and hats, etc. Sophie…
New Killer Idea: The officer
Killer: THE OFFICER LORE: jonathan walter was a police officer employed at the winston police station. He was always secluded and away from humans when he was on his job, not wanting an official partner. However jonathan was never alone. His dog rex was always with him, and jonathan cared for him since he was a puppy and…
Killer idea: The butcher
Lore: Bryan Taurus was large 250 pound man who owned a slaughterhouse in miami. He was always devoted to his job and put it before family and sleep. He had 3 employees and he payed them well. One day an accident happened. One of Bryan's workers chopped his finger clean off with a cleaver. Bryan saw his finger on the table…
New killer idea: The knight
Lore: Not much at all is known about the knight, his name, his location, these are both unknown. But the only thing that is known is his love for decapitation. Scattered across europe are monuments of severed heads, although police try to find evidence of who this person is they do so to no avail. The knight has been…
New Killer Idea: The officer
Killer: THE OFFICER LORE: jonathan walter was a police officer employed at the winston police station. He was always secluded and away from humans when he was on his job, not wanting an official partner. However jonathan was never alone. His dog rex was always with him, and jonathan cared for him since he was a puppy and…
Killer idea: The Officer
Killer: THE OFFICER LORE: jonathan walter was a police officer employed at the winston police station. He was always secluded and away from humans when he was on his job, not wanting an official partner. However jonathan was never alone. His dog rex was always with him, and jonathan cared for him since he was a puppy and…
Kitty Nea is love
Friend of mine inspired me to draw Nea in this skin, absolutely love it >.<
Can You Stop Deleting Stuff I Edit For A Few Times
New killer: The Curse
Based off of Ju-On or The Grudge, this killer is straight out of your nightmares. It doesn't have to be the same person or people from the movies for copyright reasons (unless you can get the copyrights ofcourse) but it would be along the same lines. The curse is born from someone who died in a horrifying fashion while…
Me and Michael Episode 1
https://youtu.be/_DX1UIAIzqI Just your typical 14 year old high school student and my adventures with Michael Myers. He'll have you dying...of laughter o3o twitch.tv/linkdarkw
Can we have a new monster ?
The wendigo ?
New Killer - The Gray Man
"Hamilton Howard "Albert" Fish (May 19, 1870 – January 16, 1936) was an American serial killer. He was also known as the Gray Man, the Werewolf of Wysteria, the Brooklyn Vampire, the Moon Maniac, and The Boogey Man. A child ######### and cannibal, he boasted that he "had" children in every state", and at one time stated…
New DLC's Idea -Magician's Cabinet
New Killer - Magician Magician is a killer who uses magic to cover up crimes,able to use Box Trick let him to freely shuttle the cabinet, find and sneak into the hidden escapers. His exclusive skills Fear Afterimages, Hex: Phantom Tricks and Death Magic Boxes give escapers more burden and risk. power Box Trick Where there…
The Wicked Witch- Hag cosmetic
Since Halloween is basically around the corner, my friend Chris and I are making Halloween cosmetics. This is our first one, hope you guys like it Edit: Oh the light from her hand is coming from a glowing tattoo in the shape of her phantasm traps
Just a few memes I've made.
So then, I felt like there was room for a few more memes, and I decided why the f**k not y'know?
The Thing as a dlc
I would Love to see the thing in dbd... Maybe it could turn into a survivor and pretend to be one as a stealth option and there could be a secondary option "infection" and it would work the same way like the pig puts that reversed bear trap and you must get a injection from a machine to cure it... I don't know it could be…
Trapper - Tar Bottle, Logwood Dye - Gideon, Léry's (suggestion)
Tar Bottle and Logwood Dye are not really useful when you are on the Gideon or Lery map. And i think it was pretty unfair because of the fact that map selection is random (without offerings). So here's my suggestion: Change the color of the trap according to the predominant texture of the maps floor. In this way, traps…
Deceleration of generator repair
What if you make a perk, not totem . Which say every the first hanged the survivors . The killer gets 1 token off 1 survivor, which slows down the process of fixing the generators by, say, 4 or 6 % . In the end with all the survivors , the killer will get 1 token if 4% to 16 % debata to repair generators from all survivors…
Killer Idea: The Shutterbug
(This was another killer Idea I came up with last night, and just now finished this morning. Comment any criticism! :) ) Killer: The Shutterbug Name: Ludwig Wolfrik Alt. Name: Cameraman Gender: Male Ethnicity: German Apearance: 6'4, Long Black Jeans, Black leather shoes (Very similar to the Doctor's shoes.), And unzipped,…
"The Huntress"
Wanted to try drawing my boo, I hope to make her justice one day!!
Chapter IX Back to School (My idea)
My idea for new chapter IX: Back to School :) Killer: The Solitary Weapon: right hand- wrench (french key). left hand- circinus Power: School tools found and stolen in order to punish their persecutors. You can stab survivor with circinus (Killer has 5-seconds animation of weapon wiping) causing him bleeding effect,…
Out of the Fog - Dead by Daylight
So here's the complete version of the other fanart that I submitted recently. Here's Jake and Dwight already eating when they're supposed to wait for Meg and Claudette :P It was fun imagining the survivors' casual life outside of the Entity's grasp. Totally makes you wonder about it <3
Dead by Daylight - Chapter Friday the 13th
Hello, Hers is a new Idea for the Next Chapter in Fall: Sorry for the bad drawings.
Killer idea- Control three killer in one game
idea by the movie THE strangers Players can control three different killer on one game Male killer Destroy dropped Pallets10% faster Female killer move Speed +5% Female killer(2)The cooldown of missed attacks is reduced by 20% Power Killer switch cd 10sec The player enters the game with a random killer Uncontrolled killer…