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  • My guess is Lara Croft or Ellie from LoU. Who I'd want is Frank West or Miles Upshur from Outlast. The longest and worst guess, would be Guts from Berserk, or Casca.
  • I hate to say it, but it's the same case of "it's their game, they can play how they want." Some people have fun playing normally, while others get their kicks from making others as miserable as possible. I feel your pain, I do. I wanna play all hexes and I get people who just BNP, PT, etc, and games over before I even get…
  • If you have a person DC early in the match OR if I gave everyone two hooks and your team is at 4 gens. I'll goof off at that point. Throw the occasional knife or turn into an M1 killer. The DC is self-explanatory. It's not fun to have a person DC once they see me. I feel like it ruins it for other players, even if they get…
  • Okay, I didn't read previous comments, but I'll explain why I run it and my thoughts. I play Trickster and I run Lightborn, Iron Grasp, Starstruck, and Franklin's Demise. I'm tired of going up against people who flashlight chain and body block. Am I saying flashlights are toxic? No. I'm just tired of working hard for a…
  • I think it would be nice to know my own ping as killer without having to use outside sources. I had a couple games last night where my wired connection was showing a red ping and I was confused as to why.
  • Had something like that last night. Played one match as Wraith and fought tooth and nail to get a 4k. It was a good team and it felt like we were all around the same level. The next game is a complete slaughter against me where I only got 1 hook after 4 gens done and they got a 4E. Each survivor knew where to go and what…
  • As a survivor, I'll stay in lobby and usually afterwards, check and see if they were streaming. One made me laugh because it showed him just getting hooked and you see me doing gens in the distance and he freaks out because I wasn't right there to unhook him. As killer. Nope, I'm dodging. I don't need that in my life.…
  • I agree. Her fatigue after a blink makes me kinda sick. If I knew a good way to play her without that stupid side effect, it wouldn't be so bad.
  • Sent a request. I'm just looking for fun people. Just good people who aren't toxic/hardcore sweaty/ whatever.
  • Pretty much what you said. If I somehow get a 3k, last survivor can have the hatch/open the gate. If you're a butthead, then no, I'm not gonna be nice. As much as I dislike being stunned, BM is uncalled for. My thing as survivor is just stun and run. I know it's hard to say chase me in two gestures, but seriously.
  • When playing Killer, I usually screw around in a snowman if I'm way ahead of schedule, multiple hooks, No gens done, etc. Especially during Nightfall as Dredge, you can tell Survivors get spooked when you pop out of snowman in the darkness. I could always get a couple of high fives or whatever. As survivor. Nope, nothing…
  • Love the design on the Knight. The idea about summoning backup is amazing and stopping/mindgaming loops is cool. But he just gives too much info to survivors, a buff, and buggy above all else. I know they can never kill every bug, but that's a huge turnoff for me from buying him. If every killer had the same weaknesses as…
  • Welp time to use it all on David so I can get DH and then hate myself for using it! lol But in all seriousness, thanks for the BP. It's much needed.
  • Always reminds me of the time I started a match and my teammate threw a pallet down and next thing I know, I'm getting chainsawed by a Billy going Mach 5. Sometimes people just load into a match just to be jerks, whether from slamming lockers rapidly, bringing a killer to the gen you're working on, or even just fast…
  • Solo Q isn't good. I know at its core, solo q is the true DBD experience IF IT'S WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE. Like what others have said, if you have good teammates who don't DC or suicide on hook, it can be such an Endorphin rush to silently work together and 4E. Sadly that doesn't happen except in rare circumstances. That's…
  • I'll just say three major ones that really only apply to me. Getting butthurt when Survivors bodyblock, sabo my hooks, or blind me. I know its part of the game and its not their fault at all, but man, I get so heated when I'm about to hook someone and I just can't. Again, its a me thing, I'm working on it. When I miss a…
  • This would be a tough one to implement, (I'm not a dev or a coder so I'm sure there's a way). In your case, OP, I agree. That body block to hold someone hostage is/should be reportable. But sometimes the killer has to block doorways too and allowing survivors to bypass you like a ghost isn't counterable. I doubt it would…
  • I've had a friend request in the middle of a match after killing someone. In the post-chat they seemed nice, but honestly with the internet, I've gotten huge trust issues. I just denied it. I want friends, but someone who friend requests after I kill them seems awfully suspicious to me.
  • I've had a game on Midwich where there was literally like a total of 3 hooks upstairs. (I could be exaggerating a bit)
  • Hardcore agree. The neon light lines make him standout big time on dark maps. I mean it looks cool, but I'd rather just use his dark base clothes than that outfit.
  • I've been thinking of that KillaWhale video about unironically enjoying killer. When gens pop, I usually mutter, "screw the gens" and just keep chasing. I set goals depending on who I'm playing as, IE: Slinger, how many good shots can I get, Trapper, how many times can I trap a survivor. I still sometimes go in thinking…
  • Just repeating what everyone else said. Bully squads make people miserable. If not bully, then as a streamer has said, information is vital in DBD. Imagine playing with no aura perks or anything that tells you location. SWF can ignore aura perks and still report killer location, current action, chasing location. The baby…
  • Not all too often. I'd say out of 10, it'd be about 3 but not back to back. It's making me really reconsider joining a group. Not for wins, but you know, friends to survive with.
  • Usually I'll keep playing like I have been but a bit more forgiving, like if you just got off the hook and I tried chasing the unhooker and I find you again, I'll turn a blind eye. But then back to normal gameplay and last player gets hatch. Unless you were a jerk, example: Teabagging rapidly after getting a pallet stun.…
  • Yeah, but I didn't feel too good about it. I started just playing a bit more serious and one of my matches I had a survivor on death hook waddle up to me in a snowman and I just popped it and put him on hook. It was that stupid Thanos moment of what did it cost me.
  • Yeah sometimes. More to get used to maps and to try out builds. Using bots will never replace actual human brain and reflexes, but can be entertaining to a degree. But I've said before, these guys are skittish, playing as GF or Pig and if you crouch, the second you're in the general area of a bot, they book it to the edge…
  • I like this new style of match making unless there are killer incentives and then I'm extremely hesitant on starting a match. I had loaded in thinking I needed more BP when I got my stuff shoved in and left the match as a killer with 6k BP. With no incentives, I get players around my level and I have a good time, even when…
  • Having a rock bottom MMR like myself, I like toying with them but never actually going out of my way to kill. It's kinda gotten to the point where sometimes I swear I'm playing against bots. I got a couple examples, but I'll spare story time. Now if you're in my lobby with babies and you have DH, Unbreakable, OTR, and…
  • I guess for me, it depends on multiple factors. What is your goal? If you don't care about kills and MMR, I try to give everyone two hooks and let them go free. The most challenge I get is trying to get people to 2 hooks and then keep track of it. After that, usually they are on 2-3 gens left, I chase then and let them…
  • As a survivor? I really don't want a blast mine for killers. It'd be so stupid to go work on a gen and then BOOM! Injured or dying state. Or a perk that affects healing skill like (I forget the name) where you have multiple checks in a row and if you fail, instant broken state. As a killer, a boon that gives free Unbroken…
  • Great, you just gave Bhvr an idea for a killer. "The Sniffer" his power is like Oni's blood orbs but it's a yellowish green trail that follows you. The only way to avoid it is to stop playing sweaty and play the game for fun.
  • I usually log in around late in the day and I'll have survivor range from 100% to 25% until about 2000 when Killer jumps to 100% in NA. I also notice a lot more suspicious players too. I mean, Survivors load up with full medkits and similar usernames, or even 2 medkits, 1 toolbox, and 1 flashlight. That sends a big red…
  • Agreed 100%. I like to play dress-up between matches on both sides so being able to do that would honestly increase my desire to purchase more cosmetics.
  • I honestly haven't had a bad matchup on both sides. I'm not a serious gamer, more casual so on Survivor I don't get sweaty meta build killers and on killer side, my last stressful match was 10 games ago on Midwich with Legion. So yeah, I can understand if you wanna play hardcore, this new MMR style sucks, but I think it…
  • Design for me is great. I love killers that aren't human. (Really tickles the SCP fan in me.) Nightfall makes me panic, and the teleporting locker ability has him popping out of nowhere really makes it feel like a horror game again. Only speaking from survivor POV.
  • My only experience with Knights has been 3 campers and 1 who gave up. The campers I just did gens while they stood there and the one who gave up quit after 3 gens and just stood in basement. I messaged in post if they were okay but never got an answer. I hate it when killers give up, it reminds me of my first time as…
  • Hate to use Smite as an example, but they use quickchat. Something like "Press Q for a menu of 6 options for quickchat"
  • I'm not endorsing smurfing at all. Please don't jump at me. I do exactly as InvadeGames says, I lose matches on purpose because I hate sweaty survivors. But with me, it comes at a cost. Everyone in my matches get hooked twice and then let go free. I avoid death hooks like the plague. I've had more grateful survivors for…
  • As a survivor, I like Kindred or Deja Vu. I know they are for beginner players, but against campers, Kindred helps and in maps like Midwich, Deja Vu helps with finding gens. As a killer, I like Bloodhound. Bright puddles make it easy to hunt you down. Sloppy Butcher is my second favorite.
  • Nurse: Maybe I'm a weak little baby boy, but I HATE the after effect of blinking. It makes me feel uneasy to the point where I try to avoid dailies with her blinks. Trapper: Traps take too long to set up and usually 90% of the time for me, they never pay off. Huntress: A survivor could be 2 feet in front of me and I'd…
  • Its kinda fun thinking of perks and powers for licenses that I want. Like Lobotomy Corporation, Getting a Nothing There killer or my new obsession, something from World of Horror. Still surprised we didn't get something for Dying Light. A literal game about escaping horrors using parkour.
  • I actually got interested in DBD when Pinhead was being teased and everyone kept saying it was Springtrap and for that while, it was fun. So much speculation and theories. My hype for Springtrap kinda died after Security Breach because that version of Springtrap didn't add anything and people had taken a liking to Vanny(?)…
  • I really support it. Making it based on everyone escaping, I've seen more people being more helpful on unhooking others. Killer side, I try not to kill but still get pipped, so that's cool too. I don't feel stressed to get kills.
  • Maybe I'll eat my words later, but I'd rather see Nurses and Blights than Ghostface and Myers. I die on the inside when I see a survivor with the red ring or the Halloween jingle.
  • Buddy, I'm in the camp that camping, slugging, and tunneling, while unfair strategies, are still strategies. Heck, there are killers made for those purposes. I'll be salty still if I get tunneled out, but that's still a legitimate part of the match. But like I said, doing gens depends on the situation as a whole. Obviously…
  • I'm going to try and be as respectful as possible. A majority of the time it depends on the situation. Chill out with the gens: I'm sorry but no, I'm gonna try to finish gens asap. I may not bring a spare part or the best toolbox, but using Prove Thyself and Deja Vue, I'm going to try and finish to escape. That is the main…
  • Potato teammates? Hmmm, idk if this counts but if I see a Mikaela, they're going to go bless a totem and then disappear for the hatch at the end game. Useful for a healing spot but then just become a useless ninja. No offense to mains out there.
  • I'll be completely honest, it depends on my mood. If I'm in a foul mood, I maybe sorta kinda go out on the first hook. Sorry to my teammates but I don't want to be in a match that instead of taking 5 mins to now go to 10, 15, or even 30 due to being the only survivor on gens while the other two just hide for hatch. I'd…
  • These are always fun. I'll pull from personal experience. 1. If a survivor drops an item in front of you and nods, you must let them live. No hooks or injuries. 2. If the survivor is going after a chest, you must stop and let them grab the item. Then give them a headstart before you chase them. 3. You shall not equip light…
  • I was sent there twice last night. It was a sweet and sour blessing due to the "Break 15 pallets" archive, but I only was able to hook everyone once as Wraith. It just go to a point where chasing had gotten dull because we'd both stop at a pallet and I'd nod to just drop it because the pacing is already dead to me. If they…