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  • DBD is a PVP game, its not balanced to favor 4 escapes, for me it looks like you're thinking the game should always end with a happy rainbow where 4 Survivors hold hands together and escape. I know escaping feels great, but this is a team game. Instead of being fixed in the "I need to escape", maybe you should change your…
  • Idk about the blood zone, but one thing I'm 100% sure is that the last seconds of the Demogorgon shred miss sound effect sounds like David grunts.
  • Dai amigão, beleza? You were healing in a deadzone, without anything to work with(no window or pallet), you were expected to take a hit, which was punished with an instadown Killer. Billy is now more in pair with the current strong Killers squad. You got punished for your bad decision, and that's just about it; I don't…
  • It isn't a bug, it happens to any Killer shadow. When you're playing with any Killer, the model for the Killer is not the same that you see when you're playing against him, since you're playing in first person, they use another disfigured model so that the model won't clip in your field of view. Search some "dbd killer…
  • Self-Care is only worth if you comibe it with Botany Knowledge, it's incredible for SoloQ. Self-Care alone is ~45 seconds Self-Care with Botany Knowledge is ~31 seconds (14 seconds of difference) Healing another Survivor with Botany is only ~11 seconds(from 16 seconds) Combine it with Dead Hard + Adrenaline, you'll be…
  • The only fun thing in the game is interaction with the Killer, and with Hag, 90% of the time the gameplay against her is: Hag places a Trap -> A Survivor trigger the trap -> She teleports and slaps the Survivor -> She either leave or continue depending if the Survivor is running around her minefield And you can't do…
  • It is indeed worse, but not that bad. I always play solo with my combo of Self-Care+Botany+Dead Hard+Bond or Kindred. Self-Care + Botany helps a lot if you're a good player, you can heal and have another long chase with the Killer and waste lots of his time if you're a decent looper, also the extra healing speed from…
  • Since she is the only Killer that people play differently as Killer, I think Survivors should also play different against her. For example, the gameplay flow of other Killers are like, you take one hit and get injured, you get one more and go down. This should be changed for Nurse since she is also played differently.…
  • I think he can't be fixed and don't need to, he's the first Killer of the game and he's supposed to be the friendly Killer every new player will play with and against. You can't think that every Killer should be equal on the balance because they can't, in any game there's always that character that is way worse than…
  • Of course it does, and that's why it was nerfed, a perk shouldn't so impactful. I was just using a hyperbole to symbolize that dead hard is basically used every match.
  • While I agree Nurse should've some changes, Blight in the other hand just need to have alchemist ring changed, speed add-ons are okish and compoud 33 is a ultra rare add-on, its supposed to be strong, and it's not like every Blight player will use it in every match. Since Blight has such a different power, his counterplay…
  • I think its still great too, the speed boost helps a lot to reposition yourself. They were kinda lazy with the animation tho, hope they change it.
  • I agree. Since it's a 4vs1 game, a survivor perk can be used by 4 people, so if the effect is strong, it will get out of cotrol, it makes sense most perks have downsides to compensate. Dead hard was such a nice perk before the patch because it's a perk that you can use anytime in a chase to extend it. No other perk is…
  • It's still strong, against Killers which have fast attacks like Nurse, Blight, Oni, Billy, Huntress, Trickster, Pig, Pyramid Head, etc.. it's easy to time against them and get a free speed boost to another safe area. It removed the stupid part where the Killer and Survivor got into a stare match against who will lunge or…
  • The only thing to laugh about is her decision, if she went straight to the window, she would make it.
  • Dead Hard needed a nerf because it was saturared, being used in basically 95% of the matches Iron Will makes you 100% silently by just being injured, killing the most important thing about the Killer gameplay: tracking by sound Spine Chill gave you free information without you needing to be aware of your surrounds Self…
  • Just for clarification, wasn't it 24~ seconds? Old Self-Care makes you heal 0.5 charges per second. A healing requires 16 charges. Old Botany Knowledge would give you 33% extra charges based on the original value 1.33 x 0.5 = 0.665 charges per second. 0.665 x 24 seconds equals 15.96 charges.
  • I though you were only mentioning that specific match. Still, my point stands. Dead hard and gen times nerf really make most matchs more easy to 4k. As I look, this guys is dedicated to playing DBD so it's not surprising he's destroying everyone.
  • He's running full slowdown perks + Wraith is pretty good on Saloon because the map is small and all the loop tiles are horrible in that map. One match is not enough to prove anything.
  • It's not working even in solo, I just played a match as Survivor while the incentive as 100%, I earned 27k in that match and didn't earned the 100% incentive from that.
  • Crossplay is like "I offer myself to make other people's queues faster", so by disabling it, its like you're being rude only thinking about yourself. Its known for ages that people don't like playing with another side for some reasons. So I guess it makes sense to reward people with crossplay on since they don't care about…
  • Looks fair. I think we should have one like: Hex Hope: When a Survivor is hooked, all Survivors will receive the Haste effect, which increases their speed by 10%.
  • Any decent Nurse play pallets smart, you'll almost never pull this most games against them. I get your point of removed things, it really kills the diversity in the gameplay, but really there isn't the need for it. It could even be a bug that wasn't fixed for years and now they decided to fix, just like most bugs. Also I…
  • In what world you play that you want to pallet reverse A NURSE of all Killers? The Baby Nurses you sometimes get in your trials? You are really complaining about it because you can't stun the Killer in the fashion and cool way, I get it, it's fun doing this, but it shouldn't be a thing. The only fun in this game for…
  • Why are you complaning then if it just affects Killer A or B. Like you said, there is no advantage in using them, so why they should be kept? To counter 2 Killers? It's something strange and it should be removed.
  • "No clear reason"? huuhh.... It was removed because it makes no sense to allow you to stun the Killer from the same side that he is, apart from looking silly. The devs intentions with these changes is to make stuns more fair and logical. The same goes for the "locker saves" which the Killer can't do anything about it…
  • Because there's no counterplay. Like someone said above, when picking a Survivor from the ground the Killer can do something to prevent flashlights saves, so there's counterplay, which against lockers, the Killer is locked in animation always in one direction. Not to mention it's dumb you can't kill someone because he just…
  • MMR is a system that rely on user data, so playing just 4-5 matchs won't be enough to place your MMR where it should be. It's like a stairs, you can't just jump to the end with just few steps, you'ill need a lot of steps to reach. I guess some 100 Survivor matchs will put you into a almost decent spot for your skill level.
  • Yes, the parcial problem is that but the cause is not exactly because of the real-time protocol that is used to send and receive data from server to client and vice-versa, it's how they coded it in the game to manage those data. For example, implementing a logic that takes SO LONG to finish will cause FPS drops and freezes…
  • I heard a long time ago in one one of the devs streams I think, which he mentions something like: Games that have the reconnect option are built with this from the very start, and tools that helps with that, but DBD was made without this in mind so it would be hard to implemen. DBD trials are short, for example your PC…
  • This is a 1vs4 game, games like LoL and Dota which have the same number of players on both sides is already hard to balance, now a 1 v 4 game that has different gameplay for each side is completely another story. Sometimes you need to rush a kill early game otherwise you will lose, so tunneling which is just another term…
  • Do you know why the developers and most people agree that your idea shouldn't be a thing? I'm not gonna tell you, but you can discover for yourself. Just follow these steps: Be sure to be in the top% rank to get good Survivor on your matches or at least decent ones Now play only Killer during 2 whole weeks After finishing…
  • You should read about how game development works to get the basic idea of why they did this. The game has a fixed size for Killers, which is Average or Tall, it's like that so we have a pattern. Most animations on Killer screen are messed up because you're in first person view, so they need to adapt the model and animation…
  • I see nothing wrong. Saying "sweaty" is totally wrong and just make you look ridiculous, people play games to win, not to lose, if a Killer or Survivor uses the best Killer and perks in the game, they're not doing anything wrong. Survivors do the same with the same meta perks like Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Decisive and always…
  • I'm not being rude, I'm being honest and direct. It's your fault for complaining about something WHICH you don't know anything about, and instead of going out to search WHY it's like that to have some value in your post, you go to the Internet that a lot of people will read just to make a post about something you have no…
  • Yes this also happens to me, I'm on PC. My game freezes for like 3-4 seconds, yersterday I even opened it and cleaned all my gpu and memory contacts, cleaned with isopropili alcohol and all that #########, still went in a game and my first match it freezed again. This is horrible when playing as Killer, but gives advantage…
  • The Killer barely have time to defend gens and chase, imagine going out to break Survivor totems. I hope there is some compensation for it or something else to make it fair.
  • That's not a reason to not have one. Imagina being on Facebook without having a search bar, and you would have to go for every person name in alphabetical order to search who you want. 5 Years of DBD and yet a basic search perk isn't present, just show how much where the efforts for DBD are going...
  • Well then tell us your ideia, even if you kobe, what then? The Killer will just go after you again and down you, which will take like 3 seconds because he won't leave the hook until you reached the 2 phase, this was how it was before this change. Then the Killer would need to wait 60 seconds because of DS, so you get it,…
  • Didn't read it all but the final image is kinda funny, you got my like. All I'm going to say is that he won't be touched in a VERY LONG TIME, like 3-4 years, so yeah, better use your thoughts on something else.
  • It doesn't matter. It don't lose its value because of this. It's a perk that is overused in 95% of global games, and it should be nerfed, and I'm pretty sure it will someday, to allow other perks to shiny and more diversity in builds.
  • Yeah, holding M1 on a generator for 80 seconds sure is boring. Survivor could've more interactions with it, for example, repairing a generator requires you to grab generator piece and it allow you to repair only 40 charges (1/2 of a gen), so you must run around and gather these pieces(there will be a lot by the map). It…
  • Dude, you do know that 90% of the console community is complaining about FPS issues on PS4 right? It's not just 10 or 20 people, it's an entire community. There's a lot of reasons why it runs bad, and none of them are because the console owner should troubleshoot some random ######### to make the game work properly.…
  • Of course not, that shouldn't be a thing at first. Read my post again, what I meant was: Survivors are not meant to always escape, in a balanced scenario, 2 will die and 2 will escape, doesn't matter how they die. Perks like DS, BT, UNB, and other ones are designed to DELAY your death in a trial, not 100% nullify the…
  • This post makes me think that you want Survivor to always escape and they shouldn't be killed by the Killer. In a balanced match, there's always one or two that will always die, it's what devs said they wanted to focus, 2 escapes and 2 kills to make it fair. You get better at the game to not be one of these two that will…
  • Yes of course, I will sacrifice 2 precious slot perks to use 2 horrible perks to counter a ridiculous mechanic that should not be in the game. The question is not about regress, it's about undoing the Killer's work by just tapping a gen in seconds, even tho the Killer time is double precious compared to the Survivors time.…
  • This call for an emergence plan! Playing Wraith during one whole week with Spirit Fury + Enduring.
  • Dude just stood there the whole game.