And that's where you're wrong. Colloquially, we're clearly not talking about the same thing. You're saying by definition, technically everything is a skill, therefore dbd takes skill. In the same vein that counting to ten is a skill therefore counting technically takes skill. Meanwhile, people are saying that in terms of…
The millionth thread on this. Next up killer mains will complain the devs are survivor sided and then immediately get "bashed" as well. I see it happen to both sides. I think the answer is obvious. Ppl disagree with ideas and will give their disagreements. Also to be fair, most of the "pro-to-a-side" ideas are kinda... Not…
Lol. Is the trickster free or do you expect to pay money to be his beta tester and provide additional feedback that might not be listened to when he's live?
And that's my point. You can't match unskilled labour and skilled labor together just because they both use the word skill in the same vein you can't say the definition of a skill describes what counts as a skill means that everyone is wrong when they say the game doesn't take skill. You're combining colloquial meaning of…
You're using the definition incorrectly. That's a definition of a skill, not whether or not something requires skill. It would be like arguing unskilled labour and skilled labor are the same thing because technically everything is a skill so there's no such thing as unskilled labour. Conflating the two means we're talking…
All you need to do is invent instant data transmission. Make it commercially available and affordable. Other than that... You're going to have to stop playing all online games if you can't stand latency.
You're mixing up skill in terms of mechanics and game knowledge. DBD doesn't take much skill in terms of mechanics. You don't need much precision movements, fast reflexes or complex controls for DBD. Even nurse isn't too difficult when you think about it. The worst part is that her difficulty is inflated by poor controls,…
It would be interesting to change her so that she can't put down traps close to hook. The only problem with that is depending on the range of the restriction it might create powerful trap deadzones or remove traps the hag set up before hooking the survivor, even though she's not really trying to trap the hook. So in…
What's the point of haste? It just prolongs the survivor getting hit so that bt doesn't activate by the time the killer catches them.
Second conspiracy theory time. What if all the weird ranking bugs are due to MMR (either it's on, collecting data, accidentally on or just bugging things even though it's off). It would explain why some ppl are increasing in rank by a large number. That's their MMR number being updated but it's accidentally popping up.
The second one.
This is how we know red rank solo queue has fallen so far.
I've given up on solo queue ever being good again. You can't. I mean it. You cannot buff solo queue into working order unless you add in an I win button. It's not possible with the teammates I've seen in red ranks. If you look back on quite a few buffs/nerfs over the past 2ish years, the devs did them to make it easier on…
The thing is that it's up to the other side to punish for mistakes. If a killer makes a mistake than it's up to the survivors to punish the killer for it. Same thing vice versa. A single mistake on either side can easily snowball as long as the enemy knows what they're doing.
Tunneling used to mean solely focusing on one survivor, spending as little time as possible with any other interaction. I swear the definition for tunneling gets broader and broader.
Just imagine, dbd with comms and your team can see everything that you're doing. Sometimes your teammates are chill. Sometimes they get tilted and look for any reason to complain. Other times they think they're god-tier players so the only reason their losing isn't their fault. Sometimes they're even right but don't say it…
Yes survivors should start playing around map awareness. Just choosing where you go down can easily drain 20 seconds from the killer even if you don't really know how to loop.
At the very least they're not being as efficient as they can be. They're not combining it with looping and map awareness to maximize killer time loss.
It would certainly be interesting on seeing how killers set it up and the strategies to get things working but there's probably a broken loop hole somewhere.
This would make sense... Except, they left the Mori's as is for years since the last Mori nerf. There's no real rush to do it.
Pathetic. Why don't you just let them pick up the hooks and carry those around? Then the killer can hook survivors to themelves too.
I assume they "fixed" something that was making a lot more situations count as chases and that happened to also result in removing the ability to get into chases with an afk killer. So it's a buff in some ways a nerf in otherways.
A bunch of people complained that there were too many killer challenges and it made them feel forced to play something they didn't want to. So maybe you are right about something.
I think that'll just be a nerf overall. Ppl are already worried that solo queue survivors will essentially afk the for 1 minute to use their DS. Worst case scenario killers just decide to keep slugging anyone that has DS.
I think that example is a little different. The devs don't seem to like changing add-ons unless they're doing a full sweep on the killer. Kinda ridiculous but what are we gonna do.
It's a win for that one survivor. They lost the war but won the battle.
I could've sworn a good chunk of those existed before the dark times and patched before the dark times or within the dark times. I guess it depends on where you decide to date the Dark times, which is debatable.
U can tell from a) mechanical skill from the killer b) the Killer's game sense.
So how would you do it without railroading the game and losing complexity. I've seen a lot of ideas but all of them are either too restrictive thus making the game restrictive and less complex or too soft and it does nothing so people will still complain.
Game would be dead if they tried to remove everything considered toxic. It would be an extremely railroaded game with very little depth.
That's just a smart strategy. You take a risk and hopefully be rewarded. Although it doesn't work in solo queue, especially since if you do that it'll tilt whoever is in the hook.
Nothing really. I think ppl are mixing up actual immersed gameplay and holding the game hostage.
Depends on how long the timer gives. If it gives 30 minutes then some1 is probably holding the game hostage. 20 minutes and things are arguable. 15 minutes is too strict. I think somewhere between 22 and 28 minutes gotta be a sweet spot.
Some people are starting to change the meaning of gen rushing to mean being too efficient on gens. It's like how tunneling is starting to mean being pressured by the killer too much. Right now I think it's already moved to mean getting in chase with a survivor who has been hooked in the past 2 minutes. I'm talking catch…
We'll agree to disagree. At this point we will just argue in circles. Ps I tried to copy your rhetoric and tone. It's nice when ppl call themselves out for bullshit.
Wouldn't surprise me if they didn't notice. They probably attached the pov camera first and then the team in charge of the animations just used where the camera was set.
If you want to play a game of point out the differences than fine. Adrenaline requires survivors to finish their objective while noed requires the killer to guard their totems, which is a separate task. Adrenaline rewards survivors for winning. Noed rewards for losing. Adrenaline heals a health state automatically, while…
You're also wrong then. Hatch rewards for losing. Noed rewards for losing. Hatch usually activates as survivors get pushed into a corner, although it could activate when survivors are winning anyway. Noed usually activates when killer is pushed into a corner, although it could activate even when the killer is winning…
Purposefully or not it's still holding the game hostage, which is banable.
There's immersed and then there's holding the game hostage. What you experienced was holding the game hostage, which is banable. Playing immersed is not and even though I dislike my teammates doing it in solo queue I don't think it should be banable.
I find that it really just depends. It's very possible to lose a killer in there too and the killer is also forced into losing time with the good ol' holding w.
Personally I still think that noed's equivalent is hatch ,rather than adrenaline.
I think maybe 4? Just make them super spread out so you can't just chain them back to back.
I see it happen on both sides. It's not a survivor or killer only thing.
Well then you'd have to pay attention with the fact that kill rates are only 56% when including all ranks... The 6% can easily be explained by bad matchmaking, suicide on hooks, over altruism, and people throwing for challenges.
Guilty Displeasure would be trapper. I just really don't like running through a mine field and being the idiot who steps in one. Guilty pleasure would be legion and spirit. Legion cuz I find the matches pretty peaceful. Sometimes I want a chill game. Spirit since I like the uncertainty of not knowing when you're safe or…
If you're using a macro to do it, then it should be banable. If it's just increasing DPI and the player is the one in control I think it's fine. It's no different then rebinding keys to make certain actions less annoying or 360ing as a last resort.
I think BBQ is probably one of the most fair and balanced perks in the game. It doesn't reveal you within 40m, which is an area of about 50% of the map or around 5024m^2. There are also a few different ways to play against it.
Technically, a lot of them say she does have counterplay. It's just that she's not fun.
You'd have to buff him first so that he can get unlimited stalk from survivors, which would suck more (for us survivors).