Question about the Tome
I do not play killer. Is it possible to still "complete" the tome... that is get to the final node playing only survivor challenges? I understand that compared to players who play both Killer and Survivor they will complete the Rift quicker, but my question was specifically about the Tome.
Do the charms remain in the tome forever?
I know that the bloodpoints remain even after the current rift. The rift fragments disappear after 70 days but what happens to the charms you get when you complete a tome? Are they permanent?
What Is The Best Build For Myers With Tuft of Hair & Tombstone?
(See Title)
Secret escape
How do survivors escape if the generators haven't been finished or the hatch isn't open?
Do you need to complete Tome challenges to unlock Rift Tiers?
I played yesterday and it seemed to me that I was passively earning Rift xp just by playing normally. So I figured I'd ask for some clarity.
Do I get Brutal Breaker progress when I chainsaw a pallet?
I'm about to go for the Tome 1 challenge "Brutal Breaker" and the challenge is to "Damage a generator or destroy a dropped pallet 5 time(s) using the perk Brutal Strength" in one trial. Does anybody know if breaking pallets with a chainsaw counts towards the challenge? I don't know if using Brutal Strength means having it…
Change PC boot drive from hdd to ssd :Will copying the drive be treated like file tampering?
I'm looking to upgrade my PC by upgrading my boot drive from an hdd to an ssd. I'm worried that if i copy the drive onto a ssd the game will consider it file tampering and get me banned Is there any work around or proper way I should go about this? Or am I worrying for nothing
Does Tome 1 lock after reaching the Epilogue?
Pretty self explanatory, when I reach the Epilogue on Tome 1 will I be restricted from going back and doing the rest of the challenges?
Not starting at tier one?
I downloaded the new update for Dead by Daylight today and opened it up to check out the new Archives but noticed that I was already at tier 7. Now I'm definitely not complaining about it but am just confused as to how I acquired these tiers.
Are you guys getting auric cells from the rift?
I bought rift pass and I'm rank 11 and haven't gotten any cells back from it, did they announce anything about it?
rift help
how do you collect serum?
What are charms?
Are they just cosmetic? Do they earn you more blood points? Do they do nothing? What in fact are charms.
Rage Quitting
Does anyone knows if devs finally did something about rage quitters? Those people are ruining this game.
new insta heals
is it true that insta heals are being nerfed? if so what are the changes?
Anyone have some Advanced Survivor tips?
Note: I play on Xbox One, and 99% of the time I Solo Que. So this season I've been really been pushing to get to Red Ranks, with not much success. At the moment I'm in Purple Ranks, (Rank 6) with roughly around 20 hours. I've been stuck at Rank 6 practically the whole season. So, does any Red Rank survivors, even killers,…
Who Is The Best Killer & Why Is It Pig?
Does Small game works with snares and dream pallets?
I hate freddy
so event is dead for now... so when is the release date of mid patch?
so i took time off for this woot... so around what time i know after halloween? any ideas?
Taking hostage in the game/delaying gameplay
Is it banable to delay the gameplay / take survivors as hostage? I just played a game and the killer didnt want to pick me up or anything as i was the last survivor and it took some time for me to die.. he picked me up right before the entity killed me and hooked me. its kinda boring cause i couldnt leave (would loose all…
Is the perk in Shrine just pop up randomly or with schedule/logic?
I have preferred perk but it would be a problem if I cannot predict how long I have to wait for it....
What does the luck pouch offering even give the survivors luck to do?
I mean it doesnt give you better chances looting chests so what's the point of it?
Borrowerd time against oblivious effect
Why is BT not applied to the unhooked survivor when the person unhooking has the oblivious status effect? Why is the person on the hook punished for me being asleep or just walking over a demo portal?
How long will Halloween Event last?
Since it was delayed, I want to know how much time we have to collect cosmetics?
Moved: Can you guys give me some opinions?
This discussion has been moved.
Is there any way to be put on a different server?
For the love of God please take me off of the European servers. I sick of being paired up with ass hates that can't play the game but somehow make it to purple & red ranks. I'm ######### sick of 10 minute waits and 2 minute matches
What was the Nurse Nerf?
So my friend informed me of a Nurse nerf or something involving the nurse and I don't follow the game too much I did some searches already and found nothing maybe I'm blind or something is wrong with me but is this truly a nerf and when did it hit and has it hit yet?
I have questions about exploits and game hijacking.
So I just got out of a game where a toxic Pig played a haddonfield offering, the pig the downed me like normal, masked me then hooked and ran away. Pretty normal. I got off hook found a jigsaw box tried my luck and didn't get it o i went to the second box and realized that haddonfield ONLY SPAWNS TWO BOXES!!(WHY) so i ran…
What part of the Fog are you from?
I'm a US player and just want to get an idea on what nations my team, or killer, hails from. Please respond if you'd like.
Any news on the release date for the update because of the delay
I’m starting to get annoyed waking up every day, going to school and hoping it comes out
Moved: Is this kind of bug or what?
This discussion has been moved.
Percentages and Gen Times
So we probably have a new Meta of Thana and Dying, which I was doing way before it became popular. But in these days of speed penalties and percentages I wonder what they actually come down to in numbers. My question is what does 1% equate to in seconds? Thana has a max of 16% slower Gen speed but what does that actually…
Recommendation for Demogorgon builds
I just bought Demogorgon, he is a fun killer to play as.I also got 4K twice in a row, but then sometimes,i just got genrushed and teabagged at the end, so any recommendations for good builds with add-ons also. Thank you
Why was one of my discussions deleted?
I really new and I posted a fan made chapter that I really worked hard to make. I noticed a mistake and went to go edit it. Everything was fine until I noticed another mistake. I went to edit it one more time, but when i submit it, I couldn't find it after. No traces, it vanish. Can someone help, did I do something wrong?
Should I report killers who have bad internet? If so, under which report?
I just played a game where I could barely even run away from the killer and it doesn't seem fair at all.
Left for dead achievement
“As the last person alive, activate the last generator and escape through the exit gate.” Has anyone managed to do this since the egc was added? I feel like this is now almost impossible to get.
Why is The Spirit the dc queen NOW?
Here’s a thought dump I have on the whole spirit dc’s situation. Why the hell wasn’t this an issue before? People seem to have mostly no problems with Spirit for the most part when her chapter released. And there didn’t seem to be any issues with her buffs for the most part from what can tell. So this begs the question;…
Why Isn't Bill's Perks Showing Up?
I play on PS4 and I have Bill's perks on Jake before he was released and I have been trying to level them up to 3 but I don't see them in my blood web. Do I have to unlock his perks to level them up? If not they should show up since the new blood web changes right?
How am I supposed to rank up?
Cause I keep ending up against stupid premades and everyone is using that stupid meg speed up perk and spare part, I get a high score in all the categories but it says the entity is displeased cause I couldn’t get a kill
Which Killer?
I am thinking about buyinga DLC but I don't know which? I already have Saw, Demise of the Faithful, and Darkness Among us. Any recommendations? Just feeling really bored with all the killers rn. Like there's just. Something fun missing from a lot of killers.
An odd question but; does anyone else love the sounds the Demogorgon makes?
Like seriously, its sound design is so great and admittedly I could listen to it all day... it's also slight asmr but we don't talk about that
Which killers does spine chill not work on?
or possibly even add ons for killers that it usually would work on.
Just a question about icons on the forums...
I know there's the banned icon, the red icon for trusted members, but what do the bars mean on an icon? For instance, @Rin_is_my_waifu has them, and I'm curious as to what they mean on the forums. If anyone can let me know, that'd be great. If not, well, that's alright.
The Pig: Best build to make Head Pops?
see title Thanks :)
Which map has the most crows?
Im just curious about this :)
tombstone piece not working?
ok, so i'm not main killer but i thought i'd go back and give myers another go, on ps4. i had 3 tombstone pieces, first one forgot i had it and hooked (unless it wasn't working then either and made me forget). second and 3rd pieces r2 button never came up as option. i'm standing very close waking all around survivors and…
Ghostface mission
It says while leaning, Mark 3 survivors to apply the exposed status effect, hit the marked survivors, does it mean I have to hit them seconds after they’re exposed or what?
Does second wind deactivate after being grabbed out of a locker?
I saw a video where someone jumped into a locker stunned the killer with decisive and got a heal from second wind does this still work?
What are your Ghostface builds?
let me know which builds you use and have good success with. I've all perks and add-ons on him. So I have no limitations to try new things. Please include your add-ons too. Thanks :)
Is disconnecting because the killer got you bannable?
Rank 6 ghostface, trying to get the rank 1 acheivement but i keep black pipping because the survivors always disconnect. I'm not camping or tunneling, or playing prayer beads spirit, I'm just outplaying them so they DC. Can survivors get banned for doing this?
Evil Incarnate build?
Last achievement I need for 100% completion. What's the optimal perk build to run to go for this?