Public MMR?
I stopped playing the game about half year ago when they introduced hidden MMR matchmaking because I didn't feel like playing competitive matches but without the competitive rewards (having a badge that shows your MMR like every other competitive game). So I wonder if this has been discussed during these months or what…
How to play Hag against CoH?
If there's one killer that can't commit to chases or it loses the game it's Hag. I allways thought medkits were really strong against Hag, but at least they eventually run out. I feel like it's not even worth leaving the hook and need to make sure somebody is allways hooked all the time and play around it. Has anoyne come…
Flashlights validation
Are flashlights validated? Sometimes i feel that i look away half a second and i still get blinded. You know, now that there's a tendency to validate even killer's breath, maybe it's time to validate flashes, it's good for the health of the game and it wouldn't be a nerf to flashes, it would make them just work "as…
Block players
Now that SBMM is a thing and there's no valid excuse of "we can't put a block function or people would abuse it blocking everyone who they lose against". We need to have a limited list, like max 5 or 10 people we can block from matchmaking. This month I've played against the same cheater 3 times even tho i reported him…
New "creative" Pig build
Since the recent "buff" to Pig this is the first time I've seen Video Tape being useful: Pig basically camps one box at the start of the game, hoping that on average 1 survivor will die and some will disconnect out of boredom. When all the boxes pop or are removed, then she starts playing the game. In case anyone is…
Deadhard + the 3 boon totem perks
I don't know about you but with my swf group we are going to have at least one designed guy to create an ultra safe area of the map to make sure we never lose. Right now it's already laughably easy to bully them with the 2 totems, imagine adding the one that gives infinite unbreakable at double recovery speed in an area,…
Devs are balancing killers around killrates
It seems like they have decided that killrate is a way to balance around killer power. Cenobite is the highest killrate killer right now, and surprise surprise, it's getting nerfed in the PTB. Last patch the lowest killrate killer was Nurse and she was buffed. Pig was nerfed (her best addons) because she had one of the…
Doc's Discipline addons
Do they really reduce the charge time of m2? I have them stacked to 50% and i swear i can't still reach survivors on a normal pallet loop in less than 10 spins around it. Doc has allways been my least favourite killer, I always think that the time I invested denying pallets i would have just gotten the pallet way or…
What's the point of the killswitch...
...if you are not using it on the maps/perks that are abused? You already know that theres plenty of maps that have boon totems uncleanseable. Why is the totem still usable? Why are the maps still on rotation? Is this bug abuse or not? Are killers going through a social experiment where boons have to be there and they can…
Hawkins uncleanseable totems
There's 1 spot that i found where totems are uncleansable. You can see the interact button for a split second and when you press it it disappears mid animation.
Boon totems should only affect 1 survivor or occupy 4 perk slots.
Title. Fight me. Killer has 4 perks, survivors have 16.
New patch = Every player becomes a beta tester
Seriously, I can't remember a single main patch where the game didn't become a clusterfuck of gamebreaking bugs that make you crash the game or make killers/perks/addons useless. You've shown you have no respect for your own players. It's so sad there's no real competition to this game holy #########. First game I play i get 2…
50% winrate vs luck of the draw
Imagine a situation where SBMM works perfectly and everybody gets very close to 50% winrate, and imagine another on where there's no restrictions on matchmaking and it's entirely random (so you would get a 95%+ winrate if you are close to the top and a very low winrate if you are close to the bottom on average). Assuming…
SoloQ has become free for all
I don't know if i'm just being specially unlucky but since they explained that a win in the system is just escaping from exit gate I'm getting abandoned much more often on hook when last gen pops. And I don't really blame them, why would they come rescue? They have almost nothing to gain and everything to lose. Just made…
What's the official reason to hide MMR?
Why hide the MMR? Now there's no excuse that people would abuse it to manipulate it that we already know how MMR works (kills and escapes). Why don't just make a public leaderboard and show mmr numbers after matches?
Thumbs up report option
Does this have any purpose, at least at the moment?
Thanks for listening to our concerns <3
We've been asking for a long time to add another objective for killers! We have so much downtime that we ended up just staring at a wall. I'm glad you are adding another objective I was so bored not knowing what to do as killer with those super long 3 minute matches, finally we get something in wich we can invest our time.
Why nerf Deathslinger and not Pyramidhead?
Both are killers that zone you out in chase and are not easy to counter but pyramid has more map pressure and the cages. Why is a 110 killer that the only thing that he has going on is his chasing power getting butchered? What's the reasoning behind him getting nerfed and not Pyramidhead that would be similar to him but…
Remember PTB Spirit? Well now it will be even worse
"When close to The Spirit’s husk, Survivors will not receive any indication that The Spirit is phase walking. Originally this was intended to be a fun mind game (“Is she using her power, or is she faking it?”), though in practice, it often doesn’t feel that way. This lack of feedback forces you to make a guess and hope it…
Camping killers?
Where are all the facecamping, tunneler killers people keep talking about in this forum? Seriously I feel like I'm playing a totally different game because I can't seem to find them, maybe in 1 every 10 games there's a killer that tries to tunnel someone out. I just see a lot of strong builds but so what, i also use strong…
Lag switchers
This month i've encountered the same lag switcher 3 times. In a month. He hasn't been banned. I feel like i'm wasting my time sending tickets, and sbmm has proven how rampant the cheater problem is in this game, the higher you go in MMR the more cheaters you will encounter. And if the easy anticheat automated system…
The map offering question
We have to adress this issue. The most powerful BP item you can't bring is not some instakill adons, or purple medkits or even keys. The thing that makes the biggest difference in the game are maps, and having the power to pick a strong map, and even bring a strong build around it is ridiculous. If you want to consider…
Whispers on hooks
This has probably been discussed before but I'm curious if you think making whispers not activate on hooked survivors would make the perk "op". I've allways liked this perk because it helps a bit early and end game but I never end up using it because it's basically a dead perk that can confuse you more than help when a…
There's no incentive to play "fair"
Lately I've been playing a lot of meme builds and messing with SBMM and I've noticed that the least opressive your build is the more toxic survivors will react on end game chat and of course at the exit gates. When I play full tryhard nurse or blight I rarely get "toxic" responses and ironically when I play an…
Balancing SWF using SBMM with a simple fix
They just have to increase the average MMR of the group by a percentage in matchmaking and they will be less opressive. For example: 2 man +5%, 3 man +10%, 4 man +15%, 2 2 mans +10%. It would be a decent patch except for i guess the highest level where the MMR is so high that it doesn't matter.
MMR has to be public
Let's be honest, the worst affected by the SBMM will be the veteran players. On killer side they will have to constantly face strong survivors and on survivor side they will allways face nurse, blight, spirit. If we want to make the top players sweat their asses to be able to win from now on at least they should be…
Until MMR (or rank equivalent) is public SBMM will be flawed
People want an incentive to win. Right now there's none because you will allways have roughly the same win ratio. They just have to make an emblem that tells you your MMR range and this will be immediately fixed and I haven't read any good reason for being against it. I've never seen in all the time I've played this game…
Designated BP farming killer in SBMM
Since the new matchmaking system will make you win on average 1/2 of the games, the builds/killer/skill don't matter anymore in the long run because you will have roughly the same results. So i decided to make a designated killer to farm BP, in wich I intentionally handicap myself and after some losses you get to a point…
Brutal Killer is the new Displeased Entity
I don't get enough emblem progress to get to brutal yet they give it for free. It's like they don't want to make you feel bad for losing a game. I know this has no correlation with MMR but i feel they should still announce entity displeased. I just don't like how even the little feedback there is about the match results is…
Stop lying about optimization
Every time you say you work on optimization the game gets worse somehow. Stop talking and fix the game. It's unplayable even on PC.
Haddonfield buff
Killers can no longer lunge while falling :)
Does killer strength matter anymore?
Since the MMR is individual for every killer and on average the system will make you win and lose half the times it seems to me that the variable of killer strength doesn't matter anymore to get better performance, because you would just get put against different skill level survivors. They can literally release a killer…
Cenobite's 2 chain's travel distance addons
Hooks that emerge from the gateway already go very far, are difficult to control and don't really give any value because the survivor is too far from you anyway to gain any distance that you lose while you are channeling. You already introduced 2 addons that increase the maximum casting range of the gateway that are better…
Should Pyramid Head's cages apply on hook perks?
BT, We'll Make it, DS... And on killer side BBQ, pop... Feel free to explain your option.
What has made Blight so popular the last months?
I remember the first months of Blight people were calling him a mediocre killer and not a lot people were playing him even though it was BETTER than now due to undying not being nerfed and being able to Jflick. I'm curious what pushed so many people into playing this killer, what made you change your mind or give him a…
Block steam profiles with VAC bans from matchmaking
This las month the amount of cheaters I've encountered has been impressive. Survivors running slightly faster than 100%, others blatantly flying, instant heals (without the medkit), insta gens... and other subtle cheats like wallhacks wich good luck proving that without a 20 page essay and everything recorded from multiple…
Cheating accusations
I'm curious how often if ever do you get accused of cheating? Specially good huntresses with wallhacks.
Imagine this situation
I am a killer. 2 last survivors alive, one slugged at the other part of the map, hatch very close of him. I found the last survivor crouched on a corner, i go to him and bodyblock him until the slugged survivor bleeds out to secure the last kill 100%. I get 4 man reported in endgame chat by the swf group for "keeping the…
Immersive squads and MMR
I really hope MMR does not reward immersive squads gameplay type and more doing good chases. Last mmr test i saw too many of those, like every 3 games. I actually think the pip system is fine since those squads usually depip at red ranks, they just need to add more ranks.
Has anyone calculated RPD size?
It feels as big as Mother's Dwelling when you add the 2 floors i swear. It's a nightmare to go from one side to the other to defend a gen when survivors spawn on 2 different sides. And on survivor side you better have kindred or be in swf if you get hooked because nobody will come for the save until second stage. I looked…
Stop respecting safe/semi-safe pallets so much
Now that I get to play with decent survivors most of the games I noticed that more and more survivors make a lot more of 50/50 decisions that could extend the chase for too long. Many times i think that if i just took the stun and changed target that loop would have been just removed, instead i just end up with a lot of…
5+ minutes queue as killer since MMR
The game feels more balance and it's cool and everything but... The queues I've been having when playing killer last forever, I almost lose interest for joining the game when i find a lobby. When it gets to 2 minutes it should increase massively the MMR range for finding a lobby.
Playing in low settings shouldn't give you a competitive advantage
I don't think I'm the only one that puts settings on low when he plays against trapper to be able to see his traps. Or that plays the game in ultra but applies a brightness filter because the game gets so damn dark. I'm aware that DBD is not the only game that has that problem but games like Rust have found a solution…
Rotten Fields after rework is one of the best killer maps
Just wanted to say that, I've been getting this map lately and oh boy this map used to be a nightmare before but after the rework it feels one of the most killer sided maps right now specially with killers that benefit from deadspaces. I don't know what do you think, maybe I'm exaggerating.
At least half of survivors are intrinsically toxic
When I play a normal killer I see occasionally a survivor that tbags or click, i guess half of the times just to get your attention, not necessarily to be toxic so I don't really care. But when I play a meme build like t1 Myers in a bad map at least half of survivors know that you are indefensible and will click and tbag…
"Fair play"
Do you guys remember that when you were a kid you allways won against your parents when you were playing a game? It felt so good! I beat my own dad at chess! The reality was obvious, he let me win and that made you me good and confident. I think you understand where I am coming from. Every time I see someone complaining…