everyone still sleeping on LIGHTWEIGHT!!!!! LIGHTWEIGHT BABY!!!!
Once a lock is broken, it's gone for good on that locker. seems pretty fair to me if not better for dredge. If i was a dev i would allow a locker to be locked up to 3 times so be thankful its 1 and done.
nemesis tentacle is more of a guaranteed hit at pallets than PH's power. it comes out faster and you can literally pull it out and use it the moment you see the pallet drop and STILL get the hit. there is no mindgame its 100% a hit. with PH since judgement is delayed you have to mindgame the pallet more and already have…
I can confirm. this happened to me TWICE in two different games. if you try to vault the window, it freezes your character for the rest of the game. you can be picked up, hooked, unhooked, but you cant move, wiggle, or do anything else for the rest of the match.
wow just wow this is such a bait post, i can't belive u posted this
don't worry dude. that's all these people's defense is. they just say "bait" because they dont want to believe that nemesis is actually stronger then they perceive. jsut you wait until people actually get good with him.
He is actually the best version of those 3 killers. Tentancle lash breaks pallets, and still goes over pallets and window vaults, COMES OUT FASTER than judgement and has less lag than judgement. Nemesis is better than pyramid. Contamination can be cleansed once by each survivor (4 vaccines) and then THATS IT. if you get…
people actually think nemesis is weak because they don't know how to play as him. once they get good (git gud) with him, he will be a bigger problem than pyramid head.
they still didn't nerf freddy's lunge so he is still the best m1 killer in the game.
If you can't trigger lucky break manually, it is still garbage. if you accidentally get hit and it activates you have no control over it. what if you get hit in a deadzone? the killer can just track you with sight
you're kidding right? it's a 1 time use perk. lucky break is still trash.
bottles have more potential. with freddy's traps, a survivor has to run into it, with clown's bottle he can throw it ahead of him to slow someone down
Is he weak? Yea I can agree. But he's not the worst in the game. The faster reload buff was so so significant people don't even realize. People who actually know how to use clown can shut down most loops in the game, and his add-ons are good. I rank demo, trickster, trapper, and wraith below him still.
When a killer knows where the hatch is they will slug for the 4k. The only counter to this is keys, so just accept that you can't 4k everytime.
Yes and no. Clowns bottles are better than Freddy's traps, but Freddy also puts you to sleep which counters BT
what hate?
easy on the capslock. you pretty much are forced to run faster uncloak add-ons whereas before you were forced to run windstorm. his map controi got better but his chase is worse. fact. you cannot argue that
I like to run slowdown on plague since I feel she struggles with Gens getting done really quick. Thanatophobia, oppression, surveillance, corrupt intervention For add-ons, severed toe and hematite seal to punish surivors who try to finish infected gens. Plague can also go full offense to try and snowball, for that I like…
Because many killers go afk to farm iri shards. This also deranks them
I mean, if you play cheese, expect to get trash talked, that's all I gotta say.
Nah, giving up a slot on wraith is too much. I'd rather run brutal strength and break stuff quicker so I can rack up points.
You will probably change your tune once you to against red rank teams or players that loop well. Those are the most frustrating things to go against as wraith
i know it's not optimal, but perks like mindbreaker can discourage an injured survivor from dedicating a gen. also some killers have addons that make you exhausted clown, huntress, and legion i believe.
I feel like undying was SUPER strong when first introduced because most survivors didn't cleanse unless they saw ruin. This forced us to learn totem spawn locations and overtime it was easier and easier to find them.
I have an idea but it might be too strong: if a survivor lets go of a gen while in the killers terror radius, that gen is now affected by overcharge. maybe put a small cooldown (20 secs) just so a killer can't camp a gen and just chase survivors on and off of it? idk.
i DO want DS to be reworked so it's not mandatory on almost every build. i would like a base mechanic that makes it harder (but still possible) to tunnel and then make DS do something else.
no way is his reload speed slow. have you tried his reload addons? it makes it really fast. if his reload speed is too fast he can spear->hit-> reload than spear you again before you have a chance to get to a loop or pallet since he already can kind of do that with his addons
i think she will be buffed eventually. i love pig, my favorite killer. demo and clown need it more right now though.
if anything, the reload speed is the biggest buff. the antidote is cool, but a 3 second reload without add-ons will be AMAZING. killers that have to do extra things in between downing and hooking just slows them tremendously. clown pretty much reloads after every down/hook so those seconds really add up.
if you suspect a swf in the lobby, just bring a sacrificial ward for safety
i run self care, key, and left behind. so far 99% survival rate. lol killers think they can stop me with sloppy butcher. i just T bag and laugh ^^
All-seeing blood + coxcombed clapper/bone clapper is one of the best setups for any killer in the game. easily better than any scratched mirror or amandas letter setup, and is only countered by big wide open maps and spine chill
I love killers like you because i run WGLF and your giving me free BP. btw nice bait thread, i know your trying to get a rise out of people but you need to try a little harder. maybe, "i slug, run noed and camp hooks" next time. adios.
DS should mori the kiler and end the game by stabbing them in the eye with a broken piece of glass just like the icon shows. i REALLY want to see these killers qq moar
completely disagree with you about coup de grace.100% lunge was way too overpowered and needed to be nerfed.
anyone who says nurse is overrated are just bad at nurse
zero counterplay? factually wrong. dont play like a scumbag and you won't get DS'd or UB. OR, you can play like a scumbag by camping the downed survivor and just waiting out DS and staying close in case they activate UB. your choice.
the entitlement is unreal
Then you should have no problems with them removing it.
Was just going to post about beast of prey. IMO remove bloodlust from all killers and just add the bloodlust mechanic to beast of prey and the perk is actually useful. Good killers didn't need bloodlust anyway. most killers ended chases quickly, bloodlust is for newer killers and there are lots of perks in the game meant…
Leader helps u cleanse faster but only works on teammates not you
why would i give my argument when your mind is already made up on the topic? disingenuous thread is disingenuous.
i've seen a lot of complaints about perks on here but dead hard? wow...
I would nerf the reload speed. Make it so that if you want old reload speed you need to run the add-ons. it's insane how deathslinger can shoot->hit->reload and still have you in a chase with not much distance gained (since he can just shoot you again and erase any distance you gained)
everytime i see a mori i just d/c on the loading screen. i pretty much go all day without facing it :)
It's definitely a map you want to go into a custom game and learn the layout. similar to hawkins and other vertical maps. autohaven and macmillian is more straight-forward