Almost noone plays Haddie so not much outfits for her
Its funny how some Andy with some tik tok channel want to be felt important so he is making a good bye post. If you dont like it just go, or are you doing some pr crap to get more likes?
Its not about the anticheat though... Any anti-cheat can be bluffed as it works on client side. The issue is how bad game is designed. Why is there 2 hours time limit? It can be shortened easily to 20min... So even if streamer like Otz will be caught by cheater and held hostage it will be only 20minutes not 120. Next is…
Spine chill is now even better then the previous version. I was suprisef it worked against cloacked Wraith :D GG ghostface, pig, myers ;)
Iri is easy to level up. If you can't you jave to learn how the pip system works or just get gud
This game has no real competetive scene so changes will be fun for me as survivor anyway. I already started to play without DH to get use to it haha. Let the changes come !
Why would you care about it anyway? They are happy they survivef thats all. Hust hit them - force them to leave and move on. The hell, people are angry about such things, cant believe
Genrush occurs when killer has a tunnel vision and is not aware of his surroundings. They mostly dont use audio cues in his vicinity at all. I cant count killers who were so blind that we were able to finish gen(s) in front of the killer and he did not even care just to facecamp the guy who he was chasing whole match just…
Well what I mean is that if you pick a killer that you have never ever played before you will be matches with baby survs. Now - lets say you have 3k hours in total. It will be completely no challenge at all as you will outplay them with experience in the game.
I actually would like to have option to play against certain killer. Cant even remember when I was playinh against Pig or Twins. It would be nice to have such option one time per day or something. Getting bored of playing mostly against legions, huntress and nemezis
This does not work yet, yes. I wonder if its any good since you can be for example red rank Blight and if you ever try the very new killer for the first time , thanks to mmr you get baby survivors - you will obliterate them anyway. i dont see a point of that ...
I would be even more encouraged to click on the cocky killer anyway. More risk = more fun in dbd!
It looks like they turned that map to be completely killer sided with few unsafe pallets in the middle, terrible loops, few houses and nothing in the middle. Killer can see from miles away which generator is being repaired and if you force survivors to drop all unsafe pallets this map is mostly a free win. Looks like its…
its simply easy anticheat program which is used by many steam games. Dbd is kibd of a relic game. like year ago it was possible to check which killer is in a lobby vecause file wasn't encrypted. You can see a lot of obvious cheaters from epic side because game was given free. The smart cheaters uses a little bit of cheat…
Every aspect in this game is rng: - skill of other survs - killer skill - type of map you get (surv/killer sided) - mentality Sime will rage quit being dumb and getting insta down. others will focus one surv and lose all gens and call it gen rush. Sone people try to make this game "fair" which will never be. Afk pig is…
There is a lot of campers recently done by epic players/console players. If they play like ######### till last generator expect noed and "patrolling" nearby almost always
Never seen afk pig yet. I wish i could to test my luck...
once player gets handy with nurse she cant be countered. you have to use dead hard to give team a little more time. no walls, pallets or anything can help you to loop her in any meaningful way. this is why i always hang myself asap to get another match
this game has no purpose - everyone can be iri but its only grade, not your skill community is heard only if there is huge issue with something. rest is completely ignores hacking issue is big recently on both sides. its impossible to tell bevause most player use them "wisely" matchmaking is complete disaster. at higher…
its no fking rank anymore. you only get bloodpoints for it , thats all. your true rank is hidden and noone knows where is he at
They are always like that. Removed things = no problems so why bother. It feels very often they lack of people to work at BHVR
Deep Wound is simply to waste survivor time. It takes like 15-20 sec to get mended and it sometimes renders perks like adrenaline useless.
Lol some people are plain delusional. Why, do you think, is he cheating in first place, huh? Facing a cheater is never fun even if he lets you "win" a match
I wonder how you determine whether someone is cheating or not? I have seen so few cheaters within my 2k hours so I wonder. Because you have bad luck does not mean game will die. unfortunately this game is unique and won't die anytime soon. Why do you not quit if you constantly have a bad time in this game? play some single…
Use any perk you want or which help you survive like dead hard, spribg burst or chinespill - these are one of the most used. To win as solo you jave to be proactive. One is hooked and you are busy with a gen while obsession is being chased? go rescue him asap! Also always check surroundings so you can see how many pallets…
These are not ranks but grades!! holy shiet dude
Well next time try to camp those guys , just down himbas soon as he stands up, try to hurt others who tries to help him and they are going to panic. Be creative
well it depends. I like killers with some extra powers that make the game interestibg like Pig, Piramid Head or Doctor. You need to respect their powers to some degree. The most boring are m1 killers like trapper, legion or killers who are very hard to loop like clown or trickster because their power is crap. Cenobite is…
Since there is no official rank but grades I have no idea why do ppl cry about casual game. You have camper/tunneler/afker in the game? die and go for another game. Who gives a phunk about hidden rank which is not visible in any way?
I love this map as a survivor. Its a great one especially agaibst Pig which makes the game pretty hard.
I wouldnt generally look at the grades. Many people do iri grade and then they lower their mmr just to have fun with newbies to destroy them. Since grade is never lost and we dont have actual ranking, why not, right? So the most important is how one is taking this game. Seriously? Casually? Sweaty? or simply trolling?
you can pip up losing matches a survivor thus getting grades. You only need to do gens, totems and with bit of luck from the rest of the team you can actually survive
DS is situational perk at this moment. If you feel that you are being tunneled a lot than Ds has a purpose. If you are like a guys who prefers doing gens and avoid killer but you arent good at looping i would not choose DS anyway as killer mostly blindingly chases the one who used DS to grab his ass again. DS is overally…
how do you know its swf though? Also you have brought iri addon and i see only one flashlight in survivor team. DS is usuless unless you tunnel which means you are awful killer main. Where is your problem? Nightmare has hitboxes as big as truck
I have no idea why killers cannot switch between at all. its like we, survivors, dont see killer anyway so whats the point
Agree. It would be better to have some addons for outfits like wigs or extra item on shoulder but since certain outfits comes with hoodies and those hoodies are one ... I have never give a phunk abou charms lol - so smol
its unfortunate then. its like 25% chance only. mostly when Pig is using video tape its like first or second chest and trap is gone. The mechanic of this killer is abusable and I dont think there is any solution than just recording abusers and sending a ticket to a support. Pig is a cool killer but very abusable with…
yes you cant use certain perks or you will hear a lot about yourself or your family nowadays. I got slugged until i bleedef out because of boil over. wraith had noed and gate was open but he didnt want to give me any chance to try to escape lol
To be honest there is not a lot of them.
If you team dies because of no BT then try not to pick hooked ones in front of killer or running in strait line to help him so that killer sees your intention or dont loop freaking killer nearby hooked one. Im 99% survivor main and most of survivors who cries about tunnelling are such guys as above. If you were a killer,…
never seen it
Well, looping killer is a risk that sometimes ends up like this. Especially when killer saw he wont win so he catches one and takes care he/she will die on a hook. typical DBD
What a stupid statement. Tbagging is mostly used to show off ones superiority above the other one. I do use tbag against killers who face camped or did another stupid thing in dbd. Sometimes I teabag, killer rages and focuses only on me to lose all 5 gens then crying for genrush when all survived. Never heard teabag is…
I havent seen yet this addon in action...
You made a public statement, I had different opinion, I have pointed it out. Its called discussion. If you felt offended it was not what I meant
no its not. If noed occurs survivors either ######### in their pants or know what to do - look for totems. Im 99% soloQer and it is total failure or total success so 50/50 actually, depends on skill of other survs
Dont try to follow , just shoot as if you are watering your plants. Her power is long enough to cover pretty good amount of space next to a survivor thus making it impossible to avoid
The only thing that should happen is to get an "exposed" status right after the last gen is finished. So you know you deal with NOED now. At this point all you can see is a killer running strangely faster and tries using m1 only - these are indicators that he/she uses NOED. Apart from this I consider each match with noed…
Fearmonger is always pissing me off. This is why I stopped using exhaust perks. It does not goes down wheb you run so you have to have tine to walk when you get suprised by doing gen.
We can talk about killers in same way. Its very frustrating to go against killer who olays like trash whole match, looping him like a baby just to die on very first hook when gate is open due to NOED and facecamping noob. If you know you encounter dh each match why dont u use perks giving exhaust debuff???