Disclaimer: this poll is only from a survivors perspective. If you want to vote from a killer perspective please go to this poll link
Adrenaline or NOED?
Which one is more OP?
Which Add-On rework do you want next?
There are 5 killers who do not fit the 4/5/5/4/2 add-on split. Which would you like to see changed first?
Who is the strongest base killer?
Previously I asked who's the weakest base killer. Now I want to know who you think the strongest base killer is? By base I mean no add-on's or perks.
What is your most successful role as survivor?
Implement The Unique Survivor Stance Animations In Game As Shown In Lobby
In game, each Survivor only has 2 different stances, one and the same for every male character and one and the same for every female character, so that the Survivors all serve as skins for the generic 2 Survivor animations. Though it would be even better to have each Survivor having more unique animations, I think it would…
Insta vs Mori
Instaheals have been nerfed, should moris be nerfed?
Do you approve of Tier 1 Myers being able to be detected using "Spine Chill" or "Premonition"?
Old Myers: (Detection Perks mean: Object of Obsession, Premonition, Spine Chill, & More) New Myers Removes the "Immunity to detection perks" and makes it so he's only immune to Aura Reading perks. In my personal belief I feel like he should be unique and be immune to ALL detection Perks.
Should I make a poll?
And if so what should I make it about? I have no idea and I just wanna see how this new function works
Do you agree with this proposed ruin rework?
The problem currently with ruin is that it's either OP depending on it's spawn and survivors rank and skillcheck hitting skill or way too bad. I think this rework should change the perk and community's outlook on the perk. 1 - great skill check window should decrease by about half, and should be placed in the middle of the…
Do you enjoy exclusive cosmetics?
Do you like cosmetics that are only available for a limited time or would you prefer if all cosmetics were available for everyone at all time?
So, I made a poll where I asked if it would be a good idea to have in game ads to earn auric cells, BUT IN A WAY SO YOU CAN DISABLE THEM IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE THEM. From what I saw, it seems that you just went in the poll and didn't read it fully, so the idea seemed bad because some people don't want in game ads, even…
Will you play nurse if base changes go live
This is for all potential nurses and nurse mains will you play or still play her if the new base changes go live
If you are solo survivor, are swfs irritating?
I find in most of my solo queues, at rank one in particular, that swf teams have hidden agendas that usually come to light as you are dying. Like hatch escapes or farming. I find alot of the time in farming situations the killer is even in on it. A total disregard is given to me at times because I am not in their swf group.
This game needs some gems?
Do you want gems to be in dbd. They're so pwetty and quite possibly collectable. Gems are fitted around the map and reward between 1 and 50 Bloodpoints at set amounts depending on what colour gem you pick up. Gems only appear for the individual player once they do something good like escaping a chase, hiding, partial gen…
Should there be changes to Iridescent Heads?
I've seen alot of comments and post on Iridescent Heads for Huntress. I'm a killer main and I still see it as something imbalanced, but I've had alot of survivors DC on me and seen others with the same problem just because of Iri Heads. I have a proposal to change Iri Heads, but want everyone's take on the matter.
Do you want old campfire lighting back?
Just saw a poll on Exclusives (skins and shid). Everyone said no to exclusives. So I will put more detail because theyre are different kinds of exclusives and I only like one kind... So choose which one you like or prefer or want in the game.
Perk review #1- RUIN
Perk review Steps: -Select an answer below -Explain why you chose your answer -Justify/ defend your answer -Consider the situation mentioned below and answer accordingly.( may be included with justifying your answer) Situation: Perk is either too weak( blows up in 10 seconds/ Survivors can negate ruin by gen tapping or…
Should the killer be able to choose the HEX totem location?
Should the killer be able to choose the HEX totem location? Like a map shows up on the screen with red circles, under the map there are the HEX perks ex. Ruin you hold ruin and put it on a circle, and it spawns there. Or the killer going through the map in game and calls the entity to light a totem of your choise.
Do not touch the Spirit 2.0
Edited answers cause of perceibed bias in options. Feel free to vote again!
What satisfies you the most?
Scale 1 to 5 how annoying is solo queuing to you? 1 Being Highest 5 Being lowest
How frustrated do you get while playing survivor solo mode? Scale 1-5
Do you 'Main'?
I really think a lot of the issues in this game come from people not understanding how the other side can feel during a match, so I'm curious. Do you main? I'm counting maining as 80% of your time in game to avoid the oddity of "I got a Pig quest so I'll do one game only"
Are you ok with 4 perks?
Or would you prefer a different playstyle with less/more perks available in your loadout? Of course applying for both survivors and killers.
How do you play Survivor?
If you are one of the stealthy ones, i hope you are still doing your best to help your team by doing gens when the killer is on someone else for example. There are some good stealthy players without a doubt, but my experience with most of them have been awful if i'm being honest <.<
Killer tactics
Survivors complain about "abusive" killer methods towards a 4k. As a survivor, which one is the most annoying to deal with?
Do you want dedicated servers?
Will they ever work or should we just give up on it?
SuperNatural-Sam and Dean Winchester as survivors?
If you think about it, Dean is strong on going down with a fight, making him a bit harder to kill. Sam, focusing on other people on dire situations, able to assist a survivor who is either in the dying state or being held by the killer.
What killer perk would you like to see rework or tweak
What should the power dynamic be between killers and survivors?
A lot of people complain about various balancing stuff so i was just wondering what your thoughts on the dynamic between killers and survivors should be? In a match where the 4 survivors and killer are equal in skill do you think the killer should always win, the survivors should always win or some kind of tie where some…
If Lightborn was reworked...
Lightborn is a good perk againist flashlight saves and flashlight pallet breaks. It doesn't counter them majority of the time but it is a good perk to have to be ready for that kind of thing. But, as I said before, it doesn't counter them a majority of the time. Sometimes it feels like the blind resistance is sort of…
New instas
What would happen if I were to pop medkit with both new instaheals and then got hit?
Do you guys think Nurse is the Blackbeard of DBD
If you are familiar with Rainbow Six Siege, you would know the legend of Blackbeard AKA Nerfbeard. Pretty much Blackbeard was known to be the best and most broken operator in the game but he got nerfed and went from the best operator to the worst. Do you guys think nurse will have the same fate as Blackbeard?
If Insidious was reworked...
Now the main problem about Insidious is it's a camping perk. Which most people are going to get into the hook camping debate but that's not what this is about. Insidious is a perk that promotes camping in one spot. Which is pretty useless for a majority of situations. Some people may like current Insidious but majority of…
Do you have fun in DbD
Does freddy have the longest base lunge speed/range?
I know the answer it's very easy (look at my answer) im just curious what the community thinks.
will you get the premium pass?
if the battlepass stays exactly as it is in the PTB, will you get the pass? just real simple straight forward yes or no. im surprised no one has made this poll yet.
Power Cosmetics?
Would you guys support power cosmetics? List of things that could be affected: Billy and Bubba's chainsaws, Wraith's bell, Clown bottle and the gas it creates, Huntress hatchets, Nurse's fairy lights, Trapper's traps, Pig's, traps, Doctor's lightning Plague vomit Krueger Pools (or maybe just the clocks since he has that…
Should Behaviour make a Clown cosmetic that references Ghost Clown from Scooby Doo??
If Slippery Meat was reworked...
Slippery Meat isn't in the best place right now. Why? Because this perk is only good in two situations and even in those situations, this perk doesn't help much. This perk does give you 3 extra escape attempts but Deliverance is a much better option. Plus you only have a 4% chance of it working. Majority of the time, the…
Spirit mains, why did you pick her?
For the mains, why did you pick her over the other killers? And even if you dont main spirit what about her do you find more appealing compared to other killers? Which 1 factor plays the biggest part on why you play her. Ive been playing Spirit since early on not for her powers or how well she does, but because i like how…
Your favorite Halloween event skin?
What is it that you hate the most about mori's?
If No Mither was reworked...
No mither is a perk that technically is a meme perk. It puts you at a disadvantage right from the start. The purpose of the perk is to be able to revive yourself a unlimited amount of times. Or use injury perks right from the beginning. The first part of this doesn't work because the killer knows your running No Mither so…
What kind of buff to his base kit does Trapper need the most?
I know many of you probably want to select multiple options, but let's say Trapper could only have one of those buffs for the time being. Which one would you prefer?
Would you like to see splinters reworked and avalible at all times for a high bp/shard cost?
Similar to the ticket system in dbd mobile even? Unlock a killer or survivor temporarily to work on. this way everybody has access to every perk in the game and can effectively "Rent" things to play if they either don't have the immediate funds or don't intend on purchasing a specific charecter. this would also mean also…
Shrine of Secrets is...
EDIT: So i made a lil mistake when making this pol. I can't remove an option after making the thread, so i'll state it here... Do NOT vote for "it should present as many Survivor Teachables as Killer Teachables." It's consistently been giving us 2 Survivor & 2 Killer ones ever since May of 2018, so that's totally fine. If…
Would you want new emotes?
Personally I'm sick of "Point, Beckon, and Tbag" being our only options so I wanted to see what you guys thought on the matter. Please explain why you feel the way you do after voting, it helps a lot to know why people feel the way they do
What do you think of the Rift's cosmetics?
With the Rift coming soon I want to see how you all feel about the Rift's cosmetics/rewards.