Should cleansing bones have skill checks?
When we are cleaning bones (totems) should they now do it so it's a skill check totem?
Which survivor do you think is the least likely to be toxic?
As of Halloween 2019. The survivor that you voted for has the least % of players being toxic based on your observations of them. Don't count your own playstyle into this.
Buff Perk (Saboteur)
Sabotage is fun and all, but this perk on its own doesn't do much, might be better just to take ######### box. What buff would like or accept? 1. Increase base sabotage speed to 50/60/70%. 2. Increase how long hooks stay sabotaged by 20/40/60 seconds. 3. Increase sabotage speed with toolbox by 10/20/30%
Which survivor perk idea would you choose?
I've come up with a couple of perk ideas that could be pretty good additions to DBD. But I'm curious what you guys/gals think. Now if you want to add to one of these ideas or have an idea of your own, you can leave your ideas down below.
What do you guys think about monstrous shrine?
So I've seen many different opinions on this perk, the two most common being [people thinking its complete trash] and the other [it being a highly underrated perk] so I wanted to know if more people think its good or bad.
Should survivors get signals (emotes?) on hook.
One that means: Killer is camping, so do gens. Seconds one: Help, nobody is coming.
Which rank do you have the most FUN in?
Rather than discussing "best" rank, which one do you simply enjoy playing at? As of late, I've been getting into higher ranks on console and fought nothing but Hillbillies for 95% of my games, and other killers who don't exactly use skill to get kills. I've also had higher ranking survivors who just randomly stun you,…
Who wants the IT chapter?
As I understand, it is likely that IT will get it's own chapter in dbd. I want to ask you who is interested / excited for it and who isn't. Personally, I'm not a big fan of licenced chapters, and much less a fan of IT. We already got a clown, too. I really don't see the appeal, find it rather boring and secretly hope we'll…
Which one is High rank?
Can we get a consensus on this? I see high rank/low rank being used interchangably on the forums. Normally when something is described as high ranking, they mean the better ranks. But on the DBD forums, people often look at the number 1 being a low number, and call it low rank.
I Challenge You to...
That's right. I'm challenging you to do one of the following challenges below. Choose your challenge down below. I know we just got some challenges from the Archives but I want to issue a true challenge. If you want to issue you own challenge, then make some in the comments. Good luck.
Petition to keep the spinning killer in Lobbys!
So many details I haven't seen up close. The panda nurse headpiece, I had no idea how it actually looked because it's kinda fades in the customisation screen.
Should the Dev's remove the perk kindred and make it something that everyone already has?
this would help people like me who almost always run solo and get to struggle because no one is coming to save me until someone else gets injured half the time.
Passive character perks
What do you all think of this, Claudette has 2% faster healing per natural perk (the 3 starting for that survivor and if no natural perk used then it's a 0% boost) 1% gen repair per natural perk or Dwight that's 3% gen speed Dwight can get but some perks will outclass that extra gen speed, Myers evil build is 0.5% quicker…
Should the Dev's Take a Chapter to Fix the Game and not Release a new Chapter or any new content?
now that we have the rift i think we can afford to wait a chapter IMO. they could also take the time to do a bunch of map reworks that are badly needed
Which killer perk do you use often to slow gen progress?
What does waving your arms on the hook mean?
Survivor taunting at a locker...
...what will you do as a Killer?
Bonus BP for not running perks.
A simple 25% Bonus BP for each perk you dont run. Eg: If you only run 2 perks, you get a 50% bonus. If you dont run any perks, you get a 100% bonus. This would have two benefits: -Help new players who dont have all the perk slots unlocked farm a bit faster -Give good players a reward for handicapping themselves.
Are killers weak? or Are players good? or is surviving getting easier?
Everyone is not good at this game and please no trolling others that may disagree with your reasoning.
Buff Legion in their current state or not?
In my opinion their base kit could have some quality of life improvements, and their add-ons need to be completely buffed because they suck right now.
I Unhook You With Babysitter. What's More Understandable?
I'm going to point somewhere to give you some information, based on my Aura-reading of the Killer. Should I point in the direction the Killer is in, or the direction you should run? This is so I know what information the general player wants, so I don't give people the wrong information when using this perk.
How Should the Archives Work?
What do people currently want changed in the game
Before you vote let me explain that this isn't a discussion about why should certain things be changed its just to see what people want changed. Btw if i miss something you think is important tell me and ill add it
Do you want more BP Perks?
I think we should get more BP Perks with a variety of effects and conditions, and have them be their own archetype of perks (like Exhaustion perks). They can stack, but not above 100% (So you can get half the stacks on one BP perk and half on another and still get 100%, but you can't get 400% by running 4 BP perks). This…
What would you like Devs to add to the game? Not talking about new killers or survivors
In the first one I mean NEW moris per killer
Among these killers, who is the one you have the most fun playing as/against?
Not the strongest, just the one you have the most fun playing as and against.
Would you like a in-game chat?
I loved Friday The 13th The Game's in-game chat but what about for Dead By Daylight? It would be a pretty big buff for solo queues, but is it necessary?
Unlock all tome levels at once? (mods pls don't move this into the poll section)
I personally think the devs shouldn't lock the other tomes and unlock them when they want to. Some people play a lot a few weeks and then do a break. Locking out the tome levels kinda "force" players to be constantly checking and playing DbD. What do you think? (also mods pls keep this in general discussion, the poll…
How often do you, as a killer, bring the BBQ perk in the match?
And why?
Ghostface or The Legion
Just an idea...
I've been seeing a lot of posts about how grindy the Rift is and how peoplr with a normal schedule would have no chance of doing it. Im not sure if tha last part is true but I have an idea of maybe making dailies give Rift Fragments to help. Around the range of 25-50 depending on difficulty. What do you think?
We all know that this game is getting buggier and buggier with every patch. So as we got polls I want the community to vote - would you like for the devs to skip 1/2 killers and take 3/6 months to overall improve game health OR continue as it is now
The werewolf Power: "Predator instinct" which lets him run at 175 - 200% speed, no collition, being able to midfast turn but in 4 legs and without being able to hit, he can vault windows and pallets whyle using this ability, NO COOLDOWN after "leaving" or deactivating the power but it takes more time to load up once you've…
Just an idea...
I see many posts talking about the Rift grind and how it is almost impossible to complete with a normal schedule. So I had an idea to help allievate some of the grind, maybe dailies could give Rift Fragments. Maybe 50? Not sure but is this a good idea?
Polls Should Be Allowed in General Discussion
I don't understand why polls are not allowed in general discussion. They would help make a lot of things a lot more concise, and easier to follow. As it is, the polls board doesn't get as much viewership, so we have people doing the old: A B C option, and expecting people to comment. Some polls would be really interesting…
Which killer idea sounds the coolest?
I'm always literally obsessed with thinking about what the next killer could be and brainstorming ideas since survivors are just skins and everything else is boring, so yeah answer this poll most of these options would be too difficult to make, too strong, and/or have integral flaws but we can dream Edit: just to be clear…
Whatcha Think Of Hex: Devour Hope? 🕯️
Be careful what you say about it! 😡😜
Let's Talk About Keys: Too Strong or Balanced?
Recently, there has been some talk about whether keys are too powerful or if they are fine where they stand right now. I'm very interested on other peoples thoughts since I kinda see how both sides view keys. When I play survivor, I often run Plunderer's Instinct. For people who don't know what this perk does, it basically…
Supernatural Paragraph?
Hey everyone, i want to know if you guys would be interested in a supernatural paragraph. They wouldn't work as a chapter because the show is very similar to ash vs evil dead, with the fact that there is no big bad killer. However since we got a chapter with 2 survivors, I believe a paragraph with 2 survivors is very…
Would you buy alternative Mori Animations if the developers added such a thing to the game?
Say the developers add alternative mori animations for each of the killers. Would you be interested? Would it make Mori'ing more interesting for killer players/ survivor players? And wouldn't it be better customization than charms and such? They would only require a small team of animators and some creativity... They…
Can you make it so survivor and killer can equip more perks
I know that this will require some reworking the game, but so far, this game has a large number of aspects to survivors and killers that are just way too unfair. Survivors can memorize entire maps from totems to window and pallet locations, to gens. This alone for 4 survivors to be able to do is way too much and they can…
Abuse of the rift system ruining qol and enjoyment of game
Ever since this rift launched, killers and survivors are literally just quing to do squat. People are intentionally throwing matches left right and center, standing there attacking the wall, chasing around crows etc. I want to feel that the one time I got to the hatch was not because the killer was just standing there and…
Which licenced map would you like best?
Has anyone completed the Tome 1 yet?
It's not been even 24 hours since Archives released, but I am a bit obsessive so finished tome challenges. So I wonder how's community doing with challenges.
Jack the Ripper or jeepers creepers?
I feel like either of these to should be added to the game, I don’t play a lot of killer so when I do I’d like to have a little more diversity. #Hagmain
Poll for Survivor Mains to address the Myers panic
If you've visited the General Discussions page, you may notice that people are FLIPPING OUT over Myers tier 1 being detectable by Spine Chill. Some are even going so far as to say Spine Chill is now a meta survivor perk. I'm curious. . . what is your view of the perk? Please feel free to elaborate on why you do or don't…
Should Surge count towards the "break generators" challenges in the Archives?
Title. Do you want this to be a thing?
Should the Shrine of Secrets be increased from 4 perks per week to 6?
With so many teachable perks in the game, with more to come, do you think the total number of Shrine perks should be increased to decrease the wait for a perk you are waiting on?
Which side do you prefer?
Killer or Survivor, wanna know what everyones playing atm Not asking who you main, just who you prefer to play in this current state
Perk that allows you to see your scratchmarks and walk 20% faster if uninjured. Feels nice but kinda underwhelming. If you could decide, what would you do with it?